The Messenger of St. Mark's | Lent | March 10, 2023

For your thought:

Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty. The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.”

--John 4:13-14

Study this Sunday's Readings.

Important: Daylight Saving Time starts on Sunday at 2 a.m. Please set your clocks forward one hour on Saturday before going to bed.


Worship on Sunday is both in person and virtually, every week at 9:30 a.m. We continue our live stream on our Facebook & YouTube channels.


Also, we offer a Midweek Eucharist every Thursday at 11 a.m. that is both in person and though our live-steaming platforms.

View Sunday's Order of Worship

For a complete listing and schedule of our online / in-person offerings available, please click on the button below:

Click Here for ALL Offerings & Sign-Ups

Useful links:


Sacred Arts Gallery Update & Upcoming Meeting


The Sacred Arts Guild organizes our art shows in the Parish Hall. Every art sale provides St. Mark’s a commission which the guild then designates to either capital or artistic projects such as the mosaics in the courtyard and school entrance, or new flooring in the chapel. It is a wonderful outreach to both the St. Mark’s community our greater Albuquerque community. We regularly see visitors arriving during our office hours to visit the art shows, and it is definitely an opportunity for St. Mark’s to “build something beautiful in our neighborhood.”  


Audrey Minard has been a member of the Sacred Arts Guild since 2013 and has been organizing the shows for some time. It is time for her to step down to allow new leadership but she will continue as a member of the guild and so can help with advice and questions. On Wednesday, March 15 at 10:00 am, the Sacred Arts Guild will meet to discuss the future of this important ministry to the life at St. Mark’s. Anyone interested in learning about or helping with the ministry is invited to attend this meeting. We need both artists and art-lovers/organizers to ensure we are able to continue the ministry. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Audrey (by email here) or contact the church office at (505) 262-2484.

Save the Dates: All-Parish Campout

July 28-30th

 The all-parish campout is returning after four years! We will camp at the Ponderosa Group Campground. The campground is 6 miles west of Bandelier National Monument near Los Alamos, NM. Click here to see the campground. This is a tent-only campground with a covered cooking shelter, pit toilets and drinking water. The plan is to gather there on Friday night, hike on Saturday (optional), enjoy a potluck meal on Saturday evening (bring your own main dish & a side to share) and Sunday morning Eucharist before we pack up and head back.


All ages are welcome! Come for both nights, one night, for the hike, and/or for Sunday Eucharist. Stay tuned for more information as we get closer to the event.

Outreach – Lunches for the Unhoused

St. Mark's has found an opportunity to reach out in love to our neighbors experiencing homelessness and hunger, as partners to Church Unbound. We have committed to providing sack lunches on the second Sunday of every month.

Church Unbound is a ministry of the Diocese of the Rio Grande. We currently meet in the parking lot of the Cathedral of St. John's at 318 Silver SW at 2:00 p.m. We meet at 1:30 p.m. for fellowship, with a brief service at 2:00 p.m. We will distribute the lunches during the fellowship time. 

A small team will be preparing a hundred (100!) sack lunches this Saturday, 3/11/2023, in the church kitchen at 1:00 p.m. We plan to store the lunches in the refrigerators in the Undercroft of St. Mark's – and we need some help for about 15 minutes after Sunday School to bring the lunches upstairs and into the cars that will be going to Church Unbound. 

If you are interested in helping with the lunches, attending Church Unbound on any Sunday, or would like to donate for future food purchases, please contact Joan Camera at 505 440 8984 or email her here.

Thank You St. Mark's!

Dear St. Marks Congregation, Thank you so much for your generous donation to our Asylum Program at ABQ Faithworks. We are so blessed to have your support as we serve newcomers io our country who are fleeing incredibly dangerous situations. Your donation will be used for direct aid to an asylum family (ies). Thank you! Jessica Corley Executive Director ABQ Faithworks

Sunday Deadline: Dignity Bag Items

Just under four miles east of St. Mark’s on Central Ave sits the newest branch of the ABQ-BernCo Public Library System, the International District Library. This beautiful new building, which opened last July, has already served thousands of patrons. Some of these patrons are unhoused and find the library to be a welcoming place to get out of the weather and relax, read books and magazines, use the computers, charge their cellphones, and use the public restrooms. On occasion, a patron finds themselves in a tight spot. Access to public restrooms is hard to find in the International District and sometimes they find themselves with soiled clothing and nothing clean to change into. With empathy and compassion, the library staff has asked St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, St. Mark’s Montessori School and Cub Scout Troop #990 to provide some:

  • new (or barely used/clean) sweatpants
  • (new) undergarments
  • (new) socks
  • small/sample size packets of hygiene wipes (baby wipes or flushable wipes).

