
We've added additional seats to our ever-popular REOs & FORECLOSURES: BUYING PROPERTIES BEFORE THEY HIT THE MARKET - PART 2 session THIS THURSDAY [ that's in THREE DAYS! ]! If you've been looking for a way to increase your real estate business this year and into 2018, then this session is for you . Can you say with confidence that your current strategy is strong enough to deliver the growth you need into the upcoming new year?

I will also be presenting as an invited key speaker at this informative event. Learn how attorneys like myself, can help you move your real estate investing business forward. See how you can help your sellers avoid foreclosure and get them the free legal help they need. I'll also discuss how you can attract more Short Sale leads , how we can help more people by working together, and how to expand your network.

Are you and your realty business ready to grow and take the next step?

Also included in this session will be an AIRBNB info session. Learn about the new AIRBNB laws as well insightful hosting tips presented by Bryant Gomez and Peter LoPresti .

1:00pm - 3:00pm

Are YOU ready for the next step?

Looking forward to seeing you THIS Thursday!

- Theresa 

Theresa Panzica
Law Office of Theresa L. Panzica, LLC
Contact my office today and let us assist you with all your Buyer, Seller, and Short Sales needs!


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