Epworth Foster Care Program
Foster Parent Appreciation Month
Rock Hill District Churches
13 Baskets are needed;; deadline Monday, May 15
Deliver to Epworth’s Temporary Upstate Office at St. John’s UMC, 321 S. Oakland Ave., Rock Hill, SC 29730
You're invited to assemble foster parent appreciation baskets for our Rock Hill families. (Suggested value: $50 - $75) Baskets should follow one of the themes below but do not have to contain the exact items listed.
Cozy Baskets, Activity Baskets, Family Dinner Baskets
· Home themed: Soft blanket, Amazon gift card to rent movies, candy, and popcorn and popcorn bowl
· Outing themed: Gift card for restaurant, gasoline gift card, and crayons and coloring books for the kids to take along
· Home themed: Games and/or puzzles, craft supplies with instructions, wipeable table cloth
· Home themed: Restaurant or cash gift card with take-out menus, fun-to-make family dessert with a nice dish
· Outing themed: Putt-putt passes, trampoline park passes, or bowling passes, gasoline gift card Outing themed: Movie tickets, tote bag filled with single-sized snacks, gasoline gift card.
Please call before coming, 803-540-5800
Church Coordinator: Please email Kathy James at kjames@epworthsc.org with the number of baskets your church will provide.