Friday of the Twenty-seventh Week in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 465
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Welcome to The New Messenger, your weekly archdiocesan newsletter featuring messages from Archbishop Gustavo, news briefs, event previews, and updated information. The Archdiocese of San Antonio's weekly newsletter is published every Friday morning. | |
For the gift of sufficient rain in Texas to end the drought, especially for those most impacted by water shortage, and for the wisdom and charity to be good stewards of this precious gift. | |
Message from Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, MSpS | |
Jesus sent only those who knew how to convey a message of hope and enthusiasm. The message was simple: “The Kingdom of God is at hand.” The message is good like no other, and ever new; it is the Good News that God is our close Father. He is the King, and those who observe His law are His heirs. The law is also simple: spread that Good News of God’s love through witness. The fruit is justice. The envoy will develop all of his or her missionary potential if, on behalf of the one who sends them, he or she does not carry out the evangelizing work relying solely on human resources. The task requires absolute trust in the Lord who sends.
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A unique opportunity to learn about our history | |
Over the past year, the Department of Communications and the archdiocesan Archives have been collaborating on the publication of a history book to celebrate two significant anniversaries for the Archdiocese of San Antonio — the 150th anniversary of the creation of the diocese in 2024 and the centennial of the elevation to an archdiocese in 2026. This full-color, coffee-table size commemorative book (more than 400 pages) will feature our rich Catholic heritage and include information on each parish. This illustrated book is being produced in collaboration with renown international Catholic publishers, Éditions du Signe. David Riehl from Éditions du Signe is currently in the archdiocese during the month of October to meet with pastors and pastoral administrators. This pictorial history of the archdiocese will make a wonderful keepsake and a great reference for parishioners. This publication will be helpful in understanding our past in charting a course forward for the life of the archdiocese into the future. The archdiocese is blessed with a rich and interesting history. Additional information will be provided closer to publication. | |
Rural Life Mass | This Saturday, October 14 | |
“The earth is the Lord’s” (Ps. 24:1) and he has charged us with caring for it: “God took the man and settled him in the garden of Eden to cultivate it and take care of it” (Gn. 2:15-16). Join us at St. Andrew Catholic Church in Pleasanton to celebrate and bless our Rural Life! Farmers, ranchers, and other workers who live in rural communities, let’s gather in Mass and highlight the life of the rural church.
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Assembly Registration Contest | Deadline: This Sunday, October 15 | |
One parish will win a commercial (valued at $5,000) aired on CTSA by simply achieving 20 or more Assembly registrants before October 15! Help your parish win this valuable advertising prize by encouraging friends, family, and colleagues to register! Your pastor and a group of parishioners must be present at the time of the drawing (at St. Mary’s University on November 4) to claim the prize. We’ll see you at the Assembly!
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Worship on the River | October 17 | |
We invite you to gather in adoration, confession, and fellowship at St. Joseph Catholic Church this Tuesday, October 17. Worship on the River is held on the third Tuesday of each month from 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. | | | |
Healthcare Professionals Mass & Reception | October 18 | |
This Mass will be a special celebration to acknowledge the unique contributions made by our brothers and sisters who serve in healthcare, including physicians, nurses, chaplains, physical therapists, mental health caregivers, lab workers and administration. As we honor their courage to protect human life and dignity, we express our gratitude for extending the healing ministry of Our Savior Jesus.
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Word of Life is a monthly resource from the USCCB for dioceses and parishes that includes special intercessions for life, bulletin quotes and more. As we continue sharing the Gospel of Life during Respect Life Month and through the year, we would like to share a quote from the Prayer for Radical Solidarity: “O Blessed Mother, at the angel’s word you went in haste to the aid of your cousin Elizabeth. Although pregnant yourself, you placed her needs before your own. By your example of radical solidarity, teach us to reverence and protect those in need, without conditions or expectations.” (USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities)
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Catholic Television of San Antonio | |
The St. Mary’s University School of Law, the archdiocese the Catholic Lawyers’ Guild, and the San Antonio legal community celebrated the 71st annual Red Mass at San Fernando Cathedral on October 5. | |
The Annual Deacons and Wives Spiritual Renewal Retreat was held at St. Mark the Evangelist Church in San Antonio October 6-7 with keynote speaker Father Albert Haase, OFM. The gathering was organized by Deacon Mike Pawelek, director of the archdiocesan Office of Diaconate Ministry and Formation, and his wife Judy. | |
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Contact Jordan McMorrough, Director of Communications and Editor of Today's Catholic Newspaper at
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Share Your Prayer Request | |
We are grateful for your interest in helping us reach out to you. Please share below your prayer requests, your current or updated contact information, and any other special requests. Please consider sharing this link with others as well.
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Mutually Shared Vision
Seeking to live in sacramental communion with one another, the Archdiocese of San Antonio exists to make disciples and missionaries of Jesus Christ to prepare for the promise of Eternal Life.
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To find more archdiocesan events and activities visit our website, | |
Copyright © 2023 Archdiocese of San Antonio. All rights reserved. | | | | |