All sizes of clothing are welcome.

Donated items can be dropped off in the box in the church entrance by March 12th.

Feel free to reach out to Dawn Adkins, (email her here), with questions.

ABQ Music that Makes Community Song Circle at St. Mark's

St. Mark's will be hosting the ABQ Music that Makes Community Song Circle on April 11th.

From 5:30-6:30 p.m.: Brown Bag Dinner & Fellowship in the Library (Optional: bring your own supper or a snack to share).

6:30-8 p.m.: Singing in Stoney Chapel

(A little background: The ABQ Music that Makes Community song circle meets to sing together the first Tuesday of each month for 75 minutes, beginning at 6:30 p.m., with the option to gather for fellowship beforehand. Our circle includes music leaders and choir directors, clergy, and "regular folks" who just love singing with others. We rotate locations and responsibility for "hosting" among interested participants. We focus on teaching, learning, and sharing songs together in an "oral tradition" style of music-making. We sing songs from a variety of traditions as well as songs of our own creation. We lean heavily on musical forms that lend themselves to learning by ear and singing from the heart, including: simple melodies, rounds, simple songs with layered harmonies, echo songs, and "call and response" songs. We take risks. We experiment. We make mistakes. We laugh. We learn. We encourage one another. We sing. We welcome you to join us!)

Stations of the Cross

Join us for this brief meditative service each Friday evening in Lent. March 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31.


The Stations of the Cross are an ancient liturgy that offers us a kind of pilgrimage into the Passion of Christ by walking in the steps of Jesus through Jerusalem to Golgotha. The Way of the Cross developed in the Middle Ages as an alternative to making a physical pilgrimage to Jerusalem during Holy Week.


This year we have installed two very different artistic renderings of the Stations of the Cross. One set of Stations are small-framed woodblock prints that were a gift to St. Mark’s from artist Charlie Aldrich that we have used for many years. These stations depict the 14 traditional moments in the life of Jesus on The Way of the Cross in a representational manner. This year we are very pleased to include a new interpretation of the Stations of the Cross by artist Marcel Vároz, a member of our parish and part of our acolyte team. Marcel’s stations are abstract crosses, painted with his feet in response to each of the 14 moments in The Way of the Cross. Together these two stations offer ample opportunities for reflection and prayer on the Passion of Christ as we prepare to celebrate the joy of Easter. Come and discover what Christians throughout the ages have encountered by walking The Way of the Cross together.


You will find the Stations of the Cross prayer booklets on the Welcome Table in the Narthex (lobby) or in a basket on the preparation table at the very back of the worship space on your left as you enter. The Way of the Cross is a quiet, prayerful and reflective liturgy.


Stations of the Cross may also be prayed as a personal prayer practice in Lent. All are welcome to observe Stations of the Cross anytime that church is open and available on your own or with a group. If you want to make sure a time is free to pray The Stations of the Cross, please call the church office at 505 262 2484 and speak with Jennifer Lind, our parish administrator. People may see the images and pray with text or audio files from on this website, too.

Artwork of purple cross image for this article is by Marcel Vároz.

Worship in the Wilderness

Click here for a printable Worship in the Wilderness flyer.

Lenten Formation Offerings

There are several ongoing formation classes happening for both youth and adults each Sunday. There are also several Lenten offerings coming up in the near future. All current and near-future class descriptions may be found on our website by going to the "Nurture" menu item, then click on "Formation Class Schedule." Or:

To see a daily snapshot of what is happening at St. Marks, go to:

Visit our Lenten Resource table in the hallway that leads to the Parish Hall.

Homelessness, Affordable Housing, and Our Christian Response

(adults and youth ages 16+)

Sundays: March 5, 12, 19, 26 from 11:15 - 12:15

Facilitators: Richard Meadows

In person (Parish Hall)

In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus tells us when we feed, clothe, and visit the poor we are serving Him. Our baptismal covenant states we will “respect the dignity of every human being.” For this four-week class during Lent we will read Grace Can Lead Us Home and hear from homeless advocates in the diocese and city government. We will explore our individual and collective response to needs in the community and what it means to experience Christ in serving the homeless. 

