Vin Capture is now more important than ever. Prior to the Connect 360 launch, deployment was able to contactless ship based on vehicle type (light/medium/heavy).
With Connect 360, we have to have the Year/Make/ Model at minimum to ship. The preferred route/ smartest route is VIN capture. One of these two things must exist for us to ship.
More than 90% of our sales are supported by the vendor. The vendor has limitations in what they can and cannot see in SF. If we add VINS and/or YMM post sale, it must be done under a very specific field after the CSP has been created or the vendor cannot see it. If captured prior to contract signature, they are able to see the information BAU.
Our priority has to be in capturing the VINS at the point of sale whenever possible. When that is not possible and we need to add it in after signature, we must be precise in how the process is completed.