The Lake Current - Sept. 24, 2017
Here's the latest on what's happening at our council!
Happy Autumn! While it may feel like summer right now, before you know it the days will grow short, the air will be crisp, and the leaves will be changing. Take a moment to enjoy the beauty of autumn in our Hudson Valley, and make the most of fall with our many exciting events!
Here are important notices right up front before we get to some news stories:

  • Oktoberfest Committee Meeting this Monday: We will be holding a brief committee meeting this Monday (9/25) at 7:30 p.m. to make final plans for our Oktoberfest celebration (details below). We still need some volunteers to sign-on for setup on Friday 10/6, to help before and during the event on Saturday, 10/7, and to cleanup after the event on Sunday 10/8. We are expecting a large turnout, so please volunteer for a shift if you can. All members of the council and Ladies Auxiliary are welcome to attend this meeting. Oh, and we'll be sampling apple strudel. (Come for the strudel, stay for the meeting.)

  • Before you know it, it will be time for our Annual Dinner Dance and Awards Ceremony, which is (as always) the first Saturday in November (11/4 this year). There's a lot more information below, but we need volunteers now for our dinner committee and to help with journal ad sales. And most importantly, please get in your reservations ASAP! If you are interested in volunteering, come to the Oktoberfest committee meeting (see above) or contact GK Rob if you can't make the meeting.
Putnam Honors 9/11 Heroes

On Monday, September 11th, Putnam County once again honored its fallen heroes of 9/11. St. James the Apostle Church celebrated a Mass of Remembrance, and then the annual Candlelight Vigil was held at Spain Cornerstone Park.

This year, a new, 375 pound granite monument was dedicated to Putnam residents who have died as a result of their action in the aftermath of the attacks, and the names of the first six local men who are memorialized were read.

We were honored that so many members of the Putnam community came back to our council hall after the vigil for a coffee and cake reception.

Thank you to all of our members who helped with setting up for the vigil, attended the Mass, participated in the vigil, and helped with the coffee service and cleanup. Special thanks to Brother Knight Denis Hanrahan , who conceived the Putnam Heroes Memorial along with our late Brother Sir Knight Jimmy O'Neill . Last Monday (9/18), J.O. was posthumously honored by the United Way of Westchester and Putnam for his many contributions to our community, including his work in establishing the Putnam Heroes Memorial. TYJO!
Our EVENT OF THE YEAR : Annual Dinner Dance & Awards Ceremony - Nov. 4th

Live Music - Comedy Performance - Dancing - Awards Ceremony - Souvenir Journal - Raffles

Join us for our 46th Anniversary Annual Dinner Dance and Awards Ceremony ! Fine dining, LIVE MUSIC, LIVE ENTERTAINMENT, NEW CATERER , dancing, raffles, and recognition of our members who do so much to make our council so special.
Last year was such a great success that we are once again holding our Annual in the St. James school gymnasium so we have plenty of room to spread out, dance, and host the band and a special guest performer. This year's Annual promises to be MEMORABLE and HUGE FUN, so get in your reservation today! (RESERVATIONS ARE A MUST!)
We're proud to feature the musical stylings of SOULMATES ("Music from the Heart and Soul") and the comic genius of FRAN CAPO !
We're also thrilled to announce we have all new catering by Patrick's Pub & Grill of Mahopac, featuring premium meats carving stations and fantastic appetizers like their Blarney Rolls (corned beef & cabbage) and Irish rice balls.
As usual, the night will start at 7 p.m. with a cocktail hour with plenty of hot hors d’oeuvres, followed by a great catered buffet dinner, our brief awards ceremony, live entertainment and dancing, and delicious desserts & coffee. Open bar all night!

We will announce our Knight of the Year and Family of the Year shortly, but you will definitely want to turn out to show your support for our very worthy honorees!
------> $80 each or $150 per couple* <------
Reservations required by October 27th
(*$90 each / $175 per couple after 10/27 and at the door so make your reservations now!)
Contact Rob at to make your reservations, or just send your check to Joe Groneman, Council 6318, 10 Fair Street, Carmel NY 10512.
And don't forget to please see PGK Jonathan Garcia or any council officer to take out a journal ad . Journal ads help us defray the cost of the event, and give you an opportunity to congratulate our honorees and/or promote your business. Click here to download the ad form. Get in your ad copy by 10/27.
Second Sundays Cash Bingo Continues Saturday 10/8!

Get in on the fun with Sunday Night Cash Bingo featuring a $500 jackpot, presented by our Ladies Auxiliary, on the second Sunday every month this fall: October 8, November 12 and December 10. All monies raised go to local charities!

Admission is $40 and attendance is limited to the first 100 players (age 18 or older). RSVP and payment are due 5 days before each game night. For RSVP & payment details, email: .

Doors open at 5 p.m. House rules read at 5:45 p.m. First game starts promptly at 6 p.m.

Your payment includes your admission and all-nighters. Extra Specials and Bell Jar tickets will also be sold! Coffee, tea and cake will be served.
Mohegan Sun Casino Trp Sept. 30th!

Last call for our next great Mario Antoci Memorial Mohegan Sun Casino Excursion -- this Saturday, September 30th ! Contact PGK Bobby Palazzo TODAY at (845) 216-1997 to make a reservation!

For only $40 you get transportation, a $15 lunch voucher (which gets you a fantastic buffet!), and $10 casino match play.

Start with coffee and donuts at the council at 7 a.m. Bus leaves our council at 8:00 a.m. sharp . Enjoy a six-hour stay at the casino. Beer, soda and water will be provided on the bus. Bring whatever you like to snack and drink.

