Welcome to The New Messenger, your weekly archdiocesan newsletter featuring messages from Archbishop Gustavo, news briefs, event previews, and updated information. Look for this newsletter in your inbox every Friday.


Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, MSpS

We might consider the two-fold wise advice Pope Francis offers for our Lenten journey. In his 2023 Lenten address the pontiff encourages two paths: “The first path has to do with the command that God the Father addresses to the disciples on Mount Tabor as they contemplate Jesus transfigured. The voice from the cloud says: ‘Listen to Him’ (Mt 17:5). The first proposal, then, is very clear: we need to listen to Jesus. Lent is a time of grace to the extent that we listen to Him as He speaks to us. And how does He speak to us? First, in the word of God, which the Church offers us in the liturgy. May that word not fall on deaf ears; if we cannot always attend Mass, let us study its daily biblical readings, even with the help of the internet.” The Holy Father then goes on to speak of the second path of our journey: “In addition to the Scriptures, the Lord speaks to us through our brothers and sisters, especially in the faces and the stories of those who are in need. Let me say something else, which is quite important for the synodal process: listening to Christ often takes place in listening to our brothers and sisters in the Church. Such mutual listening in some phases is the primary goal, but it remains always indispensable in the method and style of a synodal Church.” (Holy Father’s message for Lent 2023 on the theme “Lenten Penance and the Synodal Journey” February 17)

2023 Archdiocese of San Antonio Directories to be available for pick-up at Pastoral Ministry Center beginning on Wednesday

Copies of the 2023 Archdiocese of San Antonio Directories will be available beginning this Wednesday for pick-up in the Communications Department at the archdiocesan Pastoral Center at 2718 West Woodlawn Avenue. The books were delivered from the printer earlier this spring break week and are being prepared for distribution to parishes, schools, organizations, and individuals who have pre-ordered or now plan to purchase. We ask that those picking up the books contact us before coming to the office by communicating with Janet Mefrige at (210) 734-2620 ext. 1254 or Veronica Markland at ext. 1111. New directories can be ordered at the Today’s Catholic website: 2022-2023 Archdiocese of San Antonio Directory - Today's Catholic Newspaper (satodayscatholic.org)

Be part of the San Antonio Delegation to historic 10th National Eucharistic Congress in 2024

Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, MSpS, invites you to witness what God has in store for his Church in the United States through the National Eucharistic Congress in July 2024. The archdiocese is forming a delegation to represent our local Church in this historic event at the Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis. About 80,000 Catholic are expected to gather. This experience will remind us as people of God, that the Eucharist truly is the living God, Jesus, with us, “always, until the end of the age,” (Mt 28:20). Contact your parish office or pastor if you want to be considered to become a participant for the four-day Congress (July 17-21, 2024). The archdiocese has secured a limited number of tickets at the discounted rate of $200 (regular $375). Ticket does not include lodging, transportation, and meals. Pre-registration has just opened on a “first come, first serve” basis. For more information visit https://archsa.org/national-eucharistic-congress/ or contact Juan Carlos Rodriguez by e-mail at JuanCarlos.Rodriguez@archsa.org or call (210) 734-1692.

Criminal Justice Ministry

Service and Spirituality: A Day of Reflection

Join the Criminal Justice Ministry for this free Day of Reflection including Mass, lunch, testimonies from ex-offenders, and presentations from Father Krikor G. Chahin, Auxiliary Bishop Gary W. Janak, and Sister Teresa Carter, CSB. Spiritual reflection often stirs the emotions and enkindles deep desires. In reflection, we can imagine ourselves in a setting from the Gospels or in a scene proposed by Ignatius. In reflection, we pray with Scripture. 

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Register by April 14

Archdiocesan Speaker Policy Released 

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The archdiocese has released an updated policy related to priests, deacons, religious, and lay people presenting, speaking or celebrating a sacrament on behalf of the Church. Those individuals coming into the archdiocese to teach and/or present on matters that bear on faith and morals must comply with the archdiocese’s policy. To be considered as a speaker or presenter in the archdiocese, one must be in good standing with the Roman Catholic Church, and in harmony and fidelity with the teaching and discipline of the Church. To learn more about the requirements, visit our website.

Download the Policy (PDF)

Worship on the River: Tuesday, March 21 

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The archdiocesan Young Adult Ministry invite you to join other young adults for adoration, confession, and fellowship at St. Joseph’s Church Downtown (directions) from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.

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Watch the Livestream

Advocate for Religious Liberty on March 28 at the

State Capital 

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The Church feeds the hungry, accompanies the lonely, comforts the sick and dying, helps the addicted, gives aid to widows and orphans, shelters refugees, softens earthly justice with divine mercy, and in-stills the morality necessary for human flourishing. Yet today, religious liberty is threatened everywhere. Such liberty is not only about our ability to worship by going to Mass on Sunday or praying the rosary at home. Rather, it is about whether Christians can make our contribution to the common good of all Americans. Join us on Advocacy Day to secure this essential freedom during the Texas 88th Legislative Session.

Click Here to Sign Up Today

Photo of the Week

Archdiocesan Pastoral Ministry Center employees celebrated the 20th anniversary of episcopal ordination of Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, MSpS; the 47th anniversary of priestly ordination and sixth anniversary of episcopal ordination of Auxiliary Bishop Michael Boulette; and the birthday of Auxiliary Bishop Gary Janak at an afternoon reception. At the gathering the archbishop was gifted with a new red alb and mitre for confirmation liturgies.

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To find more archdiocesan events and activities visit our website, www.archsa.org.

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