Welcome to The New Messenger, your weekly archdiocesan newsletter featuring messages from Archbishop Gustavo, news briefs, event previews, and updated information. Look for this newsletter in your inbox every Friday.


Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, MSpS

Children have the inherent right to be raised by their parents in accordance with their own convictions, while their equal human dignity is reflected in the quality of educational opportunities presented to them. In fulfilling their responsibility to ensure the healthy growth and development of their children, parents have the right to be subsidiarily supported in every possible way. This is the reason the Catholic bishops of Texas endorse Parental Choice. The quality of a child’s education must not depend on where they live. Parental Choice empowers families to make the best decisions suiting their needs for education, while also encouraging parental involvement to customize schooling alternatives. Parents are smart – their judgement is superior to politically driven funding formulas. However, a parental choice program will not change the financial impact on public schools that transfers of students have under current policies. As more options become available, not only do outcomes improve for students, but also for public schools. Let us spare no effort for the education of our children. As Catholics, let us support Parental Choice.

Shipping information for pre-paid books

For those who have pre-paid for the 2023 Archdiocese of San Antonio Directory, go to the Today’s Catholic website for information on scheduling pick-up of the books at the archdiocesan Pastoral Ministry Center, or to obtain costs for shipments of books and make arrangements for payment of mailing expenses.

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Advocacy Day is Tuesday, March 28
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Thank you to the more than 500 individuals who have already registered to travel to Austin with us for Advocacy Day! It’s not too late to join us on Tuesday, March 28, to advocate for Catholic values at the Capital. Buses will depart at 7 a.m. and will begin returning around 3:30 p.m. Snacks will be provided on the buses and a complimentary lunch will be provided in Austin. For more information, contact Rebecca Villarreal at (210) 734-5138.

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Save the Date! Sunday, June 11
Archdiocesan Feast of Corpus Christi 

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Celebrate 5 p.m. Mass with Archbishop Gustavo at San Fernando Cathedral followed by a Eucharistic procession. Give witness to the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist! All clergy, religious, and laity are invited to join as the visible Body of Christ in the joyous archdiocesan-wide Feast of Corpus Christi procession following the liturgy and proceeding through downtown, led by the archbishop. Stay for a free concert by Niños Cantores de Morelia from Mexico after the procession. For information, call the Department for Pastoral Ministries at (210) 734-1952.

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Catholic Charities Senior Fiesta 

Senior Fiesta is the only Fiesta-sanctioned event just for seniors. Seniors are invited to Senior Fiesta on Thursday, April 27, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Wonderland of the Americas where they will have two stages of live entertainment, senior lifestyle exhibitors, and vendors. The event is free to all and packed with fun. For more information, contact Ashley Garcia at (210) 222-1294.

Visitation to Seven Churches listing

The archdiocesan Department is compiling a list of all archdiocesan parishes whose sanctuaries will be open to visitors the evening of Holy Thursday after the Mass of the Lord’s Supper for the faithful to take part in the Visitation to Seven Churches. The list will be placed on the archdiocesan website and shared on social media. To include parishes on the list and the hours they will be open the night of April 6 send an e-mail to: communications@archsa.org.

Parish photography upcoming for archdiocesan history book

The archdiocese has partnered with Editions du Signe publishers and has begun production on a history book for the archdiocese to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Diocese of San Antonio, which took place on August 28, 1974, as well as the centennial of the elevation of the diocese to an archdiocese on Augusts 3, 1926. Two researchers for the publisher as well as a photographer will be arriving in the archdiocese in late April to begin compiling material and obtaining photos for the book. The photographer, Frantisek Zvardon, has worked for the publisher for 35 years and is familiar with Central Texas area, having worked on the publication of the Diocese of Austin 50th anniversary book last year. Information will be sent very soon to pastors and parishes regarding a photographic schedule during May for inside and outside photography of the churches, and these high quality professional photos will greatly enhance the parish and archdiocesan photographic archives. The priests and parish personnel are thanked in advance for their cooperation and collaboration with the photographers and researchers on this important historical project.

Photo of the Week

Judges were on site at the archdiocesan Pastoral Ministry Center March 20 and 21 to view all of the photography and art entries students submitted to the Catholic Arts and Academic Competition (CAAC) Showcase. This year's theme is "God has given me the gifts to change the world by..." Winners will be announced at the CAAC Art Showcase on Wednesday, April 19, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., at the St. Paul Community Center at 121 Donaldson Avenue.

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