The Lake Current - Council News & Info - May 23
Here's the latest on what's happening at our council!
Summer Kickoff BBQ & Founder's Award - This Friday, May 26th!
Don't forget that we will be honoring Russ Lavan as the winner of our 2017 Founder's Award at our family barbecue this Friday, starting at 5 p.m.!
We'll be serving up burgers, hot dogs, BBQ marinated chicken, sausage and peppers, sliced sirloin steak, fresh corn on the cob, baked beans, home made salads, desserts, and more! All for only $20 for adults, $10 for kids, and kids 6 and under eat free.
So join us as we kick-off summer and honor a great brother Knight, who has been an invaluable asset to our council and a dear friend. Bring the whole family!
Act today: Only a few Golf Outing foursomes left!
We're almost sold out, so you need to reserve today to golf in our fantastic
George Dean Memorial Annual Golf Outing on Friday, June 9th!
In addition to a great round of golf at Putnam County Golf Course, you'll get a delicious lunch, beverage cart, golfer SWAG, prizes, and our own sumptuous filet mignon dinner, all for only $150. Sponsorships are available: Hole Sponsor ($150, or $100 with a foursome), Lunch Sponsor ($500); Dinner Sponsor ($750) and Platinum Sponsor ($1000). Registration 8 a.m.; shotgun start 9 a.m. Cocktails and dinner for golfers at our council immediately following the outing. Prizes will be awarded for best foursome, longest drive, and closest to the pin.
This is our annual major fundraiser that enables our council to do the many charitable, community and parish activities that we do on a regular basis. Please support this event by golfing, taking a sponsorship, donating prizes, or helping us get others to do the same.
For reservations, sponsorships, or more information, please contact Anthony Falco.
Cinco de Mayo Fiesta: ¡Estupenda!
Our first ever Cinco de Mayo Fiesta on May 5th was a smash! Our hall was beautifully decorated in a desert motif, our lounge was serving up Margaritas and home made sangria, and our abundant and diverse Mexican cuisine was entirely prepared by our in-house chefs - all to rave reviews!
Thanks to everybody who turned out for a fun time, and special thanks to everybody on our crew who shopped, decorated, set up, cooked, served, worked the door, and cleaned up to make it such a great night.
We had such a blast that we're already planning on doing it again next year, especially since May 5th falls on a Saturday in 2018. Save the date, amigos!
Dedication of Jimmy O'Neill Memorial Bench
Thanks to all of our members who turned out on Tuesday evening, May 16th, for the dedication of the James J. O'Neill memorial bench in Cornerstone Park. Special thanks to President JoAnn Viola and the entire Stephen P. Driscoll Memorial FOP Lodge for a fine ceremony and the beautiful bench.
Click here local news coverage of the event (subscription required).
Mohegan Sun Casino Trip - Saturday, July 15th
We had another great outing to Mohegan Sun on May 13th, thanks to PGK Bobby Palazzo! So, back by popular demand,
hop aboard for our next Mario & Gloria Antoci Memorial Mohegan Sun Casino Excursion on Saturday, July 15th!
For only $40.00 you get transportation, a $15 lunch voucher, and $10 casino match play.
Start with coffee and donuts at the council at 7 a.m. Then the bus will leave our council at 8:00 a.m. sharp. Enjoy a six-hour stay at the casino. Beer, soda and water will be provided on the bus. Feel free to bring your own beverages and snacks as well.
YOU MUST BE PREPAID BY July 1st. Seating is limited and the bus fills up quickly. To guarantee a seat, you must make a reservation! For information and reservations, call PGK Bobby Palazzo at (845) 216-1997.
Newest 4th Degree Sir Knights!
Congratulations to the three newest members of Mother Cabrini Assembly, who received the honors of the Fourth Degree at the exemplification held at the Crowne Plaza in Suffern, New York, this past Saturday. Andrew DeStefano from our council (pictured here, center) joined brother Knights from Brewster and Mahopac councils, with support and encouragement from the officers and members of the assembly who visited the assembly's hospitality suite.
The Fourth Degree is the Patriotic Degree, and the highest level of Knighthood in our Order.
If you are a Third Degree member and not yet a Sir Knight, consider joining the Fourth Degree at next year's spring exemplification.
Members of Mother Cabrini Assembly are encouraged to attend the next Fourth Degree meeting, on June 15th, at our council. Elections will be held that evening, and there are several officer positions that need to be filled.
Our Fourth Degree assembly is doing important things for our veterans and active duty military, among others. And any brother Knight who has seen the Color Corps stand honor guard at a wake, lead the procession at a Mass, lay a wreath at the VFW on Veterans' Day, or represent the Order by marching in parades, knows just how important it is for us to have an active and functional Fourth Degree assembly. That can't happen without members attending the monthly meetings and filling the officers' positions. Please make a special point to attend the June 15th meeting and keep our Fourth Degree assembly not only functioning but thriving.
Serving Our Community
As you may know, our council hall and our grounds are frequently donated for use by a wide variety of local charities, community organizations, and school groups. It is one of the many ways that we try to live the first principle of our Order: Charity.
Just this past Saturday, we donated our building and grounds for a pig roast BBQ to raise funds for Declan McGrath, who is undergoing treatment to beat cancer. The wildly successful event was spearheaded by our own Ladies Auxiliary President, Gail Silke, and was staffed by volunteers from our council and Ladies Auxiliary, the FOP Driscoll Lodge, the Stephen Driscoll Memorial Pipe Band, and others.
This is just another example of how the Knights of Columbus has a direct, beneficial impact on the lives of people in the communities where we live and work.
- Our next membership meeting will be Wednesday, June 14th. We will be holding elections for council officers that evening. The slate of officers from the Nominating Committee was read at our last general membership meeting, in May, and has also been posted in writing around the council. The same is true for the election of Directors to our home corporation, 6318 Associates, Inc. Please make a special point to attend this important meeting and participate in our elections.
- IMPORTANT REMINDER: We are hosting a First Degree Exemplification at our council on Thursday, June 1st starting promptly at 7 p.m. Candidates should report by no later than 6:30 p.m. properly attired. Any member knowing of a Catholic gentleman who is interested in joining our Order should contact our Membership Chairman, Chancellor Ralph Fleischman, or the Grand Knight, immediately (if not sooner)! Sponsors of candidates are requested to be in attendance, and all council members should come down and support our newest members.
We are then hosting Second and Third Degree Exemplifications on Sunday, June 11. Candidates should report by 2:30 p.m. properly attired. The Second Degree will begin promptly at 3 p.m. followed immediately thereafter by the Third Degree. First and Second Degree members wishing to participate should contact Chancellor Ralph Fleischman immediately to ensure a place in the degrees. It is an honor for our council to be selected to host a Third Degree. All Third Degree members should make a special point to attend as spectators and support our brothers on their journey to full Knighthood in our Order.
- REMINDER: On Wednesday through Saturday July 19-22, we will once again turn out in force to volunteer at The Feast of St. James, our parish's annual fundraiser and family festival. Council members will help in many ways, including as casino workers, in beverage sales, working security, staffing vendor booths, and more. Please save the dates and watch for an announcement from the church that the volunteer sign-up book is available in the parish office.
- Reconstruction of the St. James crèche is currently scheduled for the weekend of July 29-30, weather permitting. Details will be forthcoming, but please save the date. Volunteers will be needed for carpentry and electrical work on the structure. We are also looking for volunteers with artistic talent to refresh and repair the statues. Please contact GK Rob if you can help.
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