The News of Zion

Love God

Love People

~Luke 10:27

February 3, 2023

“You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything, but is thrown out and trampled underfoot. 14“You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. Matthew 5:13-14


           Isn’t it interesting how the gospel writers regularly link these two themes together?  Salt and Light... But it’s Jesus who speaks these words in the first teachings from the Gospel of Matthew here at the “Sermon on the Mount” which interestingly begins with the Beatitudes. I like to imagine that it was a peaceful early in the morning, there by the Sea of Galilee, as the sun rises and reflects off the water, as Jesus speaks about both salt and light.   It is here where Jesus surprises those there with how one not only can become a blessing to others, but then Jesus says, “You are the salt of the earth… You are the light of the world.”   In other words, we become both salt and light to the world. You see, each of these elements draw out the good around them, and they don’t exist solely by themselves.  Salt not only draws out the flavors of food it touches, but is also used to preserves food, as well as it’s uses in healing. And the sun’s rays (light) both warms and illuminates the beauty of God creation, and also illuminates our paths and making them more visible for those who are searching, or those who may be overwhelmed by the darkness. Join us Sunday as we discover what it means to be both salt and light to the world in Jesus’ name.

Pastor John

The Administrative Board is asked to meet this

Sunday, February 5 at 4:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

The Chancel Choir will not practice this Sunday. Thank you!!

Our Grief Support Group is meeting on the first and third Mondays of each month in the Fellowship Hall at 11:00 am. Our next meetings will be Monday, February 6 and February 20. All are welcome!

Steven Duell is selling Lancaster area multi use discount cards for $10 each for Scouts. Please see Steven to purchase your cards!

Youth Sunday School is meeting on Sundays at 10:00 am in the Youth Room, downstairs of the Sanctuary!! Kristina Ray is leading our youth and would love to see your youth join us each Sunday!!

The Shiloh Zion Volunteer Fire Department Annual Chicken BBQ and Bake Sale

Saturday, February 4

Plates are $10 each 

Pick up at Shiloh ARP Church,

11:00 AM UNTIL 2:00 PM. Must purchase ticket.


Shiloh Zion Ladies Auxiliary Bake Sale and Raffle

Raffle tickets are $2 per ticket. 

Raffle item: Charcoal Yeti M20 Soft Backpack


The Ladies Auxiliary appreciates donations of baked goods to help with their bake sale. 

Let’s Share Our Love

Our Kids of Zion are collecting donations for special needs children in our local schools. Bags will be packed in the Thompson Family Life Center during Sunday School on February 4 and delivered to the schools. You are invited to join us in packing the bags. Individual packages of cookies, cakes, pudding, crackers, and applesauce are all needed and appreciated. Please place your contributions in the Toddler class in the Life Center. 

Our United Women in Faith will meet on Tuesday, February 14 at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. 

Our Adult Sunday School classes continue to meet each Sunday at 10:00 am. If you are unsure which class would better suit you, please contact the church office, 285-3864. Our Youth and Children’s Sunday School classes will be meeting at 10:00 am as well, youth in the basement of the sanctuary and our children in the family life center.

Staff Pastor Relations Committee training will be held on Saturday, February 18 at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. All committee members are encouraged to attend.

The United Methodist Men’s Ministry of Hopewell UMC extends an invitation to all who are helping bring the love of Christ to our communities. On Saturday, February 18, we will host the 22nd annual Christian Men’s Fellowship. We will be serving dinner from 5-6 pm This is a free event. A love offering will be received for a local charity! Our guest speaker will be Dale “Bumpy” Walters. Worship will begin at 6:15 pm.  

All men of all ages are invited to our United Methodist Men's Breakfast on Sunday, February 19 at 7:45 am in the Men's Rec. Bldg. Join us for breakfast, a devotional and business meeting.


 to benefit Bethel Homeless Shelters

Sunday, February 19th beginning at 4 p.m.

India Hook UMC, 3300 Mt. Gallant Rd. Rock Hill

All Rock Hill District United Methodist Churches are invited. Please register by February 5 at: Bring a pot of your congregation's best chili, learn about Bethel

Shelters, and enjoy fellowship with others from around the district. Each congregation is also asked to bring salads and/or desserts to share. District Superintendent Anthony Hodge will be one of our judges, along with Bethel personnel and a local politician. Direct questions to Kendall Farnum (  

Join us for our Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday, February 22 at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary.

As pastors we all know the importance of Sabbath. For some, our Sabbath is Monday while others prefer Friday or other days of the week (except Sunday =) ). We’re always on call, of course. But it’s important for us to observe a regular Sabbath. Genesis 2:1-3 says “And on the seventh day God finished all the work he had done, and God rested on the seventh day from all the work he had done (period).” Amen?? God rested on the seventh day! Are you resting on your chosen seventh day? 


Some of us have a real “go, go” personality as we strive to immediately address every call and issue that comes to our attention. Without Sabbath, we tend to run down. Perhaps as you read this letter, you are feeling a bit tired and weary. If so, prayers for rest and relief go out to you. Jesus said, “Come to me all you who are weary and carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Resting in Jesus includes physical and emotional rest too!


Our District Superintendent is pastor to us pastors, and sometimes as we address certain congregational and denominational issues, he is pastor to our congregations as well. Like us, Anthony has a heavy workload during the week and is also preaching, meeting, and worshiping on Sundays. It stands to reason, Anthony should be able to have a regular Sabbath just as we do.


Recently, Anthony developed a serious health issue due in part to his very busy schedule and desire to quickly address church matters as they come up. His serving orientation leads him to perhaps be too accessible and available. He is also subject to the common pastoral fear of being labeled unresponsive. He has often had to skip or shorten his Sabbath, which includes spending time with Sheila in order to address the felt needs of his parish. 


