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Take You Career to the NEXT LEVEL

The Leadership in Life Institute (LILI) is a six month leadership development course offering:

  • The best in leadership and personal-development thinking
  • Tools to improve your practice: 70% of LILI graduates report a measurable increase in the growth of their business since graduating
  • Increased understanding of self and improved interpersonal relationships
  • Expanded professional network
  • Continued opportunities for growth through LILI alumni programs
  • Leadership opportunities in NAIFA

New Additions to the 2013 LILI Curriculum include:

  • The One Page Business Plan�
  • The Kolb Learning Style Inventory
  • Tools to increase Emotional Intelligence (EQ) - now recognized as the #1 predictor of success in business and leadership
  • Credibility by James Kouzes and Barry Posner - all new and revised edition with sharpened focus on how leaders earn and sustain credibility

Admission Requirements:

  • Active NAIFA membership
  • Desire to make a positive difference in your life, your association and your industry
  • Pay student tuition ($650, includes all materials)
  • Attend all six one-day sessions
  • Fulfill required assignments (self-study between session)
  • Be open to self-exploration and personal change
  • Commit to two years of service as an association leader
  • Be ready to mentor and leave a legacy
NAIFA Washington is puting together the 2013 LILI class.  Call/Email to learn more.

Sharon Sparling
Vice Chair, National LILI Subcommittee
(360) 708-3210 or

Are you interested in taking your career to the next level?

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