Welcome to The New Messenger, your weekly archdiocesan newsletter featuring messages from Archbishop Gustavo, news briefs, event previews, and updated information. Look for this newsletter in your inbox every Friday.


Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, MSpS

Pope Francis reminded city officials of two model cities presented in the Bible, Babel and the new Jerusalem. Babel is the incomplete city, “destined to remain in the memory of humanity as a symbol of confusion and loss, presumption and division, that incapacity for understanding that makes any joint endeavor impossible.” On the contrary, “The new Jerusalem has the perfume of heaven and recounts a renewed world. Not that this is to be taken for granted: living there remains a gift; one enters there to the extent that one contributes to generating relations of fraternity and communion.” The pope told the officials that building the new Jerusalem “requires from you not a pretentious upward momentum, but humble, daily grassroots commitment. It is not about raising the tower even higher, but broadening the square, making space, giving to each person the possibility of the fulfillment of the self and the family, and of opening-up to communion with others. To embrace and serve this city, a good and great heart is needed, in which the passion for the common good is conserved. This outlook leads to the growth in the person of the dignity of being citizens...”

A personal message from Archbishop Gustavo

My father, Gustavo García Suarez, is very ill. Many of you have met my father and he remembers all of you with much affection. I am traveling to be with my father and my family.

Today I celebrate my 39th presbyteral ordination, and I will be celebrating Mass at my father’s bedside.

During my absence, Auxiliary Bishop Michael Boulette and Auxiliary Bishop Gary Janak will cover the confirmations, Masses, events, and meetings for which I was scheduled.

My dad, like St. Joseph, worked as a carpenter for many, many years. He worked with his hands to create beautiful pieces of furniture. He kept track of the pieces that he sold. My dad was able to trace his first piece of furniture -- which was a vinyl record player console -- and using the wood from that console, he made a chalice and paten set for my first Mass, held on Corpus Christi Sunday June 24, 1984. With his own hands he made this set for me. The plate which their piece of wedding cake was served was used to construct the paten; the chalice holds the cup which they used during their wedding toast. This chalice and paten are a treasure for me, they represent the love of God in my life since the day my family was created, the day of my parents’ wedding in 1955. I will use my chalice and paten while I celebrate Mass with my family today. As I celebrate the Mass, I will hold each one of you and the people of San Antonio in prayer. I humbly ask that you please keep my family in your prayers as well.

Mensaje personal del Arzobispo Gustavo

Mi padre, Gustavo García Suárez, está muy enfermo. Muchos de ustedes han conocido a mi padre y él los recuerda a todos con mucho cariño. En este momento estoy viajando para estar con él y mi familia.

Hoy celebro el aniversario número 39 de mi ordenación presbiteral y estaré celebrando la misa junto a la cama de mi padre.

Durante mi ausencia, el Obispo Auxiliar Michael Boulette y el Obispo Auxiliar Gary Janak cubrirán las confirmaciones, misas, eventos y reuniones para las que estaba programada mi presencia.

Mi papá, como San José, trabajó como carpintero durante muchos, muchos años. Trabajó con sus manos para crear muebles hermosos. Llevaba un registro de las piezas que vendía. Así pudo rastrear su primer mueble, que era una consola de tocadiscos de vinilo. Utilizando la madera de esa obra, hizo un conjunto de cáliz y patena para mi primera misa, celebrada el domingo de Corpus Christi, el 24 de junio de 1984. Con sus propias manos me fabricó este conjunto. El plato en el que se sirvió su trozo de pastel de bodas se utilizó para construir la patena; el cáliz sostiene la copa que usaron durante el brindis de su boda. Este cáliz y patena son un tesoro para mí. Representan el amor de Dios en mi vida desde el día en que fue creada mi familia, el día de la boda de mis padres en 1955. Usaré mi cáliz y patena al celebrar la misa con mi familia hoy. Mientras celebro la misa, los mantendré presentes en la oración a cada uno de ustedes y al pueblo de San Antonio. Les pido humildemente que también tengan a mi familia presente en sus oraciones.

Free Annulment Seekers Workshop| Tuesday, June 27

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Are you divorced and looking for peace of conscience regarding a prior marriage? Are you seeking to marry in the Catholic Church, but you or your partner have a prior marriage? If any of these apply to you, you may be interested in petitioning the Tribunal for a declaration of marriage nullity.

Join us for an informational workshop where you will have your questions answered and begin the process. Feel free to bring your significant other or supportive family member or friend with you. Clergy or lay ministers who accompany annulment seekers are welcome. No reservations required.

For more information or for answers about annulments, visit our website or contact (210) 734-1661 or Tribunal@archsa.org.

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Photo of the Week

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) gathered June 14-16 for their Spring Plenary Assembly in Orlando, Florida. Throughout the gathering, the bishops spent time in prayer and fraternal dialogue with one another. Among the attendees were Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, MSpS; Auxiliary Bishop Michael Boulette; and Auxiliary Bishop Gary Janak. The agenda included updates to the bishops on the Eucharistic Renewal and on the ongoing preparations for the National Eucharistic Congress in 2024; the participation of the U.S. bishops in World Youth Day with Pope Francis in Lisbon this August; an update on the Synod on Synodality; and an update on lay ecclesial ministry and the establishment of a task force to address new ways to develop and support what is done at the diocesan and parish levels; among other issues.


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