Welcome to The New Messenger, your weekly archdiocesan newsletter featuring messages from Archbishop Gustavo, news briefs, event previews, and updated information. Look for this newsletter in your inbox every Friday.


Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, MSpS

I weep with Christ and the families of the 39 brothers and sisters who died in the tragic fire at the immigration detention center in Ciudad Juárez early in the morning of March 28. Most of the victims were from Venezuela, and the death toll will surely increase. It is horrible. The plight of the migrants is a real, dramatic story. These little ones — the least — are used by those who are “powerful” in this world. I spoke with the bishop of Ciudad Juarez and he informed me that he would be presiding at a memorial Mass for the migrants. I invite all in the archdiocese to join in spiritual communion with the liturgy at that time. The bishops of Texas, currently gathered in Austin for meetings at the Capitol, will also send a letter of condolence to the local Church in northern Mexico. I again call on the federal governments of the United States and Mexico — as the bishops of both countries have done for decades — to enact common sense immigration reform which reflects the highest ideals of our country as well as a desire to recognize and protect the dignity of each person and their humanity. Lord have mercy!


Lloro con Cristo y las familias de los 39 hermanos y hermanas que fallecieron en el trágico incendio del centro de detención de migrantes en Ciudad Juárez esta madrugada. La mayoría de las víctimas eran procedentes de Venezuela y el número de muertos seguramente aumentará. Es algo horrible. La difícil situación de los migrantes es una historia real y dramática. Estos pequeños, los más pequeños, son usados por los que son “poderosos” en este mundo. Hablé esta mañana con el obispo de Ciudad Juárez y me informó que presidiría una Misa en memoria de los migrantes hoy al mediodía. Invito a todos en la Arquidiócesis a unirse en comunión espiritual con la liturgia en ese momento. Los obispos de Texas, actualmente reunidos en Austin para sostener encuentros programados en el Capitolio, también enviaremos una carta de condolencia a la Iglesia local del norte de México. Vuelvo a hacer un llamado a los gobiernos federales de Estados Unidos y México, así como lo han hecho los obispos de ambos países durante décadas, para que promulguen una reforma migratoria con sentido común que refleje los ideales más altos de nuestro país, así como el deseo de reconocer y proteger la dignidad de cada persona y de su humanidad. ¡Señor ten piedad!

Laudato Si’ Circle of San Antonio

You may be wondering what a Laudato Si’ circle is. It is a small group of people that meet regularly to deepen their relationship with God as Creator and all members of creation. Together, they pray with and for creation, reflect on their ongoing ecological conversion, and take action. A Laudato Si’ animator usually leads them but can have more members who are animators. This message comes at a time when the training of animators is coming up soon. We need more animators in parishes and communities to inspire more action and nurture more circles or green teams in parishes. We all need a community to live the Laudato Si’ message (LS 219), and locally is where we can make a difference. On April 17, Laudato Si’ animator training program registration ends. It’s the only Laudato Si’ animator course that will run this year. Be part of the global Catholic movement sharing prayer and action to protect God’s creation. The online program begins on April 19. Be part of the change you want to see in the world. Register for the program because everyone’s talents and involvement are needed. Register at www.laudatosianimators.org to receive the link.


Chrism Mass | April 4

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The Chrism Mass is a celebration of the unity of the entire local church in its role as a priestly people. Gathered around one altar to pray with the archbishop in praise and thanksgiving, priests and lay people are brought to a new realization of our interdependence as we respond in our various ministries to Christ’s call to serve. The focus of this archdiocesan celebration — the blessing of the oils and consecration of the Chrism, which gives the Mass its name — is a strong expression also of the unity of the church and the pastoral concern of all ministers. Archbishop Gustavo invites priests and deacons to renew their commitment to priestly and diaconal service.


This Tuesday, April 4, all are invited to join this celebration to be held at St. Mark the Evangelist at 6:30 p.m. Mass will also be livestreamed on Today’s Catholic YouTube Channel.

Watch the Livestream

Holy Week with the Deaf community | April 6-9

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All are invited to join the Deaf community for ASL accessible Masses during Holy Week at the Shrine of St. Padre Pio and Our Lady of Sorrows Parish. For details, download the flier.

Download the Flyer

Advocacy Day: Thank you! 

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Whether you attended in person or joined us in prayer during Advocacy Day 2023, thank you very much for your support! As the legislative session unfolds, it is important to continue reaching out to our legislators to show our support for the Texas bishops’ priorities. Click here to let your legislators know that you are supporting the bishops’ position on matters such as Parental Choice, Integrated Background Checks, Immigration, Restorative Justice, Social Concerns, Life, Healthcare, and Religious Liberty. Click here for a full list of the bills supported or opposed by the Catholic Bishops, and sign up for the Texas Catholic Advocacy Network to receive updates and action alerts.

Thank You Message from Archbishop

Presentation on Proclaiming the Splendor of the

Truth with Love

A workshop for catechists, DREs, lay ministers and faithful people of God who would like to proclaim the good news of chastity.

Visit Courage Website

Visitation to the Seven Churches on Holy Thursday

Each year, many of the faithful undertake a deeply rooted tradition of a spiritual journey on Holy Thursday, April 6, to reflect on the events experienced by Jesus after the Last Supper. Many people visit seven different churches after attending Holy Thursday evening services, taking time to pray before the Blessed Sacrament at each church. Below is a list of parishes in the San Antonio area taking part in the special night. Visitation at the churches begins after the 7 p.m. services. Some parishes will remain open until midnight, however, others will conclude from 10 to 10:30 p.m. that evening. To add a church not included in the list which will be posted on archdiocesan social media and the website, e-mail information to communications@archsa.org

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Summer at St. Gerard

Department of Catholic Schools is excited to announce summer programming for all students will be offered at St. Gerard this summer. If you have students in second to 12th grade, we have summer camps designed just for you! We have brought a wide variety of programs together in one location to make it easy for our families. Choose from multiple sports and academic camps including advanced skills camps for soccer, basketball, volleyball, strength & conditioning, STEM robotics camps, High School Credit Recovery, and more. Camps are currently enrolling and we offer convenient payment plans to make your summer at St. Gerard possible. Register at https://www.stgerardsa.org/summer-programs


Photo of the Week

The archdiocese took a delegation of more than 600 to the Texas Capitol on March 28 to meet with legislators and pray with all the bishops of Texas at Catholic Advocacy Day 2023, allowing individuals to put their faith into action. Participants advocated for Catholic values in the areas of life, family life, education, healthcare, immigration, restorative and social justice, care of creation, and religious liberty. These topics are the bishops’ legislative priorities for the 88th legislature. A highlight of the day was a noon rally on the south steps of the capital. Students from 10 Catholic schools also traveled to Austin.

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2023 Directories




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