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Graphic showing Xavier Medina Vidal, Jim Falk, Host, and Duncan Wood (left to right) discussing the future of Mexican politics and how changes may impact the U.S.-Mexico relationship on Perspectives Matter.

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The Mexico Presidential Elections: How Will They Impact U.S.-Mexico Relations?

Airing Sunday, April 28, at 11:30 AM on KERA, Channel 13, PBS Dallas

On June 2nd, Mexico will go to the polls to elect a new head of state.

With the two presumptive candidates being female, the future president will for the first time be a woman, a remarkable step for our southern border cousin of 130 million people which has often been marked by its “macho” culture.



Claudia Scheinbaum

Xóchitl Gálvez image by Octavio Hoyo

Xóchitl Gálvez

The U.S. relationship with Mexico is one of the most important ones we have. What is the likelihood that the Mexican market might become more open and less subject to the whims of whomever is in power?


Joining Host Jim Falk are:

Duncan Wood, VP Strategy, New Initiatives, Wilson Center Mexico Institute, and

Xavier Medina Vidal, Center for Mexican-American Studies at the University of Texas at Arlington.


Also at play are escalating cartel warfare, the political legacy of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and the long, often tumultuous, relationship with the United States. 


Join us for a rousing discussion on the future of Mexican politics and how changes may impact our relationship.

Photos courtesy of Shutterstock: Octavio Hoyos.

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214 394-6794

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