The Lake Current - Council News & Info - Apr. 10
May the blessings of the Easter season be upon you.
Monthly Membership Meeting - 7:30 p.m. this Wednesday

Our monthly general business meeting will be this coming Wednesday, April 12th, with dinner served at 6:30 p.m., and the meeting beginning promptly at 7:30 p.m. 

All members are invited to join us to find out what's going on and get involved with our very active and engaged council. Our monthly meetings usually take no more than an hour, and are the best way to have your voice heard and get involved with our many fun charitable and family activities. 
Cinco de Mayo Fiesta - Friday, May 5th

We're hosting our first Cinco de Mayo Fiesta on (duh) Friday, May 5th. We'll be featuring a Mexican cuisine buffet and a taco bar for only $15.

Our lounge will also be open with a cash bar serving up drink specials including home-made sangria and margaritas. All of our members and their guests are welcome to come down for what promises to be a night of good food and good fun, and the start of a new council tradition!
Luck O' The Irish Cash Bingo SUCCESS!

Our Ladies Auxiliary ran another successful bingo event on Sunday, March 26th. It was a good turnout, and they were able to raise over $650 for local charities. 

Great job ladies -- you rock!

Fish Fry Fridays for 2017 Were a Smash Hit!

Thanks to everybody who came out to this year's Lenten Fish Fry Friday dinners at our council . We served over 500 meals over five Friday nights, each one freshly prepared to order. 

This year we added specials to the menu, and judging by the response, you loved them! We'll be back next year with the Creamy Crab-Corn Bisque and -- the real crowd-pleaser -- Lobster Mac & Cheese, plus some new specials.  

We haven't finished our final accounting, but it looks like we will be able to donate a good deal more than the $1,000 our Fish Fry raised for charity last year. That's all the direct result of the support of our customers and the hard work of our volunteers. We'll announce our donations in a future newsletter.

Very special thanks to our members and their families who worked so hard to plan the menus, shop for the supplies, prepare the hall, prep, cook and serve the food, and clean up each and every week. Our fantastic crew included Frymaster Steve Gheduzzi and his padawan, Mike Rama; Head Prep Chef Mike "Mr. Cool" McDonald; Kitchen Ringmaster Anthony Falco; Utility Infielders Kevin Barry, Pat Barry, Mike Clement, Rich Dambra, Ralph Fleischman, Steve Kladis, Mike O'Brien, and Bill Silke; Door-workers / Money-handlers Joe Groneman, Josette Firriolo, and Maria Barry; Bell Jar Lady Gail Silke; Subaquatic Vessel Technician Eddie Sheldon; Food Runners and Setup Crew (a.k.a. "Child Labor") AJ Falco, Ryan and Tyler Ferris, Grace Barry, Rylan Dumont, Thomas Keating, and Eric Shields; and our very own answer to the Soup Nazi, GK Rob. (Apologies if we omitted any names. We had a lot of great help this year, and we needed every one of you!!!)
2017 Putnam Heart Walk

Please join us in supporting the 2017 Putnam Heart Walk to raise funds for the American Heart Association.

Funds raised will go to fight heart disease and stroke. The walk starts at 10 a.m. on Sunday, April 23rd, at Brewster High School. Click here to walk, sponsor the walkers, or for more information.

Why should you care? Let PGK Mike McDonald explain:

On July 17th, 2016, my family, my town, this council he loved, and my country lost an incredible giant of a man, James O'Neill, to this terrible disease. He was irreplaceable and we are still trying to find our way through the dark without his light. Help us to save someone, somewhere, like J.O. did every day.

The Fraternal Order of Police Stephen P. Driscoll Lodge 704 -- one of Jimmy's loves and a wonderful organization led by JoAnn Gervasi Viola -- is having Heart Walk in his memory. Please consider either joining the team or donating to it. All the info is on the link. My daughter Caitlin wrote  a letter on the website that will touch you when you open it up, which I also include here:
Everything in our lives can be measured in heartbeats. We hear it in our ears when we step onto the graduation stage or walk down the aisle. The only thing we wish for at the end of our lives is more time with our friends and family; a few more heartbeats.

