The Messenger
College Hill Presbyterian Church
Progressive Theology, Traditional Worship, Inclusive Congregation (PCUSA)
Affiliated with More Light Presbyterians and the Covenant Network of Presbyterians  
712 S. Columbia Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74104

Church Office Hours:
Mon - Th, 9 am - 3 pm
Closed on Fridays

Worship Schedule:
9:30 am - Church School - all ages
10:30 am - Fellowship
11:00 am - Worship in English
11:00 am - Worship in Spanish

Church Email:

Pastor Email:


Join us for coffee, juice, cookies and
conversation in Fellowship Hall before
Church School and Worship.

Word From the Pastor
The month of October will bring several special worship opportunities! We start this month with World Communion Sunday, October 1. At that service, we will be receiving our annual PCUSA Peace & Global Witness Offering (formerly the Peacemaking Offering). We keep 25% for our own peacemaking efforts here in Tulsa. These events help demonstrate and promote the peace and unity of communities of faith across the globe. To help us decorate the Communion Table you are invited to bring an item made or purchased from another country.

On Sunday, October 8, we will have a
Hymn Sing
Included in that service will be a couple pieces of music by the band Amalgama from Nicaragua ! They are in town as part of JustHope’s annual fundraiser (Thursday, October 12). JustHope will again set up a market of wares made in Nicaragua before worship on that day in Fellowship Hall.

Our annual Mission Faire will on Sunday, October 22, before the service. On that day we are pleased to have Meg Vail, a recent graduate of Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, preaching as part of our denomination’s Theological Education / Seminary Emphasis Sunday .

Then on Sunday, October 29 we will have a special Reformation Sunday , celebrating the 500 th anniversary of Martin Luther’s posting of his 95 Thesis, kicking the Reformation into high gear.

Also, please note there will be a Called Congregational Meeting on Sunday, October 29 , for the purpose of electing four Ruling Elders to serve on the Session in the Class of 2020; one person to fill an unexpired 2-year term in the class of 2019; and elect congregational members to our Nominating Committee for next year.

Please note the special Christian Education opportunities, as well. Also, continued prayers and support for hurricane relief efforts in Puerto Rico, Florida, and Texas.

Rev. Todd Freeman

New Member

Lara Zsohar

College Hill's
Cleanup Bucket Project

Our church-wide response to the recent hurricane disasters, will include a hands-on project of collecting cleaning supplies (listed below) and assembling ‘Cleanup Buckets’ for Presbyterian Disaster Relief ( PDA ). 

Donations can be brought to the church before Friday, October 13th. 
The buckets will be filled and shipped on Saturday, the 14 th Volunteers are needed at 2:00 p.m. on the 14th, (in Fellowship Hall), to help fill the buckets - children are welcome to join in, also! Please contact Pat Valencia (see link below) to sign up.

Monetary donations are always appreciated and can be placed in the offering plate during worship, or given to the church office . Checks can be made payable to College Hill, with 'Cleanup Bucket' in the memo line.

Please (click name to) contact Pat Valencia or Gay Miller to volunteer & for m ore details.


~ 5-gallon buckets with resealable lids 
~ Scouring pads 
~ Sponges, assorted sizes
~ Scrub brush
~ Packages of cleaning towels ( 18 reusable, like Easy Wipes) 
~ Box dry laundry detergent , 50-78 oz.
~ Liquid concentrated household cleaner (like Lysol) , 12 oz.
~ Bottle liquid disinfectant dish soap (like Dawn) , 24-28 oz.
~ Packaged clothespins, 48-50 clothesline, two 50 ft. or one 100 ft.
~ Dust masks
~ Latex gloves ( like Playtex)
~ Work gloves
~ 28 ct. roll heavy-duty trash bags (30-45 gallon, remove from carton)
~ Bottle insect repellent (pump, drops or lotion; non-aerosol) , 6-9 oz.

Please bring only new, unopened materials, contained in plastic bottles.

Thank you for your assistance!
RALLY DAY & Pool Party
September 10
Four of our youth are joining with four from Fellowship Congregational Church (UCC) along with their leadership to lead the class .

We started with a Confirmation Retreat at
Post Oak Lodge on September 17.
Mark Thurston, who has been teaching about the life and work of reformer Martin Luther, taught a class upon the 500th anniversary of Luther's posting of his 95 Theses, marking the "official" beginning of the Protestant Reformation in 1517.
Church member Chris Newsome shares his personal experience in Houston as a videographer for Channel 6 in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.
Mike Evanson (center), who retired as our Church Treasurer after 25 years, works with Mike Patterson (left) our new Treasurer, and Gary Watts, Assistant Treasurer, during the process of transition.
Flower Chart

M embers are encouraged to  bring flowers to decorate the sanctuary for worship services. Please sign up on the Flower Chart, which is posted on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall.

Your dedication will be announced in that Sunday's Worship Bulletin.

Flowers can be purchased from any store or bought from your own yard or garden. Please bring them in two containers the morning of the service for which you have signed up. 
2017 Birthday Endowment Fund
A meaningful way to celebrate your Birthday this year is to donate an amount equal to your new age to the Endowment Fund .

