The Messenger
Progressive Theology, Traditional Worship, Inclusive Congregation (PCUSA)
Affiliated with More Light Presbyterians and the Covenant Network of Presbyterians
November 2021
712 S. Columbia Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74104

Church Office Hours:
Mon - Th, 9 am - 3 pm
Closed on Fridays

Rev. Freeman is now working from home on Mondays.

Worship Schedule:
11:00 am Sundays
Worship services have resumed in the sanctuary.
Services are also live streamed.

Church Email:

Pastor Email:


YouTube Channel:
November 7
November 11
Word From the Pastor
Just a word about Stewardship. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: 

Biblically, stewardship isn’t about fundraising, but rather a spiritual discipline that becomes a lifestyle and way of life. 

When we realize that all that we have is actually a gift from God, it is out of a spirit of gratitude and generosity that we give a portion of our time, talents, and financial resources back to God in order to further a life and ministry of love and compassion. 

I have learned that one of the most important elements of good stewardship is to recognize that it’s more about our need to give than the church’s need to receive. Also, there has been a generational shift away from stewardship as a means to preserve and promote an institution within which we experience God, towards stewardship as an act of personal spiritual devotion that secondarily benefits the church and its ministries.

The theology of stewardship also serves as the church’s antidote to our age’s obsession with materialism, consumerism, and the desire to acquire more and more. As Christians, we know that people are not worth the sum of what we acquire, but are of infinite value because we are children of God – created in the image of God. 

Let us all think upon these things as we prayerfully reflect upon our own way of living, spiritual disciplines, and our need to generously share our blessings with others. Commitment Sunday is November 14.

Blessings, Rev. Todd 
October 28 marked Rev. Todd's 28th ordination anniversary. Next March will be his 14th anniversary at College Hill. I’m told that not many ministers stay that long at any individual church.

Please consider letting him know how much you appreciate his efforts here over the last 13+ years and perhaps what his presence has meant to you personally.

~Fred Schone, Moderator
Personnel Ministry Team
Congratulations newly-elected
Ruling Elders
Congregational Meeting
on October 31, 2021
Class of 2024
Betsy Guyer
Bill Major
Emily Oldham
Price Purvis
Elected to the Nominating Committee
Donna Wood
Visit our Facebook page for
more photos!
Afghan Neighbor Assistance
Thank You!

College Hill has once again answered the call during our recent 5th Sunday Offering, for the important opportunity to welcome and embrace our New Afghan Neighbors over the coming months! Several truckloads of needed items were donated and distributed!

Donations can now be dropped off at the Fellowship Congregational UCC Office, 2900 S. Harvard, Monday - Thursday between 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., or by appointment. Email or call 918-747-7777 for more information.

To donate financially, go to the Tulsa Metropolitan Ministry website:
Afghan Resource Survey:

A brief survey was emailed to the congregation recently to fill out electronically, that only takes a few minutes to complete. The information you provide will assist College Hill’s Outreach & Mission Ministry team to inventory the services we as a church can provide as they are needed, to continue our efforts in welcoming our new Afghan neighbors into our community over the coming months. Hard copies of the survey can also be picked up from the information table in the Narthex and then placed in the offering plate during worship, or sent to Tally Ferguson or Mark Thurston.


A huge thanks to Caroline Johnson and Mark Miller for organizing our informative and beautiful Celtic Circle gathering at The Gathering Place! A group of 17 of us learned a lot about the special role that trees have played in spirituality, and entering of the Celtic season of Samhain! (sow-en)
Reading Partners
Volunteers Needed

Sign up to help students become proficient readers. Both in-person and virtual tutoring opportunities available!

Please click the button below to view additional information about this non-profit literacy program, including Tulsa schools map.

Flower Chart
Sign Up

If you would like to bring flowers to decorate the sanctuary for an upcoming worship service, please sign up on the Flower Chart on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. There are many open dates available for the new year. Your dedication will also be announced in the worship bulletin.