Book Required: Grace Can Lead Us Home: A Christian call to end homelessness, by Kevin Nye (we have preordered several books for this class). The books are $15. If you'd like to help cover a book for someone who many not be able to afford it, please let us know. (If taking one of the books we are offering, please help us recoup our costs by dropping by your funds for the book by stopping by the office during the week, drop it in giving box on the Lenten Resource table on Sunday or give electronically here *select "Other" for the purpose and let us know "Lenten Book" in the memo field).

Please sign up for this class at church in the hallway toward the Parish Hall.

Book Study: The Place of the Lion

(adults and youth ages 16+)

Begins Sunday, March 5 from 11:15-12:15

Facilitators: Rev. Rob Clarke

In person (Classroom #3)

(please obtain your own book prior to the first class) 

Long before The Lion King, long before The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, there was The Place of the Lion. Charles Williams, while not an Oxford don, was a member of the Inklings and his writings influenced the works of C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, and Owen Barfield as well as many others. While not a Christian allegory it contains many of the themes that are encountered in a spiritual journey. Come join me, during Lent, as we read our way through this seminal work in what has become an important genre. We have a few books available for this study. They are $5.00 (if taking one of the books we are offering, please help us recoup our costs by dropping by your funds for the book by stopping by the office during the week, drop it in giving box on the Lenten Resource table on Sunday or give electronically here *select "Other" for the purpose and let us know "Lenten Book" in the memo field).

Please sign up for this class at church in the hallway toward the Parish Hall.

Surprise Saints

Biblical Storytelling (adults and youth ages 12+)

Sundays at 11:15 a.m. (ongoing)

Facilitators: Harriet Cole

In Person (Library)

Join St. Mark’s member Harriet Cole for this eight-session introduction to the art of learning, telling, and listening to sacred stories. From winter through spring, we will be focusing on surprise saints:

·    12-Mar Wilgefortis

·    19-Mar Thomas Cramner

·    26-Mar Fifth Sunday


·    2-Apr Palm Sunday

·    9-Apr Easter Sunday

·    16-Apr Matthias Chosen Acts 1:12-26

·    23-Apr The Apostles Persecuted Acts 5:17--42

·    30-Aor Fifth Sunday

·    7-Mav Paul's Conversion Acts 9:1-19

·    14-May Peter's Miraculous Escape from Prison Acts 12:1-19

​Drop-ins welcome.

Lenten Offerings & Holy Week Schedule

Pick one up to take home at the Lenten Resource table in the hallway of the church between the entryway and the Parish Hall, or:

Click here to download a printable flyer.


...By Mail (St. Mark's has a secure mailbox and is checked regularly):

431 Richmond Place NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106.

...By PayPal®.

Please consider checking the box that reads, "I’d like to add to my donation to help offset the cost of processing."

...Electronically through the Diocese of the Rio Grande Parish Donation site and check the box next to "Albuquerque-St. Mark's".

Just fill out the rest of the information and click the Next button at the bottom of the page. Please make sure fill out "special instructions or comment" to let us know how to apply your gift (e.g., pledge, congregational relief fund, etc.).


DRG LGBTQ+ Holy Eucharist with Potluck Dinner

The LGBTQ+ Ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande will host Holy Eucharist on Sunday, March 12, at 6:00 pm (mountain time) at St. Francis’ Episcopal Church, 2903 Cabezon Rd, Rio Rancho, NM 87124. We will meet in person for worship and follow the service with fellowship and a potluck dinner. You can also join us online.


Click here to join the liturgy on St. Francis' Facebook page

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Choose Life by Chris Chivers - Meet the Author

All are welcome to join us for worship during our Thursday 11 a.m. midweek Holy Eucharists and our Sunday Holy Eucharists at 9:30 a.m. You may join us in person or on Facebook & YouTube.

Come as you are!

Facebook  Youtube  

Email submissions should be sent (via email) to the Communications Specialist by 11:00 a.m. each Tuesday for inclusion on Thursday's e-news. Please see submission guidelines here.

© 2023