This donation is also a wonderful way to honor others such as children, grandchildren and friends and allows the church to have funds available for special projects.

Checks can be made payable to College Hill and marked "Birthday Fund" on the memo portion of the check, and placed in the basket on the Narthex information table.
Penny Fund Donations Welcome

Thank you for your donations to the Penny Fund! You are always welcome to donate your pennies (or any loose change), in the red container on the Narthex table. 

This money goes toward funding many College Hill needs and events we enjoy throughout the year!
October Birthdays

  1 - Valerie Ordonez
 4 - Jeff Richmond
 4 - Lillian Newsome
 5 - Pat Beitel 
 5 - Mike Wood   
  6 - Brooklyn Hovenga
  6 - Sherrie Garnett
9 - Ellen Nole
10 - Robert Babcock
12 - Charlotte Bronston
14 - Nataya Bostic
16 - Donna Richardson
19 - Crystal Zerger
20 - Allison Redding
21 - Marilyn Hill
22 - Cathy Robertson
23 - Dixie Speer
27 - Francis Garcia
30 - Emily Major
31 - Tracy Vanderburg
31 - David West
31 - Nancy Bennett
Remember the 
Birthday Endowment Fund!
Sunday, 10/8 ~ Solar Under the Sun /
Hymn Sing / JustHope Artisans' Sale

Thursday, 10/12 at 6:00 pm ~ JustHope Wine for Water Dinner & Fundraiser

Saturday, 10/14 at 2:00 pm ~ Cleanup Bucket Filling/Mailing-Hurricane Disaster Relief

Sunday, 10/15 after worship ~ Charlotte Bronston's 95th Birthday Reception

Thursday, 10/19 at noon ~ Luncheon Club

Friday, 10/20 at 6:00 pm ~ Game Night

Saturday, 10/21 at 9:00 am ~ All Church Fall
Work Day

Sunday, 10/22 ~ CHPC Annual Mission Faire

Thursday, 10/26 ~ Openarms Youth Project Meal

Thursday, 10/26 at 6:30 pm ~ Celtic Circle Gathering

Sunday, 10/29 after worship ~ Fall-O-Ween Potluck & Fall Festival

Sunday, 10/29 ~ Called Congregational Meeting to Elect Ruling Elders
A Multicultural Experience
Solar Under the Sun / JustHope
Sunday, October 8

During our worship service , we will have a Hymn Sing , with a special musical experience from Amalgama - a Nicaraguan band that works closely with JustHope -an organization the College Hill supports to bring about economic independence, cultural diversity and justice in Nicaragua. During fellowship and after service,

JustHope artisans will be selling their wares , should you want to purchase some high quality Nicaraguan goods, and you can enjoy more music from Amalgama. Come join us on the 8 th for this experience!
Charlotte Bronston’s
Birthday Celebration & Reception
Sunday, October 15

Plan to gather in Fellowship Hall for cake and punch, to celebrate Charlotte Bronston’s 95 th Birthday! (this is not a surprise party).
Luncheon Club
Thursday, October 19 at noon

This fun group meets the 3rd Thursday of each month, either in Fellowship Hall at the church, or at a local restaurant.

If you are interested in more information, please (click name to) contact Gretchen Hannefield or Gay Miller .
Friday, October 20 at 6:00 pm

Plan to join us for Game Night in Fellowship Hall ! Please bring a snack to share, so we can munch while we play. If you require childcare or would like more information about the event, please (click name to) contact 
Marilyn Hill  or the church office.

We'll have lots of games, but if you have a favorite game, feel free to bring it! We look forward to seeing you there!
Church Fall Work Day
Saturday, October 21
9:00 a.m. - Noon

Please join us for fun, fellowship and Fall cleaning! Our main focus will be on yard work and trimming trees, but there will be both inside and outside jobs available. A light breakfast will be provided. For questions (click name to) contact David Zerger .
Annual Mission Faire
Sunday, October 22

Join the Outreach & Mission Ministry Team after worship for the annual Mission Faire in the Fellowship Hall.

Representatives from six organizations that College Hill supports will be on hand, as we highlight and celebrate their work in our community: Tulsa Metropolitan Ministry, Kendall-Whittier Elementary, Openarms Youth Project, Meals on Wheels, Kendall-Whittier Inc. , and the Little Blue House .

Come welcome them, visit a bit, and enjoy some refreshments!

Featuring the Chancel Choir
with Mike Gibson, organist

10/1: Gift of Finest Wheat by John Ferguson
10/8 : Brother James’s Air - by Gordon Jacob
10/15: A Vineyard Grows – by Linda Spevacek
10/22: Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies by Keith Bissell
10/29:     BELLissimo:  
Foundation – arr. Karen Thompson
Choral Anthem:   A Mighty Fortress is Our God –
 Carl F. Mueller                             
Holy Manna – arr. Margaret R. Tucker


The Chancel Choir of College Hill Presbyterian Church rehearses Wednesdays at 6:4 0 p.m. in the second story choral room (next to the church office) for singing, fellowship and fun! If you would like to sing with the Chancel Choir this Fall, we are welcoming new members. Please contact the Director of Music.