Flowers can be purchased from any store or brought from home. Please bring them in two containers the morning of the service for which you have signed up.
Charlotte Burton and I had a grand time at Saturday’s work day, sprucing up the Pollinator Garden with pine straw mulch (thanks to Gini Fox), pulling bermuda and picking up twigs from limbs trimmed to raise the canopy (thanks to Mark Miller).
  Briefly, we pondered deadheading the rudbeckias but agreed it better for the birds to enjoy the seeds in winter months to come. With a nod and a smile, Charlotte said, “We nature lovers are messy gardeners!”
  Yes, indeed: Pine straw and mulched leaves are excellent mulch to keep Mother Earth warm in cold months, and moist in the hot months.
  And while you’re at it, cut down on noise pollution and don’t use a leaf blower … raking is an ideal exercise for fall meditation! 
   Speaking of exercise, College Hill’s Active Agers were out in force at work day!
(“Active Agers” is a category of Tulsa’s LIFE Senior Services for its members who stay active by participating in recreational activities at its centers.)
  Thanks to Marianne and David Stambaugh, Gary Watts, Susan and David West, Jim Campbell, Gretchen Hrachovec, Mary Ann Bumgarner, Terry Baxter and Barry Hensley, Gini Fox and Mark Miller, plus non-retirees Mike Patterson and John Gammie.
  The gardens, grounds and crape myrtles received a fine face lift in their hands!
 Ecology is hot topic in these days of global climate change. Following are recent books not only addressing that topic, but offering hopeful perspectives:
  Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer, a mother, scientist, decorated professor of environmental biology and member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation.
This gem is a collection of essays blending indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge and the teachings of plants. (Recommended to me by Thad Holcombe and Linda Joy Watts.)
“I give daily thanks for Robin Wall Kimmerer for being a font of endless knowledge, both mental and spiritual.” – Richard Powers, New York Times
  Recently published and featured on Tulsa Public Radio:
  Believers: Making a Life at the End of the World by Lisa Wells, a combination of memoir and investigative journalism, focusing on “relatively ordinary people” who, in the face of climate change, believe in creating a better future.
  The Book of Hope by Jane Goodall and Douglas Abrams with Gail Hudson. A “Survival Guide for Trying Times,” it comes 60 years after Dr. Jane’s ground-breaking research of chimpanzees in Tanzania. Topics include the Human Intellect, the Resilience of Nature, the Power of Young People and the Indomitable Human Spirit.
Congregational Care Team Needs Substitute Drivers 
Barbara Perry has two people who will take her to and from church on most Sundays, but there will be weeks when we need a driver to do one of these things. 
Would you be willing to be an occasional substitute driver for Barbara?  If so, please let CC Team moderator Gretchen Hrachovec know. Call or text Gretchen at 918-697-4198. 
2 - Quinn Featherston
 3 - Maise Stagner-Speer
 4 - Ruby Oldham
 8 - Paul Hartman
 9 - Sara McCullough
 9 - Emily Gamel
10 - Christy Lyke
11 - Vicki Jordan
12 - Gretchen Hannefield
13 - Sally Gammie
14 - Rebecca Howard
14 - Alexia Medlock
15 - Vivian Zerger
18 - Matt Schone
18 - Adrienne Williams
23 - Polly Kelly
24 - Steven Bostic
24 - Lori Decter Wright
26 - Todd Redding
29 - Jamie McCullough
29 - Gay Miller
30 - Gabrielle Porter
   Remember the 
Birthday Endowment Fund!
Commitment Sunday 
November 14
Letters were recently sent out to the congregation, with information about our 2022 Stewardship Campaign.
When completing your pledge card, we ask that you please take your pledge into prayerful consideration when determining your estimate of giving for next year.
Please bring your completed pledge card with you to church on Commitment Sunday, November 14, as we gather together in worship, or mail it to the church office in the self-addressed envelope that was provided. 
Charlotte Bronston celebrated her
99th Birthday October 12th with several family members and College Hill friends!

Also, a drive-by her home on Sunday, October 10!
All-Church Fall Work Day

Thank you to the several volunteers who came out to help for our Church Work Day Oct 23!
Day Center Meal
November 27

We’re still doing “drop-off” meals at Tulsa Day Center, and will continue to do so until pandemic restrictions are lifted. Looking forward to serving meals in the beautiful, new kitchen!
Our menu will feature Coney Islander coneys, slaw, pickled okra or dill pickles, oranges, homemade cookies and iced tea, plus 4 gallons of milk for breakfast.
If you would like to donate milk or bake cookies and deliver either to Caroline Johnson’s house or to the Day Center, text Caroline 918-629-2882. 
Congregation-wide Book Study:

The Origins of Our Discontents

by Isabel Wilkerson

Tuesday, Nov. 9, 16, 30
at 6:30 pm on Zoom

Rev. Todd will facilitate the discussions, planned for every other Tuesday from 6:30-8:00 pm via Zoom. A detailed email was sent out recently that provides detailed information and Zoom links.

