Tolowa Dee-nii ceremony in the Dance House at Nii-lii-chv-dvn. Photo by Tolowa Nee-dash Society. |
Alliance For California Traditional Arts Awards $208,000 To Support The Living Cultural Heritage of the State
The Alliance for California Traditional Arts (ACTA) is pleased to announce that it is awarding $208,000 in grants to California nonprofit organizations to support projects in folk and traditional arts through its Living Cultures Grants Program, now in its 12th year. The annual funding program is available to nonprofit organizations and Native California tribes to support art making that demonstrates significant impact on a particular tradition.
grants across the state represent community-based traditional arts reflecting the diversity of California's populations. Funded projects span all age groups in the learning and practice of traditional arts that include dance, music, material arts, foodways, indigenous knowledge, language revitalization, and storytelling. Through weekly lessons, intensive workshops, concert presentations, cultural fairs, and documentation projects, this year's cohort includes such projects as creating Tongan bark cloth in Orange County, Iu-Mien embroidery in Sacramento, Mexican mariachi instruction for youth in San Bernardino, African-Brazilian performance in Berkeley, Serbian dance in San Diego, and workshops with African dance and music masters in Oakland.
Master Artist Aboubakar Kouyate performing with Apprentice Nikeiltha Campbell. Photo by Nede Campbell. |
Statewide Apprenticeship Program Supports California's
Cultural Traditions Through 18 Artist Teams
Since 1999, the Alliance for California Traditional Arts' (ACTA's) Apprenticeship Program has supported California's cultural traditions with 314 contracts to outstanding folk and traditional artists and practitioners. Now entering its seventeenth cycle, ACTA's Apprenticeship Program encourages the continuity of the state's living cultural heritage by contracting exemplary master artists to offer intensive training and mentorship to qualified apprentices. Contracts of $3,000 are made with California-based master artists to cover master artist's fees, supplies and travel. Participants work closely with ACTA staff to develop and document the apprenticeships, culminating in opportunities to publicly share results of their work.
The 2017 Apprenticeship Program cohort of 36 artists (18 pairs) reflects California's breadth of cultural diversity and intergenerational learning, ranging from master artists in their 70s to a 13-year old apprentice, spanning from Tuolumne to San Diego Counties. Thriving traditions supported through these apprenticeships reflect indigenous California cultural practices that include Quechan and Kumeyaay song cycles and Mewuk Basketry; and traditions that have taken root in California hailing from cultural communities from, Africa, Puerto Rico, India, Syria, Iran, China, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, Croatia and Hungary.
Coming up in SoCal!
LA MESA / Come to the Table
ACTA's Traditional Arts Roundtable Series Continues in Los Angeles
Please join ACTA in an evening dedicated to sharing and affirming our artistic practices rooted in cultural communities. You are invited to join the ACTA board, staff, and other tradition & tradition-based artists, organizations, cultural activists and organizers to meet one another, share food, and to discuss what is important for the future of your work.
We reached our $8,000 goal! We couldn't have done it without you. Fifty-seven of you gave from the heart and raised the funds to support two of the eighteen master/apprentice pairs that have been selected for ACTA's 2017 Apprenticeship Program. Our 2017 Apprenticeship artists hail from twelve different counties and represent an incredible range of traditional art forms and disciplines, ethnicities and cultural groups, ranging from Cambodian classical dance, to Middle Eastern derbekki hand drumming.
Thank you for bringing this essential support to California's traditional artists at a critical time in our nation's history and politics-when fear threatens to overshadow the voices of many
Lighting Artists in Dance grant
program engages and supports the development of emerging, mid-career and established Bay Area lighting designers working in partnership with a choreographer or dance company towards the presentation of a public performance.
DEADLINE: February 24, 2017
Humanities for All Quick Grants (between $1,000 and $5,000) will be awarded three times a year for smaller-scale public humanities activities and projects sponsored by California-based nonprofit organizations and public agencies that will take place within a one-year period (May 1, 2017-April 30, 2018). No match is required.
DEADLINE: March 1, 2017
California Cultural Districts
The California Cultural Districts program aims to assist Californians in leveraging the state's considerable assets in the areas of culture, creativity, and diversity, as initially set out in the enabling legislation, AB 189. A cultural district is generally understood as a well-defined geographic area with a high concentration of cultural resources and activities. Now accepting applications for the first pilot cohort!
DEADLINE: March 31, 2017
Hewlett 50 Arts Commissions This $8 million initiative will enable Bay Area nonprofits to work with outstanding artists from around the world to create 50 new works of performing art of exceptional quality and enduring value and premiere them in local communities. To apply nonprofit organizations must submit a brief letter of inquiry describing the proposed project by
April 14, 2017.
The Alliance for California Traditional Arts is the California Arts Council's official partner in serving the state's folk & traditional arts field.