BELLissimo Handbell Ensemble of College Hill Presbyterian Church rehearses Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. in the second story choral room. If you are interested in playing in this fun ensemble (permanent member or substitute) this Fall, please contact the Director of Music for more information.

(Click name) to contact our Director of Music

Dr. Kim J. Childs, Director of Music
Mike Gibson, Organist
Celtic Circle Gathering
Thursday, October 26 at 6:30 pm

The Celtic Circle celebration of Samhain will be in held in the home of Bryan and Clay Fink-Ward . (Click name to) contact Mark Miller for details.
Sunday, October 29

Plan to meet in Fellowship Hall after worship. The children can bring costumes , and can get ready during Kids Connection time. We will have a small costume parade and games for the kids during the potluck. Anyone wanting to help with games can contact Clay .

Please plan to bring  a fall dish/dessert to share and candy to pass out for kiddos. This event will take the place of Trunk-or-Treat. 
Pledge Reminder from
Finance & Stewardship Team

College Hill members and friends, our giving has been slow this summer, but fortunately our ministry teams' spending has also been under budget.

That spending will likely increase as Christian Education begins purchasing curriculum and Music and Worship prepares for services in the fall and winter.

Please consider this a gentle reminder to get your pledge up to date.

 Thank you for being a blessing to College Hill!

Your Finance and Stewardship Team
Openarms Youth Project Meal
Thursday, October 27

Openarms Youth Project offers peer-based education, advocacy, recreation, information, and leadership opportunities for LGBTQ youth.

The 4th Thursday of every other month, a representative of College Hill organizes and delivers the meal for Dinner Night and Group gathering at Openarms. A big, warm thank you to Jeff Ream & Tim Smith-Ream , for providing this service for several years, The baton has recently been passed to our new Project Coordinator , Dewey Echols. We are so grateful for his stepping up and volunteering for this important service.

If you are able to donate food, money or time, please (click name to) contact Dewey Echols , or Gay Miller our Outreach & Mission Ministry Team Moderator, for more information.
Danielle Hovenga Earns
Prestigious Title of
Afterschool Ambassador
KWE Volunteer Opportunities

You can help a child improve reading and comprehension skills . Outreach & Mission Ministry Team invites you to be a volunteer listener in the Reading Counts program with our adopted 3rd graders at Kendall-Whittier Elementary .

Reading Counts is an incentive-based program where children read books that interest them, then take a short online quiz. Your commitment can be based on whatever time you have available. All volunteers must complete a background check. The following KWE teachers would be excited to have you in their classrooms !

Matthews - 1:45 pm - 2:20 pm
Smith - Anytime during the school day
Morse - Anytime during the school day
Price - 8:00 am - 10:00 am

KWE also needs volunteer sponsors to accompany students on field trips throughout the school year. If you are interested in either of these opportunities, please contact the school office at 918-833-9900 and ask for Beth or Sylvia.
Sunday, November 5
after worship

The Housemaid’s Daughter:
A Novel by Barbara Mutch

So that we can tackle a book a little longer than our regular monthly selections, Book Club will not meet in October, but will next gather in early November before the holiday rush begins. Our selection,  The Housemaid’s Daughter: A Novel, is a debut novel for author Barbara Mutch set in early 20 th century Apartheid-era South Africa, which the book summary describes as “a beautiful, yet divided land.” The book summary goes on to describe the novel as “startling and thought-provoking,” encasing a story that “intricately portrays the drama and heartbreak of two women who rise above cruelty to find love, hope, and redemption.”

This book is available at book stores, your local library, and other book sources. Book Club will meet for lunch and discussion at Panera Bread ( 1624 E. 15 th St., just west of Utica, on the south side of  15 th St.) immediately following worship service, about  12:15 pm.
Something for the Spirit

Inner and Outer
By Steve Garnaas-Holmes

God, help me root deeply in you,
and let the sap of your grace flow through me,
that my outer self may grow organically
out of my inner self, the two selves one,
my actions in humble harmony with my inner truth.
Free me from pretense and the fear of appearances.
May my prayers give form to words and deeds,
my flesh obey my spirit,
both flowing from your love.
College Hill
Recycling Bins

Recycling is an expression of stewardship of the wonderful planet that we enjoy as our home. 

Our recycling center is located in the cabinets outside the Fellowship Hall. We recycle paper, cans, compact fluorescent lamps, batteries, and printer cartridges. 

We also collect plastic and paper shopping bags for reuse by organizations such as Emergency Infant Services and Iron Gate. (Please, no produce bags or newspaper bags, as we no longer have an outlet for recycling them.)
Visit our Facebook page for
more photos!
College Hill Mission Statement
~ Build an inclusive community of faith
~ Receive and openly share the love of God
~ Reach out with a compassionate voice for peace and justice
College Hill Presbyterian Church | 712 S. Columbia Ave., Tulsa, OK 74104

Rev. Todd Freeman, Pastor