Schooner American Eagle:
The Midseason Mark
photo courtesy of Jon Finger
So long, July and August... September, here we come!
The summer days of Maine have been an absolute wonder this sailing season with more clear skies than cloudy ones and warm winds abound. After the Great Schooner Race in early July, we had a music-filled journey with Castlebay, a Maine-based traditional music duo composed of Julia Lane and Fred Gosbee. Together, they filled our sailing days with the sounds of Celtic and maritime harp, flute, and fiddle.

July is also host to our yearly Downeast sail which takes us up the coast of Maine, often all the way to the Canadian border. Although this year’s shorter trip kept us closer to home– it’s hard to make it to Canada and back in only 7 days– we still had the pleasure of seeing the beautiful Great Beach of Roque Island as part of our midway anchorage. Next year, we’re looking forward to a 9-night trek Downeast with our sights set on Lubec!
Music continued to fill our sails in early August with the Sweet Chariot Music Festival at Swan’s Island, giving our guests five days of beautiful sailing and traditional folk music to enjoy between quiet nights and starry skies. The middle of August then provided the pleasure of our more nature-based trips with two Hiking and Exploration Sails and a Perseid Meteor Shower Journey in between. And speaking of the H & E trips, we’re happy to say that we’ll be adding a third one to our schedule next year, providing even more opportunity to explore the islands of Penobscot Bay at greater length. Secluded trails, like this one marked with buoys on McGlathery Island, await your footprints.
Now that August is coming to a close, we are getting ready for our longest adventure of the season– the Gloucester Schooner Festival! Every year, we venture beyond Penobscot Bay down to our original home port in Gloucester, Massachusetts to compete in the Esperanto Cup. Last year, we placed first! If you’re in the Gloucester area over Labor Day weekend, come out and cheer us on as we compete against other schooners to maintain our winning title!
This map shows a projected route that the American Eagle will sail down to Gloucester, although where we anchor is up to the wind, tides, and Captain King!
Autumn colors are just around the bend.
Book your journey with us this fall and enjoy them for yourself.
As we near the autumn sailing season, we’ve got a roster of relaxing journeys ahead of us. Following the already Gloucester Schooner Race trip, we have our final MWA gathering in Brooklin, Maine at the WoodenBoat Sail In. In the week of Sept 11-17, all the vessels of the fleet come together in the home of WoodenBoat magazine and school, giving guests the chance to see all the schooners and small vessels up close and have some fun ashore too. 

Following WoodenBoat, we have the pleasure of welcoming Carol Douglas aboard once again to host the Fall Colors Watercolor Workshop from Sept. 18-22
From then through our last sail of the season in mid-October, the shores of midcoast Maine will be ablaze with red, orange, and yellow leaves mixed with the rich evergreen of pine and spruce. We welcome you to join us as we finish out the season with cool winds, hot apple pie, and cozy nights filled with stories and songs.

Give us a call at 207-594-8007 to book your trip or click the button below.

Photo courtesy of Tracy Madigan-Sheppard
Crew News...
Late August often marks a changing of the guard amongst schooner crew members as many head back to school, and this year has us saying “we’ll miss you” to some and “welcome aboard” to others. Here’s a brief run-down on our departing crew and who you’ll be seeing aboard when you join us for your autumn adventure!
We'll miss you...
Courtney King has been aboard schooners since she was knee-high to a grasshopper, spending her childhood climbing around the schooner Mary Day while her parents ran the vessel together. Working as the mate for the American Eagle for the early part of our 2022 season, she is now headed back to Maine Maritime Academy (MMA) to complete her bachelor’s degree in Maritime Studies.
Photo credit Sean Sheppard
Photo credit Sean Sheppard

Morgan Hayman hails from the California coast, and in her later semesters of college, she caught the schooner-loving bug with Sea Education Association vessels. This led to working on a number of different tall ships and eventually led to her joining the crew of the American Eagle. Now, she’s headed back to the SEA boats where she will sail as a student from San Diego to Tahiti, working toward her mate’s license.
Nate Bess began his sailing life on the New Jersey coast where he spent much of his childhood buzzing around in small boats with his family. More interested in traditional sailing, he studied aboard the SEA vessel Robert C. Seaman for a college semester. It was there that he heard about the American Eagle (through his newfound friend, Morgan Hayman) and joined the AE crew for the first part of this season. Now, he too returns to SEA to work toward his 200-ton mate's license.
We look forward to seeing these three Musketeers again!
Photo courtesy of Tracy Madigan-Sheppard
Welcome aboard!
Merry Smith comes to us from Vermont where she just wrapped up high school and is enjoying a much deserved gap year. She was inspired to join the galley crew of the American Eagle in early July after her aunt, a veteran of the Mary Day, suggested she give it a whirl. As the new mess cook, she is learning a ton about food, Penobscot Bay, and sailing, and she is having a great time meeting all the passengers who come aboard. Her desserts are definitely giving us all something to smile about!
Asher Heaney, also from Vermont, attended summertime camps in his youth where he learned small boat sailing and discovered his love of the water. Although he attended MMA with the intent of becoming a tug boat captain, he longed for the enjoyment only sailing can bring, and as a result, shifted his attentions to earning his auxiliary sail captain's license. He now has a 200-ton license and will serve as mate aboard the American Eagle for the remainder of the 2022 season.
photo credit Sean Sheppard
Kevin Flood, born and raised in New Jersey, has known the American Eagle since he was a boy, first coming aboard as a passenger at 12-years old. For more than a decade, he and his family were guests, sailing with John Foss and his intrepid crews. After graduating college, he became a member of the crew himself, joining as a deckhand in 2019. He now returns to us on deck for the second half of the 2022 sailing season.
Looking through the lens...
Tender lobster and sweet corn from a local farm make this meal delicious.
The golden hour glow...
Photo courtesy of John Finger
Asher keeps a lookout as we near Deer Isle Bridge over Eggemoggin Reach.
Photo courtesy of Sean Sheppard
A happy crew makes a happy boat!
Photo courtesy of Tom Whitehead
Stilton, steak, and spiced nuts to savor (not to mention red wine mushrooms, cornichons, and pumpernickel too). MMMmmm...
Nothing like an evening row over still water.
A quiet after-lunch moment in the galley...
Photo courtesy of Tracy Madigan-Sheppard
Our traditional seine boat is ready to take us home.
Photo courtesy of Tracy Madigan-Sheppard
Only six voyages remain in the 2022 season,
and they are filling quickly.

If you are interested in joining us this season or the next, please reach out via phone, email, or through social media. We are happy to answer any questions you might have.

We look forward to seeing you aboard!