January 2021, 116th edition
The Monthly Jewel
Nothing gives rest but the sincere search for truth."  ~Blaise Pascal
Brief Announcements
Acupuncturist News

Bruce Sun our much loved acupuncturist will be out of the country for a family emergency through March. We wish him healing and peace at this time and look forward to his return.

Please join us in welcoming Suzy Stoffel L.Ac. to The Ommani Center.  Suzi will be offering acupuncture services to our patients. 
Suzy has 13 years of experience as a Licensed acupuncturist and has helped thousands of patients find healing and relief from mild to severe symptoms as well as acute and chronic illnesses. Suzy's approach focuses on healing illness at the root level with gentleness and compassion.  She is a much sought after in Southeastern Wisconsin and we are so excited to have her join us! 
We are very excited to welcome Kristen Wick RN to The Ommani Center to provide Health and Wellness coaching
In addition to her certification as a  Health and Wellness coach, Kristen is also a certified yoga and guided meditation instructor. 

Dr. Kumar and Kristen will be hosting a free 30 min Zoom session on Wednesday, January 13 at 7 pm CST to talk about the stresses many are feeling during the COVID19 Pandemic.  What emotional and lifestyle challenges have you faced and how has the relationship with yourself been challenged? 

Now more than ever, staying healthy is a significant priority.
Dr. Kumar and the practitioners of The Ommani Center are committed to assisting you become the healthiest version of yourself.  

Please join Kristen Wick RN and Dr. Rose Kumar  for an inspiring free conversation on January 13, at 7 pm. Please preregister using this link:

Introducing Joy Lenz, RD CD
Ommani's New Dietician

We are happy to introduce plant based dietician Joy Lenz who is excited to share her knowledge and help you  make the transition to a plant based diet.

"I'm super excited to be here and help people transform their health by changing what's on their fork.  There are so many health benefits to eating more plants." -Joy  

Our Front Desk staff is happy to make an appointment with these practitioners. To make an appointment please call 262.695.5311

Decoding the COVID19 Vaccine 
Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D.

The COVID19 vaccine is making its way to the public. How does it work? Is it safe? What does it contain? Read on as Dr. Kumar explains the mechanism of the COVID19 vaccine and addresses questions you may have. Read more here and/or watch the webinar here

click the title for the recipe

Dandelion greens are the ultimate health food.  They are rich in vitamins A, B, C, Em  K and folic acid.  They are also rich in calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium. In Chinese medicine, they are used to treat stomach and liver issues, act as a coolant, a cleanser and a detoxifier. 

Did you miss the last webinar? NO PROBLEM

Dr. Kumar's webinar about the COVID19 Vaccine was well attended and received. Click the link below to add this webinar to your rosekumarmd.com library and watch at your leisure. 

originally aired January 8th, 2021
Many of us have questions about the efficacy and safety of the COVID19 vaccine.  
In this webinar, Dr. Kumar presented a basic overview of how the immune system is impacted by COVID-19 and explained how the vaccine affects the virus. This will help you make an informed decision about vaccination for you and your family.

Look for information soon about next month's webinar: 
How Hormone Imbalance in Midlife Effects Your Health: What You Need to Know

Eric Ehrke, LCSW, LMFT
Who are you listening to - the sage, loving you or the "harebrained delusional" you? Can you recognize what is wise and true? Learning to use the Wise and Loving Inner Voice Meditation will help you physically, mentally and spiritually. Learning how to access a steady stream of positive intention  - it will be life changing. Read more here
A Different Experience of the Holidays
Dave Johnson, CCH
The holidays have different meaning for all of us. Perhaps your memories and associations don't fit the 'merry' mold. Homeopathy can help you process these feelings. Read more here

  Boosting Your Resilience
 Emily Klik, LMT, CST
Resiliency is important to our health. The ability to recover quickly from illness, injury or trauma can be key to a highly functioning body. Patients who receive CranioSacral therapy weekly, monthly, or seasonally tend to have higher resilience and faster recovery from injury and illness. Read more about how this works here

Share the Ommani Vision
Do you have family and friends you would love to share the Ommani mission with or perhaps there is someone who is new to the idea of integrative health? Forward our newsletter to them and encourage them to sign up to receive it monthly. Thank you in advance for your referral! 

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