It goes without saying that Anthony needs to be able to observe a regular Sabbath. He desires for Friday to be his Sabbath day.


Each one of us needs to help our congregations understand the value of Sabbath. We all have a need to balance work with personal care. Anthony is no exception and we and our churches are his parish. This letter is originating from a recent meeting of the District Committee on Superintendence. It is intended to provide clarity and establish a Friday Sabbath for Anthony. We hope it also reminds you of your need to value your Sabbath rest. 


Unless there is a Saturday event Anthony is compelled to attend, it stands to reason he should have this weekend day for rest and recovery as well. That being the case, he would still want to be contacted in the case of extreme circumstances, but otherwise, we need to allow him the rest, recovery and family time he needs. As the DCOS has communicated this with you, please share this message, especially to members of your congregations who may feel there should be no rest for pastors or district superintendents. We appreciate your understanding and please make sure you are getting the Sabbath rest you need!


God’s Peace and Rest to you, 

Irvin Plowden, Jr., Chair, DCOS    

Special Gifts to Zion Church

In Honor of:

Barbara Hall by Carolyn Massey

Blake and Savannah Payne by MawMaw Judy

In Memory of:

Billy White and Harris Plyler by Judy Hammond


Special Gifts to Building Fund

In Honor of:

Marcene Plyler and Family by Ken and Lib Preslar

Barbara Hall on her 80th birthday by Steve and Susie McDonald

In Memory of:

Harris Plyler by Frances Robinson and Ken and Lib Preslar

Harris Plyler and Jack Pope by Doreen Catoe


Special Gifts to Children’s Ministry

In Honor of:

Barbara Hall by Pat Threatt

Barbara Hall on her birthday by Sonny and Marion Curtis


Special Gifts to Needy Fund

In Honor of:

Barbara Hall on her birthday by Steve, Susan, Steven, and Savannah Duell 

 Our deepest love and sympathy are extended to the family of Billy White in his death.

Morning Walking Club: 
Our weekday morning walking group has resumed meeting in the life center Monday through Friday at 8:00 AM. Church members are welcome to come out and enjoy getting in some exercise out of the elements and in a secure location!

Please remember these in prayer:

Becky Alsup

Hope Anderson

Angela Bailey

Derwin Beaty

Mary Beaty

Francis Bell

Phillip Bell

Carol Boyles

Beth Bramlett

Barbara Catoe

Mike Catoe

Sue Catoe

Donald Chances

Diane Chances

Amelia Clontz

Butch Cole

Leslie Collins

Sandra Cope

Dawn Creech

Wendy Culler

Susan Duell

Laura Everall

Diane Faulkner

Linda Jo Ferguson

Ashley Fort

Karon Vick Furr

Max Funderburk

Myra Funderburk

Mike Gay

Mary Gibson

Janice Griffin

Ryan Griffin

Catherine Hammond

David Hayes

JoAnn Hinson

Ed Horne

Melinda Hunter

Shirley Hunter

Danny Johnson

Thurmond Johnson

Rick Joyner

Nancy Kimbrell

Brandi Knight

Mary Knight

Nancy Landrum

Fran Lathan

Judy Maree

Clyde McAteer

Ivy McAteer

Luther McAteer

Sandra McClain

Bonnie Mitchell

Jennifer Montgomery

Shelia Hinson Mullis

Tony Neely

Richard Ormand

Elfreida Plyler

Ann Powers

Wayne Richardson

Bonnie Sears

Helen Shehane

Eva Small

Greg Smith

JoAnne Smith

Lyla Allen Smith

Billy Sowell

Mickey Starnes

Alice Steele

Becky M. Steele

Tabitha Steele

Tim Steen

Robbie Stepp

Kayla Strait

Matthew Sweatt

Graham Thomas

Lauren Thomas

Richard Thompson

Mike Vick

Pat Vick

Myrtle Walker

Donna Walters

Michael Walters

Sam Wilson

Kim Yost

Even as we offer in-person worship, our services will still be made available online on our Facebook page. Log in to our Zion United Methodist Church Facebook page on Sundays for our service if you are unable to make it to church!! The service will also be available on our website at



Upper Room Devotionals are

available in the church vestibule

There are also copies available in the informational box outside the double doors at the drop off for those who have not returned to in person worship.

February 5: Debbie Hodge

February 6: Garrett Sweatt

February 7: Ken Preslar, Lex Ford, Steve Duell

February 8: Jody Pardue, Mr. and Mrs. Drew Burn

February 9: Zach Hall, Mason Parr, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Thomas

February 10: Ryan Griffin

February 11: Lane Knight

The Record Speaks....

Present 1/29 for Sunday School: 45

Present 1/29 for Worship: 86

Needed each week for General Fund: $4,182

Received for 1/29 for General Fund: $2,365

Received for Building Fund: $125

Received for Needy Fund: $20

Received for Children's Fund: $95

There are many options available to give to the continuing ministry and outreach of Zion UMC. You may give through Paypal on the website, text your giving to 803-525-1834 and follow the secure link, or if you are not comfortable giving online, you may drop your offering in the mail to Zion UMC at 1665 Zion Road, Lancaster, SC 29720 or drop off in the secure drop box that is located beside the double doors where the buses are. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Missy at 803-804-2434 or leave a message at the church office, 803-285-3864 and your call will be returned. Thank you for your continued support of the Mission that is Zion!!

"...because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to."

Deuteronomy 15:10

Zion United Methodist Church

803-285-3864 -

Pastor John D. Howle - 1-864-770-5584

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