But diseases like Chronic Heart Failure steal thousands, if not millions, of those beats away from those we love. Lives that are just beginning are cut short. Jim O’Neill was a man who lived his life to the absolute fullest. Every second, every breath, every beat he gave to his family and his community. He could feel his heart beat when he joined New York’s Finest. He felt it when he married the love of his life, and the day he met his son. All who knew him would agree: Every day he was here the world was a better place. And the loss of him has left a hole where he should be.

What we want, and why we walk, is to give the world more heartbeats. Along with the American Heart Association, we want to lengthen lives by saving hearts. Research in this field will be able to give a few more beats for honeymoons, for birthdays, and to live life as long as we deserve to, longer than we have now. So, for all of the time that we wish we had left with those who have gone before us, and for all of those whose hearts still need saving, we walk.

For heartbeats.
For moments. 
For life.

- Caitlin McDonald
Mohegan Sun Casino Trip - Saturday, May 13

Back by popular demand! Hop aboard for another Mario Antoci Memorial Mohegan Sun Casino bus trip on Saturday, May 13th!

For only $40.00 you get transportation, a $15 lunch voucher, and $10 casino match play. 

Start with coffee and donuts at the council at 7 a.m. Then the bus will leave our council at 8:00 a.m. sharp. Enjoy a six-hour stay at the casino. Beer, soda and water will be provided on the bus. Feel free to bring your own beverages and snacks as well.

We've done these in the past, and they have been nothing but great fun. So don't miss out!

YOU MUST BE PREPAID BY May 1st. Seating is limited and the bus fills up quickly. To guarantee a seat, you must make a reservation! For information and reservations, call PGK Bobby Palazzo at (845) 216-1997. 

  • Charity is the first principle of our Order. In just the last few weeks, our Council and Ladies Auxiliary have made these donations:

    - $600 to the Putnam Humane Society;
    - $450  to the Sullivan-Birmingham family, who lost their mother and their home in a house fire;
    - $200 to the Montrose VA Hospital in memory of FDD Ken Chambers' father; and
    - $1,150 to CAREERS Support Solutions (formerly CAREERS for People With Disabilities) - combined donations from our Council, the Ladies Auxiliary, the KofC Westchester/Putnam Conference, and the proceeds of the Brendan Toohey Breakfast we hosted.

    We will soon be making a sizable donation to St. James the Apostle Church using the proceeds from our last Men's Beefsteak Dinner. More on that in an upcoming newsletter.
  • Our annual Angelo Trongone Memorial BBQ will be Friday, May 26th. In addition to a great summer-kickoff family barbecue, we will present our Founder's Day award to  member who has made invaluable contributions to our council and our Order. More details will be announced, but save the date!

  • Also save the date for our great annual George Dean Memorial Golf Outing on Friday, June 9th. More details to come, but it will once again be a day of great golf, great fun, and a great dinner back at our council. Please remember to take a journal ad or sponsor a hole, as this is one of our most important fundraisers, which allows us to do many charitable, church, and civic donations throughout the year. Speak to Anthony Falco for more information.

  • On Saturday, May 6th, from 1-5 p.m., we will be participating in the first ever Street Fair sponsored by the Mahopac-Carmel Chamber of commerce. Gleneida Avenue (Route 52) will be closed from Fair Street to the corner of Vink Drive / Fowler Ave. There will be rides, music, a Tuscany-themed bistro and much more. We are working on plans to have a booth to promote the KofC, and provide hot dogs and hamburgers to all. Speak to GK Rob if you want to help, as we'll need plenty of member support that day.

  • Help our friends in the Somers Lions Club raise funds for a great cause with their Goldens Oldies Night, featuring famous musical groups and songs from the past.  All net proceeds from this fun night will go to support a great organization -- Drug Crisis in your Backyard -- which assists individuals and families in our area who are impacted by addiction. The numbers are shocking, and we have all been affected by the drug crisis in one way or another.  We need to help raise awareness and protect our children, adults and the elderly of our community.  Click here for more info.
  • We wish you and your loved ones a joyous and blessed Easter, and leave you with this prayer:

Catholic Easter Prayer

Lord, the resurrection of Your Son
has given us new life and renewed hope.
Help us to live as new people
in pursuit of the Christian ideal.
Grant us wisdom to know what we must do,
the will to want to do it,
the courage to undertake it,
the perseverance to continue to do it,
and the strength to complete it.