
You, our Milagro Foundation friends, grantees, donors and partners have been in our thoughts and in our hearts. During these last several months the Milagro Foundation has taken great care to identify and partner with our grantees who are fostering community and working closely to address the immediate needs of vulnerable children and their families during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

We are amazed and proud of the work being done to foster community and ensure health and safety to those most vulnerable in these difficult times. We hope that you are also inspired by the work outlined in our summer newsletter.

On behalf of Carlos Santana and his Milagro Foundation we wish everyone safety, good health, peace and unity. Shelley and Ruthie

Hope Arch Photo Credit: Nina Ritchie
Johns Hopkins Center for
American Indian Health

Carlos Santana’s Milagro Foundation donated $25,000 to Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health to support COVID -19 response. Water access to maintain sanitation practices has been a huge challenge.

The Center is working in partnership with the Navajo Epidemiology Center, Indian Health Services, and regional collaborators to build and distribute at least 100 portable hand washing stations directly to households in need, prioritizing homes with COVID-19 patients that lack running water.

The hand washing stations are built with supplies already available in communities or purchased from lumber supplies in nearby border towns.

Watch this video to see the images displaying the impact of Milagro Foundation's and other donors' support.

Photo Credit: Nina Ritchie
10,000 Degrees Santana Scholars
Marin County

Congratulations to Alex Davila! He graduated from University of California at Santa Cruz. Alex appreciates the support he's received, “I’d like to say a huge thanks to 10,000 Degrees for assisting me throughout my endeavors at UCSC. I am honored to be a part of the 10,000 Degrees Family.“

Students from low-income backgrounds, like Alex, have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, facing increasing obstacles to attain their college degrees.

Carlos Santana's Milagro Foundation and 10,000 Degrees have teamed up to ease the college journey for students just like Alex by creating a cohort of Santana Scholars - first-generation college students from low-income backgrounds who will receive a grant from Carlos Santana’s Milagro Foundation and comprehensive support throughout this crisis and for the next four years, from 10,000 Degrees Fellows, near-peer mentors who have doubled down on assisting students since the pandemic began. 

Watch this video of Diego, a Santana Scholar student:

10,000 Degrees and Carlos Santana's Milagro Foundation share a mission to make an impact on the lives of children who have been traditionally underserved through education. Learn more about 10,000 Degrees here:

You Too Can Help
Support Our Grantees!

Take action to elevate the lives of children at-risk. Believe in their futures by funding these Bay Area non-profit organizations that are directly educating vulnerable children of color. Carlos Santana and his
Milagro Foundation have proudly supported these agencies for many years.

They are on the ground and changing children's lives. Learn about their impact. Fund their work.

Please visit the Milagro Foundation Grants page on our website to learn more about these and our other grantees doing important work to make a difference in the lives of children.

Conscious Kitchen
Marin City, CA

Conscious Kitchen, another Milagro Foundation grantee over the years, has responded to the COVID crisis by cooking, serving and delivering over 50,000 meals and hundreds of farm boxes to students and their families in Marin City, CA.

This is a community that CK has supported for seven years with their school lunch program.

This support has also expanded to elders, and the vulnerable most affected by COVID and the related current racial crises countywide. CK Founder and Executive director, Judi Shils shares, "At the heart of our work lies food justice, food equity, and food access."

Shelley Brown
Ruthie Moutafian