April 14, 2024 | Issue 41

Welcome Rotary Club of

Deland Sunset!

Thursday April 4, the Rotary Club of Deland Sunset celebrated their chartering. The newest member club of the District 6970 family officially chartered on February 20, 2024.

Club members, friends, family, area Rotarians, and representatives of the District gathered at the DeLand Museum of Art for an evening of fun, fellowship, and ceremony marking the beginning of their service to the DeLand community.

I had the privilege, a first for me, to formally induct all of the new members, install the Officers and Directors, and commemorate the official establishment, of the club.

DGE Mickey Ulmer, DGN Dale Moe and his wife Raejean, and AG1 Kayla Thompson and her family were also in attendance.

In keeping with Rotary tradition, a number of clubs made presentation of contributions to the new club.

President Doug Wedekind of RC Downtown DeLand presented the club with their bell as a gift from his club.

RC DeLand is the sponsoring club and President Bill Stevenson, was also on hand to present a gift. Other clubs making gifts included, RC Debary-Deltona-Orange City, RC Ponte Vedra, and RC Southeast Volusia Golf.

Current Assistant Governor for Area 8, Brittany Gloersen will serve as the Charter President, and Harper Hill will serve as President-Elect. The entire Board will serve through the 2024-25 Rotary year.

For more detail, check out the club's Facebook page at:


John Tabor | District Governor 2023-2024

Rotary District 6970

John Tabor

District Governor


April 20, 2024

Rotary Learning Institute

Daytona State College,

Palm Coast

May 3 - 4, 2024

District Conference

University Center

UNF, Jacksonville

The current class of District Governors from Florida recorded a promotional video at PETS in Orlando.

Each was asked "What does Florida PETS mean to you"

Watch on Facebook

RC Deland Sunset Charter Ceremony

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Register Now for the

2024 District Assembly and Conference!

Please join us for the 2024 District Training Assembly and Conference May 3-4.

The venue is the Herbert University Center on the campus of the University of North Florida 12000 Alumni Drive, Bldg 43 Jacksonville, FL 32224.

For a full schedule of events please go to the Conference Page on the District website.

For hotel reservations follow the directions in DacDB. Conference Hotel Room Block

Group Code RDC. Guests may also call hotel 904-204-0205 option 3 to book using group code RDC (Rotary District 6970 Conference)

Scotch Whisky Tasting

Do you drink Scotch Whiskey? Maybe you have - once, but would like to give it another try. Do you know what peat is, where it comes from, and why anyone would use it to make something that you drink? Do you know the difference between Islay and Speyside? Do you know how to pronounce Bunnahabhain?

Please join PDG George Robertson Burnett on Friday, May 3 at 5pm as he takes us on an educational, entertaining, and tasty adventure through the wonderful world of the national drink of his homeland.

The event will take place at the opening cocktail reception for the District Conference at UNF.

You can register on DacDB as part of the Conference registration. The fee is $60 and all proceeds will go to Polio Plus.


Patrick Eakes

Rotary International Director Elect 2024-26

PDG District 7690

RC Crescent (Greensboro), NC

Conference Keynote Speaker (Breakfast)

"The Value of Your Rotary Membership"

Kenneth Schuppert

RI President's Rep

Past Rotary Foundation Trustee

Past Vice Pres. Rotary International

Past Rotary International Director

PDG District 6860

RC Decatur, AL

Conference Keynote Speaker (Lunch)

"Create Hope in The World"

Yohani Kayinamura

RC Daytona Beach West

Conference Keynote Speaker (Morning)

"Orphan Aid, A Story of Love, Faith, and Service"

Barbara Spengler

PDG District 5130 (Northern California)

RC Lakewood Ranch, FL

Conference Keynote Speaker (Afternoon)

'The Power of Rotary"

George Robertson Burnett

PDG District 6890

RC Bartow, FL

Conference Keynote Speaker (Dinner)

"It's Rotary...You Can't Be Serious!"

Zone Public Image Bootcamp

Tuesday, April 23 6:00PM

Get in shape for a successful Rotary year at our

Public Image Boot Camp webinar!

Designed for Public Image Chairs, but great info for all Rotarians/Rotaractors, this intensive session will whip your club's image into top form, setting the stage for a year of impact and success.


Meet your District Leadership

District Funds and Procedures Committee Members At-Large

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Stan Plappert

RC Metropolitan Ocala

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David Pesterfield

RC Jacksonville-Oceanside

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David Gracy

RC Gainesville

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Steve Holmes

RC Edgewater

Shawn Corrigan Asmuth

RC West Jacksonville

Glenn Warren

RC Orange Park Sunrise

The District Funds and Procedures Committee is the Governing Administrative Board for District 6970. It is made up of nine members, three ex-officio, and six at-large. The Immediate Past District Governor (Jeff Michelman) serves as the Chair. Also serving by virtue of their office are the District Governor (John Tabor) and District Treasurer (Teresa Harrington). At-Large members are appointed for a three year term, with the incoming District Governor appointing two new members as two others rotate off each year.

The F&P Committee, as it is known, is responsible for oversight of the District finances. This includes approving a budget each year, reviewing financial statements, annual audits and tax returns. They also provide oversight of the investment of district reserve funds.

F&P, as it is known, also is the main policy making body, providing oversight, and occasionally making recommendations regarding policy, procedure and by-law revisions.

It's Not Too Late!

Register for RLI Today

Saturday April 20

Daytona State College

Palm Coast Campus


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Bookmark the District 6970 website and

follow the district's Facebook page. 

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