March 24, 2024 | Issue 38

Making Rotary Simply Irresistable

I recently attended my fourth PETS (President-Elect Training Seminar) along with your incoming District Leadership and all of the President-Elects. This has always been an energizing experience. It was great to see Past RI President Jennifer Jones again and I heard from many that her remarks were the highlight of the weekend.

Now that we've returned, it's time to focus on finishing the current year strong and preparing the way for the next group of club leaders to carry on the work.

Since the 2024 Rotary International Assembly in early January, participants at Rotary’s annual learning event for incoming leaders have been talking a lot about making our Rotary clubs “simply irresistible.”

This term was used as the title of a 1988 song and a 1999 movie. In terms of Rotary, it was first used by Past District Governor Louisa Horn and recently championed by Stephanie Urchick, 2024-25 Rotary International president.

With that in mind, I'd like to share the outline of remarks made by Tom Gump, Aide to incoming RI President Stephanie, at that Assembly. DGE Mickey Ulmer was in attendance.

"So what does “simply irresistible” mean in terms of an organization? According to Deloitte’s description of “The Simply Irresistible Organization,TM an irresistible organization has five elements:

(i) meaningful work

(ii) supportive management

(iii) a positive work environment

(iv) growth opportunities

(v) trust in leadership.

I truly believe that together, we can make Rotary an irresitible organization if our clubs provide these elements to our members.

Meaningful Work – No one joins a club to do nothing. Our members join for various reasons, but they all join to do something meaningful.

Supportive Management – Rotary International is improving in this area, with the Board of Directors just recently implementing three-year goals for its various paired zones. Goal setting and accountability are also happening at the district and club levels.

Positive Work Environment – Our organization’s Vision Statement starts with the words “Together, we.” Most people want to serve, but they want to serve with like-minded people with the same values.

Growth Opportunities – Our members want to be part of something that allows them to grow. Rotary’s Vision Statement reads: “Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.”

Trust in Leadership – Rotary leaders are purpose-driven and inspiring – not only through their words, but also (and more importantly) through their actions. If we continue to have strong leaders, we will have strong clubs and a strong Rotary.

If we focus on helping our clubs improve these five areas, Rotary will become “simply irresistible!" "

excerpt from

You can read Tom's full remarks here.

Also see - President-elect Stephanie A. Urchick talks to Rotary magazine about making Rotary Simply Irresistible.


John Tabor | District Governor 2023-2024

Rotary District 6970

John Tabor

District Governor


March 31, 2024

Watson and Williams Award Nomination Deadline

April 20, 2024

Rotary Learning Institute

Daytona State College,

Palm Coast

May 3 - 4, 2024

District Conference

University Center

UNF, Jacksonville

The current class of District Governors from Florida recorded a promotional video at PETS in Orlando.

Each was asked "What does Florida PETS mean to you"

Watch on Facebook

New Smyrna Beach Rotarian Honored

for 50 years of Service

On March 20, at the New Smyrna Beach High School Interact Club meeting, Rotarian Mitch Cole was recognized for his 50 years of service as a member of the Rotary Club of New Smyrna Beach and as a member of the NSB HS Interact Club. Mitch was an inaugural member in 1967-68, the year NSB Interact was founded!

Mitch spoke to the group about his two years in the club and answered questions about club activities. Thank you, Mitch, for inspiring the next generation of Rotarians!

Register Now for the

2024 District Assembly and Conference!

Early Registration Discount ends April 1

Please join us for the 2024 District Training Assembly and Conference May 3-4.

The venue is the Herbert University Center on the campus of the University of North Florida 12000 Alumni Drive, Bldg 43 Jacksonville, FL 32224.

For a full schedule of events please go to the Conference Page on the District website.

For hotel reservations follow the directions in DacDB. Conference Hotel Room Block

Group Code RDC. Guests may also call hotel 904-204-0205 option 3 to book using group code RDC (Rotary District 6970 Conference)

Scotch Whisky Tasting

Do you drink Scotch Whiskey? Maybe you have - once, but would like to give it another try. Do you know what peat is, where it comes from, and why anyone would use it to make something that you drink? Do you know the difference between Islay and Speyside? Do you know how to pronounce Bunnahabhain?

Please join PDG George Robertson Burnett on Friday, May 3 at 5pm as he takes us on an educational, entertaining, and tasty adventure through the wonderful world of the national drink of his homeland.

The event will take place at the opening cocktail reception for the District Conference at UNF.

You can register on DacDB as part of the Conference registration. The fee is $60 and all proceeds will go to Polio Plus.


Patrick Eakes

Rotary International Director Elect 2024-26

PDG District 7690

RC Crescent (Greensboro), NC

Conference Keynote Speaker (Breakfast)

"The Value of Your Rotary Membership"

Patrick grew up in Greensboro, NC, USA. He earned a B.S. and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering at North Carolina State University, focusing his thesis on innovative computer chip production methods. Following his graduation in 1989, Patrick returned to Greensboro and joined his family’s mechanical contracting business.

In 1996, Patrick formed C.P. Eakes Company, a manufacturer of high-end custom metal goods. The company operates in Greensboro and produces a wide variety of products, including architectural stainless steel and brass, stainless steel trench drains for chemical and food applications, and many items for specialty contractors.

Patrick joined Crescent Rotary in 1998 and served as club President in 2001-2002. He also led the club’s drive to become the first Triple Crown club (100% Paul Harris Fellow, 100% Sustaining, 100% Benefactor simultaneously) in the Rotary world.

Patrick has served District 7690 as District Governor, District Conference chair, Assistant Governor, and District Rotary Foundation Chari. During his tenure as Foundation Chair, the district became the first district in the Rotary world where every club (50 clubs) became a 100% Paul Harris Fellow club.

Patrick has served Rotary Zone 33 as Rotary Coordinator and will serve on the Rotary International Board of Directors in 2024-26.

Patrick has served in leadership roles in many not-for-profit and community organizations, including the Greensboro Sports Council and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Patrick also served two years as President of Sedgefield Country Club. Patrick served a three-year term as President of the US-Canada Golfing Fellowship of Rotarians, and he has won one international and four national Rotary golf championships.

Patrick is married to Kristen, owner of Kristen Eakes CPA, and they have a 20 year old daughter (Sarah) and an 18 year old son (John), both of whom are active in Rotary projects. Patrick enjoys spending time with his family, playing golf, and wine collecting.

Patrick and Kristen are Major Donors and members of the Paul Harris Society. Patrick is a recipient of the Distinguished Service Award and Service Above Self Award.

Website Success Secrets Webinar

Tuesday, March 26

Websites-for-Rotary-Impact-2024-03-26-1 image

Join the Rotary Zones 33/34 public image team for an insightful session on unleashing the power of your club’s website! You don’t need to be a web designer to benefit from this webinar. We'll show you how to:

  • Boost impact through strategies to make your website impactful
  • Attract visitors by understanding the secrets behind successful websites
  • Stay relevant, and keep up with the latest trends and best practicies.

Website Success Secrets

Tuesday, March 26 at 6:00PM EST


Meet your District Leadership

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Megan Madrid

District Sergeant-At-Arms

RC South Jacksonville

Rotarian 1 year

Rotaractor 12 years

Past President

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Steve Crump

District Secretary

RC DeLand (Breakfast)

Rotarian 20 years

Past President

Watson and Williams Award Nomination Deadline is March 31

Nomination Forms

Share your clubs news and events!

Bookmark the District 6970 website and

follow the district's Facebook page. 

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