Welcome to The New Messenger, your weekly archdiocesan newsletter featuring messages from Archbishop Gustavo, news briefs, event previews, and updated information. Look for this newsletter in your inbox every Friday.


Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, MSpS

Regarding Msgr. Thomas Palmer, a retired priest of the archdiocese who died at age 92 on July 15, I will always remember his kindness and graciousness during my visits to the Padua Place residence for retired priests in San Antonio. I am grateful to him and his family, and to all of the priests from Ireland who have ministered so well in this archdiocese through the years. We have been truly blessed through their presence. 

Pray for our Pilgrims! 

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Young adults will be heading to World Youth Day in Lisbon at the beginning of August. We ask that you pray for safe travels and that their hearts are open to inspiration of the Holy Spirit on their pilgrimage together. Pray the official prayer for World Youth Day Lisbon 2023, which was presented on Saturday, Nov. 21, on the Memorial of the Presentation of Mary.

View the Prayer

One Body, One Spirit: A Morning of Reflection for Ministers to the Sick | Saturday, August 12 

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All Hospital Ministers, Homebound Ministers, and those who serve at nursing, rehabilitation, or care facilities are invited to attend. Father Bob Hogan, BBD, will lead reflection and discussion about the healing power of the Eucharist and the active work of the Holy Spirit in service to the sick. Lauren Stadelman, director for Pastoral Care & Hospital Ministry, will provide archdiocesan announcements. The day will begin with Mass celebrated by Father Teji John Thanippilly and will end with a Rite of Commissioning. Light hospitality will be provided. RSVP to help us plan accommodations.

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Texas bishops address border tragedies

The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops (TCCB) issued on July 20 the following statement in response to recent reports of inhumane actions on the border: 


Recent media reports present a disturbing account of horrific tragedies occurring along the Rio Grande on the Texas/Mexico border. 

These reports stir our hearts again for the plight of our sisters and brothers who are seeking a better life. These mothers, fathers, children, and others are doing what anyone would do to find a better life. They have moved to secure honest work and a safe community. The fact that they were born in a place which could not provide these basic human rights does not give anyone the right to treat them inhumanely. 

For decades, the United States’ migration policies have failed to address sufficiently the root causes of migration. They have failed to uphold our country’s principle to welcome all who seek a life free of tyranny. 

We have a responsibility, as faithful citizens, to work with our government officials to ensure the dignity of all, an ideal enshrined on the Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” 

We ask all people of goodwill to join us in this work, and to join us in praying for our brothers and sisters experiencing the harsh realities of this journey, and for all who encounter them. 


Declaración fronteriza final para aprobación 

Informes recientes de los medios de comunicación presentan un relato inquietante de tragedias de horror que ocurren a lo largo del Río Bravo en la frontera entre Texas y México. 

Estos informes nuevamente conmueven nuestros corazones por la difícil situación de nuestras hermanas y hermanos que buscan una vida mejor. Estas madres, padres, niños y otros, están haciendo lo que cualquiera haría para encontrar una vida mejor. Se han trasladado para asegurarse un trabajo honesto y una comunidad segura. El hecho de que hayan nacido en un lugar que no puede proporcionar estos derechos humanos básicos no le da a nadie el derecho a tratarlos de forma inhumana. 

Durante décadas las políticas migratorias de Estados Unidos no han abordado suficientemente las causas profundas de la migración. No han logrado defender el principio de nuestro país de dar la bienvenida a todos los que buscan una vida libre de tiranía. 

Tenemos la responsabilidad, como ciudadanos fieles, de trabajar con nuestros funcionarios gubernamentales para salvaguardar la dignidad de todos, lo cual es un ideal consagrado en la estatua de la libertad: “Dadme a vuestros rendidos, a vuestros pobres, a vuestras masas hacinadas anhelando respirar en libertad”. 

Pedimos a todas las personas de buena voluntad que se unan a nosotros en esta labor y que nos acompañen orando por nuestros hermanos y hermanas que experimentan las duras realidades de esta travesía, así como por todos los que se encuentren con ellos. 


Photo of the Week

The new leadership team for the Sisters of Divine Providence was recently installed in the Sacred Heart Conventual Chapel at Our Lady of the Lake University in a joyous and inspiring ceremony. Pictured from left are Sisters Elsa E. Garcia; Rose Kruppa, congregational leader; Anita Brenek; and Joyce Detzel. 


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