March 2021
Watch for our guest column A New Reality for Monitoring, on page 17 in the Spring 2021 edition of TMA Dispatch. As cloud technology has transformed our world and the ways we communicate, there are many exciting opportunities for central stations. In this eye-opening feature, we explore how cloud computing has been embraced in both our personal and professional lives. We also look at how the cloud offers benefits in everything from accessibility and data security to flexibility and cost savings. As this technology continues to expand, central stations will be impacted in profound ways. If you’re interested in learning more about DICE’s connected cloud solutions and how they can benefit your business, contact us to schedule a virtual demo with a DICE representative. 

Avi Lupo, Co-President 
New Technologies. New Products. New Services.
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Interested in a new DICE technology, product, or service? You can easily navigate through our website to watch videos, schedule demos, and download solution documents. Visit today and see what is new and exciting. Don't forget to check out Avi's Smiles, a selection of short videos which will bring a smile to your face.

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In the News
Matrix Integrator
In last month’s newsletter, we launched our latest solution: Matrix Integrator. Since then, we have been overwhelmed by the interest we have received from integrators looking for new opportunities to provide end-users with automatic and managed interactive video monitoring services. We have also been featured in some of the security industry’s leading publications, including Security Sales & Integration.

Good Reads
Working Remotely Tips Using Your Mobile Devices
Working Remotely Tips Using Your Mobile Devices – The new “working from home economy,” which is likely to endure long past the COVID-19 pandemic, has posed many new challenges for employers and their teams. From maintaining productivity to staying connected to colleagues from miles apart, workforces worldwide have had to adapt to an unprecedented series of changes. But one of the bright spots for remote workers has been the prevalence of powerful mobile devices.

Getting the Most Out of Software Demos
Live virtual software demos are a worthwhile resource when shopping for new business software. Not only are you able to see the product you’re considering in action, but you also have one-on-one access to a product specialist who can answer your questions and show you aspects of the software specific to your interests. However, many customers who participate in live demos are passive viewers and don’t get as much out of their experience as they would like. If you have had a less than positive experience with live software demos or are about to embark on the hunt for new solutions for your business, keep these tips in mind before signing up for a virtual demo.

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