July 2017, Issue 73
The Monthly Jewel
Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know   ~Pema Chodron
A Reason to Rethink Public Opinion: Using Scientific Evidence to Reclaim Our Health

Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D.
Over the years, public opinion has embraced a multitude of different dietary approaches that have promised to fix our health and weight. None have stood the test of scientific scrutiny or testing. Why should we individuate from the "norm" to find our own path? Read more...

a beautiful, fermented dish

and the power of

Acupuncture Care Treats Headaches and Migraines

Aimee Brown, LAc; MSOM

Read the studies Aimee shares about the efficacy of acupuncture for headaches or migraines. Results are described as large and clinically relevant, consistently proving benefit from acupuncture care.
Emotions: Our "Gut" Reactions

Boris Matthews, PhD

Be careful, your emotional "gut" reaction could simply be  revealing a sore spot that causes you to react with behaviors that are out of the past. It's important to separate past from present when working with your emotions. Putting work into understanding what stands behind and where your emotional responses are coming from will benefit all aspects of your life. Read More...
Aromatherapy Massage

Leslie Jaeschke, LMT

 The roots of aromatherapy can be traced back more than 3,500 years.  Leslie not only shares the benefits of aromatherapy with massage, but cites some interesting facts and scientific research that confirms the benefit of combining essential oils with massage therapy. 

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