The Church of the Ascension

in the City of New York

12 West 11th Street, New York, NY 10011

212-254-8620 | |

“As he went ashore, Jesus saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd, and he began to teach them many things.” – Mark 6:34


Dear people of Ascension,


This story of Jesus, stirred deep in his heart- his guts- by the struggle of the crowd, moves me. Just before this, he has learned about the grisly murder of John the Baptist and gone away across the lake with the disciples to rest, pray, grieve and reflect. Instead of the respite he seeks, he is greeted by a crowd teeming with need, questions and lack of direction. I could imagine that he might have wanted to tell them “not now”- but instead he responds with compassionate words and acts of healing.


It is, of course, completely appropriate-vital, even- to rest, set boundaries and take the time we need to replenish ourselves. And sometimes the suffering of our neighbors stirs us in ways we don’t expect and calls us beyond ourselves. One thing that touches me about this story is that Jesus’ compassion is drawn out in the context of violence and uncertainty. John’s fate has underlined how risky his own ministry is. There are no safeguards or guarantees. There is just Jesus’ heart moved by “sheep without a shepherd” and the action that follows.


When have you been moved to compassion? The word literally means “feeling with”- and scripture locates it in the deep center of ourselves. It’s not pity, but a heart broken open, recognizing a commonality in suffering and care. Were you surprised? Did you find a courage and capacity you didn’t know you had?


When have you experienced compassion from another? It can be a scarily vulnerable experience- but one that opens our hearts to healing, liberation and deep connection. It may deepen our compassion for ourselves and others.


These are frightening times, beloved- violent and uncertain. May we respond to one another with hearts moved with compassion- and so discover the boundless compassion of God.



Services at Church of the Ascension

Regular Service Schedule


10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist w/ Music

(Church & Livestream)

6:00 p.m. Meditation & Sacrament (Church)


6:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist (Church)

Evening Prayer Every Weekday Evening

via Zoom

Join us each weeknight at 5:30

for Evening Prayer & discussion.

Click this link to join:

To call in (voice, no camera), dial 929-205-6099; the meeting ID is 880 1981 1224.

How to Watch Online
Prayers! Did you know you can submit your prayer requests online? Go to and type in your prayer request. Be sure to add them. Requests submitted by noon on Thursday will be included in the Sunday bulletin. (Any requests after that will be included in the following Sunday bulletin.)
A Prayer for Spiritual Communion

If you are attending any of our services online, we invite you to use this prayer at communion.

In union, O Lord, with your faithful people at every altar of your Church, where the Holy Eucharist is now being celebrated, I desire to offer to you praise and thanksgiving. I remember your death, Lord Christ; I proclaim your resurrection; I await your coming in glory. Since I cannot receive you today in the Sacrament of your Body and Blood, I beseech you to come spiritually into my heart. Cleanse and strengthen me with your grace, Lord Jesus, and let me never be separated from you. May I live in you, and you in me, in this life and in the life to come. Amen.


Ascension Summer Schedule

Our summer service schedule is in full swing, with a single Sunday morning service at 10 a.m. Our evening service continues at 6 p.m. We return to our regular schedule of two morning services on Sunday, September 8. See you in church!

20’s & 30’s Group –This Thursday, July 25: If you are in the 20’s & 30’s age bracket, please join us for our monthly dinner in the Parish Hall. (Please enter through the parish hall at 12 W. 11th St.) Please let us know if you are coming (, if you can, so that we know how much food to prepare. You are welcome to bring friends as well.

Parish Summer BBQ: Please join us each month for our Parish BBQ's. We provide items to grill, both meat and vegetarian; please bring your favorite picnic sides and desserts to share! Our next Parish BBQ’s will be Wednesday nights July 31 and August 28, starting right after the Eucharist. We will grill in the back garden but eat in the front.

Vacations: Fr. Ed is on vacation until July 31.

Your Pantry Needs You!

Ascension Outreach Inc. needs additional volunteer participation. The program is robust and developing in some great ways- and we need more hands-on help. Won’t you consider helping strengthen our service to our neighbors?

Friday opportunity: 3 to 4 pm the day before pantry, we set up the parish hall for pantry service.

Saturday opportunity: 8 to 9:30 am on the first and third Saturday of each month (except July which is 2nd and 4th Saturday because of the holiday).

