"If you don't know the kind of person I am and I don't know the kind of person you are a pattern that others made may prevail in the world and following the wrong god home we may miss our star." ~William Stafford
Eros as Medicine: A Solution for Our Collective Healing
Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D.
Power rules our country and where power predominates, love is lacking. Power evokes fear, not love. Fear is ever present in medicine: we're afraid to see the doctor, afraid of symptoms, afraid of treatment, afraid of prognosis, afraid of reoccurrence. We are victimized by this fear and delegate our power to experts, invasive procedures, and/or prescription medications. Physicians were once considered teachers and healers, carrying out a sacred mission. A mission of Eros or love that has been banished. Read more and learn how to root in Eros and embody our power to heal ourselves and society. Read more here...
DETOX Orientation Meetings with Maryanne Riege
Single Class
Multiple Offerings - ONE LEFT
at the Ommani Center
Free sessions to discuss a whole food, plant based diet and how to detox successfully.
Participation if free but RSVP NECESSARY 48 hours prior to event. One hour in length
November 15th, 5:30pm (REGISTER TODAY)
December 6th, 10:30am
Victim Consciousness & The Victim/Perpetrator
Paradigm (Part 2)
Victims and perpetrators have a reciprocal relationship that can be compared to pitchers and catchers. While the perpetrator is the pitcher, the catcher throws the ball back to the pitcher...and the game continues. Read on and learn how to untangle the dysfunctional pattern. Read more here...
In August, Tammy Winkelman, RN, LMT expanded her massage techniques to include CranioSacral therapy. Beginning November, 2018 through March, 2019 she is offering CranioSacral therapy, including mouth-work*, at the discounted price of $40 per 60min session. We've received positive feedback from patients who took advantage of the CranioSacral therapy and expect that will continue. CranioSacral therapy was developed in the 1970s. It is a gentle, manual therapy, performed fully-clothed, that seeks to locate and remove restrictions throughout the complete body system. *Mouth-work is an extended therapy protocol. It pertains to working with the structures and functions of the mouth, throat, and the many small structures/muscles of the head and neck. There is a first-hand relationship between the mouth, head, neck, shoulders, and pelvis that, when addressed, is beneficial for all types of body system issues. Please refer to Tammy's article in our
August newsletter
for more detailed information about CranioSacral therapy.
Nutrition and Osteoporosis
Maryanne Riege, CHHC
Throughout our lives our bodies constantly repair and rebuild tissue, bones being one of them. Osteoporosis is a condition of decreasing bone mass which can affect both women and men as they age. Read on to understand how lifestyle and dietary choices can have a dramatic influence on the risk and repair of osteoporosis. Read more here...
Your Immune System - Taking A Moment to Marvel
Genevie L. Kocourek, M.D.
Dr. Kocourek recently dealt with an upper respiratory infection, only to be reminded of the wonderment of the functioning of our immune system. Read on and be astonished yourself. Read more here...
Boris Matthews, Ph.D., L.C.S.W.
Have you become a weary hero? A civilization in transition could be compared to an inflation of ego-consciousness that is inseparable from the development of modernity - however, "intense experience worked through transforms". Read more here...
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Do you have family and friends you would love to share the Ommani mission with or perhaps there is someone who is new to the idea of integrative health? Forward our newsletter to them and encourage them to sign up to receive it monthly. Thank you in advance for your referral!