We're hosting a spaghetti & meatball dinner fundraiser for a local Boy Scout working on his Eagle Scout rank the same day, from 5-8 p.m. So when you get off the bus, stop in our hall for a great home-cooked meal and support a great cause. (More info on this is found below).
Columbus Day Parade in Mahopac - Sun. Oct. 1st

Join us as we honor the patron of our Order, Christopher Columbus, along with the contributions of Italian-Americans to our nation, as we march in the annual Putnam County Columbus Day Parade in Mahopac on Sunday, October 1st.

With the important legacy and contributions of Columbus under attack from the forces of political correctness, it is more important than ever that we have a strong turnout to march proudly behind our council banner, just as we do for St. Patrick's Day! As always, this is a family event, so bring along your family to march, and wear a KofC shirt or jacket. This is also a Color Corps callout!

We are proud to be a Gold Sponsor of the local Columbus Day festivities. This year's Journal may be downloaded here . Our Council's ad appears on page 60.

Lineup for the parade will be at 1:30 p.m., with the parade stepping-off at 2:30 p.m. Please arrive at our council by no later than 1:00 p.m. if you wish to carpool over to the lineup area from our council.

We will be serving a free pasta and meatball luncheon at our council immediately after the parade. Members, families, and guests are all welcome! If you can donate a tray or two of prepared meatballs, baked ziti, lasagna or even just meat sauce (gravy?), please deliver them to the council by Sunday morning. We also need a few volunteers to work in the kitchen during the parade so that everything will be ready to serve upon the marchers' return.

Please let GK Rob or DGK Steve if you can donate food or work in the kitchen on Sunday.

Oktoberfest is back at our council and this year it will be better than ever ! Join us on Saturday, October 7th for authentic German food, German beer and live German music from the famous Austrian Boys Band!

Our doors and our lounge will open at 2 p.m. , and we'll be serving complimentary German appetizers (Bavarian pretzels, bratwurst, and more!) and featuring imported German beers on tap.

Going to Homecoming at C.H.S.? No worries -- you can go to the game and still have dinner with us! At 5:30 we'll start serving a home-made full schnitzel dinner with all the sides (red cabbage, mashed potatoes, green beans amandine, hunter gravy), including apple strudel a la mode for dessert.

For only $20 you get admission, appetizers, dinner, dessert, and one draft beer. Plus we'll have contests and raffles and loads of fun inside our hall and in our outdoor beer garden. Don't miss it!

  • Eagle Scout Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser - Sat. 9/30. Enjoy another great home-cooked pasta and meatballs dinner to help raise funds for Boy Scout Thomas Riley's Eagle Scout Project. The dinner will be at our council hall on Saturday, September 30th, from 5-8 p.m. (If you're going on the Mohegan Sun casino trip, stop in for dinner when you get off the bus!) The suggested donation is only $10 per person or $20 for a family. Donations are welcome. Thomas' project is the complete re-flooring of two 16x14' tent sleeping platforms and building a food preparation station for the Great Hollow Nature Preserve and Ecological Research Center. Please support this important project in our community!

  • Our next regular business meeting is Wednesday, October 11th. We'll serve dinner at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting will start promptly at 7:30. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend our brief but informative monthly meetings. As you can see, our fall schedule is very busy, and we need your help to make our events a success. Our monthly meetings are the best way to get involved and get in on the fun!

  • The 2017 Catholic Men's Conference will be held on Saturday, October 28th from 7 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. at St. Joseph's Church in Somers. This year's theme is "Being a Man of the Catholic Church." The conference includes continental breakfast and lunch. Mass will be celebrated at 8 a.m., and there will be an opportunity for Reconciliation before Mass. Speakers include Fr. John DeBellis (The Sacrament of Reconciliation), Fr. Anthony Sorgie (Being a Man of the Family, Church and Community), John BuonViaggio (A Man's Role and Responsibility in the Church), and Msgr. John Budwick (Where Do We Go From Here? - Reflections/Next Steps). For more information, please contact Richard Maiolo (914-953-4426) or Jake Lugay (845-628-5378).

  • As you know, many areas in the southern United States, as well as the Caribbean, have been devastated by several back-to-back hurricanes. Our Supreme Knight, Carl Anderson, encourages any of us who have not contributed to the Knights of Columbus relief effort, or who wish to give more, to please do so immediately. The need is great, and the need has not ended. His message continues:

Since Hurricane Harvey struck the Texas Gulf Coast brother Knights, their families and others have contributed $2.3 million for victims of the recent hurricanes and natural disasters. The Knights of Columbus also has taken a leadership role in assisting those affected by these storms, including the immediate distribution of more than $720,000 for food, water and other necessities with more funds being distributed every day.

Charity has always been a defining characteristic of the Knights of Columbus. Pope Francis has said, “To Love God and neighbor is not something abstract, but profoundly concrete. It means seeing in every person the face of the Lord to be served, and serve him concretely.” Our brother Knights continue to be examples of just such concrete service to their neighbors.

Many of these volunteer Knights are men whose own homes and property have been destroyed and yet are putting the needs of others in front of their own. These are the kind of men who show just how deeply our members believe in the Knights of Columbus’ first principle of charity.
Charity is the Knights of Columbus’ first principle and the basis for all we do as Knights. In other words, to be a Knight of Columbus is to be a man for others. And this is what our brother Knights in Texas, Florida and other locations have shown themselves to be.

Again, my thanks to all of you who have and are volunteering and to those of you who have contributed to our relief effort. Your efforts are making a difference.
Remember, a full calendar of events can always be found on our website: under the Upcoming Events tab, and check out our Breaking News page. And don't forget to "like" our Facebook page for up-to-the minute announcements, photos, event listings, and items of interest.