May 8th 2020

Dear American Friends,

Thank you very much for your warm response to our first virtual concert, and to those who have supported our Oxford Philharmonic Carries On Emergency Fund campaign, a very special thank you.  We greatly appreciate your generosity.

If you did not have a chance to participate, it is never too late to give.  We have a long road ahead and every dollar makes a difference.
The virtual online concert of Maestro Valery Gergiev and Maxim Vengerov with the 
Oxford Philharmonic Orchestra will be available  until midnight on Monday, May 11th.
For those who have not had the time as yet, we hope you will tune in and enjoy the exceptional music-making of the Orchestra with these two extraordinary artists in the Orchestra's magnificent home, Sir Christopher Wren's 17th Sheldonian Theatre in the city of Oxford.

Double Bill: OPO, Maxim Vengerov & Valery Gergiev perform Tchaikovsky and Mendelssohn

Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 35
Maxim Vengerov - violin
Marios Papadopoulos - conductor

Symphony No. 3 in A minor, Op. 56, 'Scottish'
Valery Gergiev - conductor

We remain confident and hopeful that our close-knit family of some of the finest musicians in Europe will weather the pandemic storm and be able to reconvene as soon as it is safe. This time of crisis brings us ever closer with our families and friends to whom music is an essential part of life, and to share virtual music-making like never before.

At this time we hope you will support the Orchestra with a donation of your choice.  We greatly value your support   CLICK HERE TO DONATE

Thank you for your many messages of support and we look forward to being together again soon for wonderful evenings of brilliant music-making and transatlantic friendship. In the meantime, please join in maintaining the Orchestra's resilience and make a donation to the  Oxford Philharmonic Orchestra Emergency Fund  campaign .

With my deepest gratitude and warmest best wishes,

April Riddle Gow
Executive Director
American Friends of the Oxford Philharmonic
+1 (917) 232 8883      +44 7340 589 988