Upcoming pantry dates:

July 27 – 8:30am to 9:30am

August 3 & 17 – 8:30am to 9:30am

If you have questions or wish to join us, please contact Fr. Ed: – or – 732-910-7017 (c)

St. Luke's Episcopal School Is Growing - When you think about what St. Luke's Episcopal School in Martel Haiti has done in the past few years, in partnership with the New York Haiti Project, it is remarkable. This coming fall the school will to grow to over 230 students. We need your help to finish the four classroom buildings. Classes start September 2nd and our goal is to raise $5,000.00 before August 15th. To donate, please go to Click here to read more about St. Luke’s Episcopal School and find additional ways to give

Tips from the Safety Taskforce - As you know, we are in hurricane season and the prediction is for more violent storms. NY state recommends that we be prepared in the event of a blackout or the need to evacuate. Things to consider are: 

  • Having a supply of nonperishable food, a can opener and bottled water.
  • If you live in a building higher than 6 stories, fill your bathtub at the beginning of the storm to use to wash or flush the toilet in the event that the power goes off.
  • Keep your cell phone charged or purchase a backup battery charger.
  • Batteries for flashlights or a portable radio.
  • Notify your power company before the storm if you have a medical device that needs electricity. They will make you a priority to receive a portable power pack and will notify your local police precinct to make a wellness check during the storm.
  • Extra cash as ATMs do not work if the power goes off.
  • If you are in a designated flood zone, know where your local shelter is. Many shelters do not allow pets so make arrangements for your pet to stay with friends or family in a nonflood zone. Also think about how you would walk a pet if you live in a highrise building and the elevator is not running.
  • FEMA recommends that you pack a “go bag” in the event you need to evacuate. This bag should include some clothing, flashlight,extra cash, toiletries and driver’s license or ID card and insurance cards (put in a waterproof sealed bag).
  • A good website to review is the NYC Office of Emergency Management which lists where the shelters are, how to receive communications regarding evacuation and what to do if you have a disability and need help during a storm.

Support Church of the Ascension

Open Church Schedule

Open Church - Mondays through Fridays, Noon to 3pm. If you would like to volunteer for this ministry, please contact Gretchen Dumler or contact the church office ( or 212-254-8620.

Use this QR code to quickly pledge or give to the Tower fund.

Remember, if you pay by check, put “Tower Brownstone” in the memo line. If you pay through Abundant, select “Manton matching grant” from the drop-down menu.

Easy Way to Give & Support Church of the Ascension! Your generous gift is a meaningful way to support the mission and ministries of Church of the Ascension. Your contributions play a crucial role in maintaining the church's facilities, supporting religious education, organizing charitable initiatives, and supporting our sense of community. Use this QR code to make a one-time or recurring gift to the church... It's quick and easy. Your generosity and kindness are deeply appreciated!

Please note that to pay your pledge, please continue using Abundant (

This Week at Ascension

Sunday – July 21

Holy Eucharist w/ Music (Church & Live Stream) 10:00 a.m.

In person and online (

Join us for Coffee Hour following the Service

Ascension Forum (Parish Hall) Following the Service

Meditation & Sacrament (Church) 6:00 p.m.

Monday – July 22

Church open for prayer & meditation; Noon to 3:00 p.m.

Evening Prayer (Zoom) 5:30 p.m.

Tuesday – July 23

Church open for prayer & meditation; Noon to 3:00 p.m.

Evening Prayer (Zoom) 5:30 p.m.

Wednesday – July 24

Church open for prayer & meditation; Noon to 3:00 p.m.

Evening Prayer (Zoom) 5:30 p.m.

Holy Eucharist (Church) 6:00 p.m.

Thursday – July 25

Church open for prayer & meditation; Noon to 3:00 p.m.

Evening Prayer (Zoom) 5:30 p.m.

20’s & 30’s Group (Parish Hall) 6:30 p.m.

Friday – July 26

Church open for prayer & meditation; Noon to 3:00 p.m.

Food Pantry Set Up (Parish Hall (3:00 p.m.)

Evening Prayer (Zoom) 5:30 p.m.

Saturday – July 27

The Food Pantry normally operates on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month. For July, the pantry will operate the 2nd and 4th Saturday. For assistance or to volunteer, please contact Fr. Ed (fatherchinery

Sunday – July 28

Holy Eucharist w/ Music (Church & Live Stream) 10:00 a.m.

In person and online (

Join us for Coffee Hour following the Service

Ascension Forum (Parish Hall) Following the Service

Meditation & Sacrament (Church) 6:00 p.m.

If you need information to connect to one of our Zoom events please call the church office at 212-254-8620 or email us at
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