There will be a mailing before each gathering with downloadable "NOTES" dealing with the upcoming discussion. Therefore, whether you have the book or not, feel free to join us!!

"Beyond race, class, or other factors, there is a powerful caste system that influences people’s lives and behavior and the nation’s fate. Linking the caste systems of America, India, and Nazi Germany, Wilkerson explores eight pillars that underlie caste systems across civilizations, including divine will, bloodlines, stigma, and more."
We are so grateful that the children of the church are in the caring, competent hands of our CE Staff Kye May and Susan West!

Dr. Kim J. Childs, Director of Music
Mike Gibson, Organist

November 2021


NOV 7 - The Gift of Love - Hal Hopson

NOV 14 - Oh, That I Had a Thousand Voices - Bob Chilcott

NOV 21 - E'en So Lord Jesus Quickly Come - Paul Manz

NOV 28 - Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence - arr. Carlton Young



The Chancel Choir of College Hill Presbyterian Church rehearses Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the second story choral room (next to the church office) for singing, fellowship and fun! If you would like to sing with the Chancel Choir this fall, we are welcoming new members. Please contact the Director of Music at or call him at 918-230-2770.
In keeping with the church’s current Covid-19 guidelines, please wear a protective mask to rehearsals.


BELLissimo Handbell Ensemble of College Hill Presbyterian Church rehearses Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall on the first floor. If you are interested in playing in this fun ensemble (permanent member or substitute) this fall, please contact Director of Music for more information. Please email at or call him at 918-230-2770. In keeping with the church’s current Covid-19 guidelines, please wear a protective mask to rehearsals.
1st Sunday Offering
November 7
Kendall Whittier Inc.
Emergency Food Pantry

Our 1st Sunday Food Collection will go to the Kendall Whittier, Inc. Emergency Food Pantry.
We will be collecting canned vegetables and canned fruit, which are especially needed, as well as other food items. Cash donations are also always welcome and appreciated.


Kendall Whittier Incorporated is a home-grown organization, incorporating self-sufficiency for their neighbors through food security, nutritional health, and well-being. Their 2 primary programs that address these needs are their Emergency Food Pantry and their Community Gardens.

Click the button below to view more information about the services offered.
Face masks and physical distancing required in the church building.
Session-Approved standards:
Re-enter a Modified Phase III for in-person activities at College Hill:

1)    Masks are required inside the building for all individuals, regardless of vaccination status.
2) Normal length weekly worship service, with self-directed entry/exit with social distancing*
3) Continue current sanctuary seating (all pews utilized with staggered seating)
4) Continue use of pew Bibles and Hymnals
5) Resume use of pew attendance pads/discontinue no-touch check-in
6) Continue no touch offering and communion
7) Normal congregational hymns with masks
8) Normal responsive and unison congregational speaking
9) In-person adult church school with masks and social distancing* is allowed.
10) Continue in-person youth or children’s programming (including Nursery, Time with the Children, Worship Connection and Church School) with masks and reasonable attempts at social distancing*
11) Elevator capacity limited to two persons.
12) Limited socially-distanced* fellowship activities with masks, including small receptions (without food/drink), may resume at the discretion of the Session
13) Expanded special services and third-party building use may resume at the discretion of Session with masks, social distancing*, sanitation stations and additional cleaning/disinfecting.

* As indicated by CDC guidance, social distancing may be further reduced or eliminated during Phase III at the discretion of the Session.

The team continues to encourage full COVID-19 vaccination for all eligible individuals.
Birthday Endowment Fund

A meaningful way to celebrate your Birthday in this new year is to donate an amount equal to your new age to the Endowment Fund.

This donation is also a wonderful way to honor others such as children, grandchildren and friends and allows the church to have funds available for special projects.

Checks can be made payable to College Hill and marked "Birthday Fund" on the memo portion of the check.
COLLEGE HILL Mission Statement
~ Build an inclusive community of faith
~ Receive and openly share the love of God
~ Reach out with a compassionate voice for peace and justice