712 S. Columbia
Tulsa, OK 74104
Church Office Hours:
Mon - Th, 9 am-3 pm
Closed on Fridays
Rev. Freeman is often working
from home on Mondays.
Worship Schedule:
11:00 am Sundays
Services are also live streamed.
Church Email:
Pastor Email:
YouTube Channel:
Daylight Saving Time Begins
Sunday, March 12
Be sure to set your
clocks ahead one hour on Saturday night!
The photo I’m using this month was taken on March 1 at the Tulsa City Council meeting, which met for the purpose of voting on a resolution to affirm Tulsa as a welcoming and inclusive city.
A bit surprisingly, after many impassioned speakers on both sides of the issue, the council (including church member Lori Decter Wright, who co-sponsored the resolution), passed the resolution unanimously. Here's part of the text.
“The City of Tulsa reaffirms Tulsa is a welcoming, compassionate, and inclusive city to all regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or disability.”
I was among 13 supportive clergy, from many traditions, who stood up in the back to show our support during the 45-minute “pro” side of the debate. The room was filled to capacity. As anticipated, many spoke out against the resolution in a not-too-veiled-agenda against affirming anything to do with sexual orientation and gender identity issues, especially transgender.
Folks, we have a long way to go. That's why I'm honored to be part of College Hill, which strives to live-out its Mission Statement declaration to "build an inclusive community of faith."
On another note, we are now in the season of Lent. The theme this year is, “Seeking: Honest Questions for Deeper Faith.” Questioning our understanding of the nature and character of the Divine, along with questioning church tradition and biblical interpretation is a hallmark of progressive Christianity, of which we heartily engage. May this be a time of transformation, spiritual growth, renewal, and rebirth for you and for our community of faith.
Finally, I want to inform you of may plans for the generous gift of an 8-week Pastor's Sabbatical, which many of you have helped me and the church support financially. I will be gone from April 10 (the day after Easter) through June 5.
The core of my time away will be spent in and around Montreat, NC (just east of Asheville) in the Blue Ridge Mountains. It is the location of one of our national Presbyterian conference centers (see photo below). I have registered for a week-long conference, "Arts, Recreation, and Worship", preceded by staying on the Montreat property in a small cabin for 2 weeks. There is another 3-day conference in-between my stay in the cabin and the Montreat conference. It's 70 miles away in Boone, NC, led by John Pavlovitz - "Cultivating Hope in Difficult Times: Avoiding Compassion Fatigue". Both conferences will emphasize self-care and renewal - the very goal of a sabbatical. I will also be doing a lot of photography, hiking, reading, eating, and chilling out!
While I'm away, we have put in place "Seminary at College Hill". Each of the eight Sundays will have a different professor from Phillips Theological Seminary preaching. Some have already volunteered to lead our Adult Church School class on something from their own field of professional study. Many more details later!
Blessings, Rev. Todd
Happy Anniversary
Pastor Todd!
March 17, 2023
Rev. Todd will celebrate his
15th year
as Pastor of College Hill!
Pastor Todd continues to play an invaluable role in leading and maintaining the church and our congregation.
Please be sure to take this opportunity to recognize his years of service and celebrate the experience, growth, and progress of the church under his guidance.
A Celebration of 15 Years with Pastor Todd
**Save the Date**
Time flies when you’re having fun! March 17th is the 15th Anniversary of Rev. Todd as our pastor at College Hill!
It’s difficult to believe, yet so much has happened during his tenure. In order to recognize this (and the 30th anniversary of his ordination in October), a celebration on November 5th, is being planned, in Fellowship Hall after worship-with a prime rib dinner and special events.
So, please mark your calendar because you won’t want to miss the celebration!
Joy/Concern Prayer Requests:
Please submit your requests for prayers of joy or concern in the bowl in the Narthex.
Hallelujah! These requests will once again be shared during Sunday Worship! Live streaming will be muted while they are shared.
Also, please reach out to Rev. Todd or any Congregational Care Ministry team member with needs and concerns.
Ash Wednesday
Monastic Soup Supper
Book Study Small Group
Sue Haskins hosting in her home.
Adult Church School Class
Children Church School
During worship after the Time With the Children
1st Sunday Food Collection
for Kendall Whittier
Emergency Food Pantry
Sunday, March 5
Our First Sunday Food Collection for the Kendall Whittier Food Pantry is in need of breakfast cereal (Cheerios, Corn Flakes, or other less sweet cereals) and 1-2 lb. bags of rice.
Canned fruit is an immediate need for the
Food Pantry, so feel free to bring donations to the church at any time, and we will distribute.
Cash donations are also accepted and appreciated!
1 - Lilly Ann Patterson
4 - Adelyn Bostic
6 - Charlene Bandurski
7 - Alix Featherston
7 - Trisha Alexander
8 - Judy Pacenza-Bloss
11 - Mark Buchner
11 - Barry Hensley
15 - Becky Doyle
18 - Carolyn Elder
18 - Donna Wood
21 - Allison Campbell
21 - Sam West
23 - Deborah Shallcross
24 - Anders Olson
26 - Clay FinckWard
29 - Carter Bostic
Remember the
Urgent Need for Tutor
for Afghan Family
Vivacious, independent 4 year old, (2nd oldest daughter of the Momand family–the largest of the two families that we support), needs a tutor.
Tutoring sessions are on Thursdays at 3:30 p.m. You will work closely with tutors Cynthia Fox and Johnna Thurston, who will provide guidance and training in devising lesson plans and accessing tutoring supplies.
We welcome your encouragement, support and love for children as you assist them in learning English as a Second Language.
Finance & Stewardship
Ministry Team News
Our supplemental pledge drive for the 2023 Budget was a resounding success!
Thanks to the generosity of our membership, who either completed their 2023 pledge cards or supplemented their original pledge, the results were more than anticipated. We now have enough pledged income to not have to further reduce our budget for 2023.
Other churches should be so lucky to have a caring, loving and generous membership that we have at College Hill.
Day Center “Drop Off” Dinner
March 24
If you would like to bake cookies and deliver them either to Caroline Johnson’s house or to the Day Center, text Caroline 918-629-2882.
~ to Sue Haskins, who has volunteered to be our milk bringer!
~ to faithful bakers Brad Burnham, Jan Swafford, Susan West, Val Harper (Lauren’s mom) and Jim & Jennifer Campbell!
College Hill
Family Fellowship
Pizza Party
Saturday, March 25 at 4 pm
Lindsey Smith and Chris Newsome are hosting a pizza party for the College Hill Family Fellowship at their home at 1932 S Gary Pl. We will provide pizza and drinks—please feel free to bring a dish to share.
Please RSVP to 918.804.5644. This is an inclusive gathering; anyone who wants to spend time with College Hill kiddos is welcome to join us!
Children & Families Ministries
Upcoming News & Events
Come Join the Parade!
Children of ALL ages are invited to join the Palm Procession on Sunday, April 2!
Meet in Fellowship Hall at 10:45 for costumes and palms. We will dress as shepherds and apostles and the donkey will lead us and we proclaim Jesus’ arrival!
Please help the children of the church celebrate Easter by “adopting” a dozen plastic Easter eggs found in the narthex. Take them home, fill them with treats, stickers, little erasers, etc. and return them to the church by Wednesday,
April 5. We will have a lovely traditional Easter Egg Hunt on Easter morning.
Easter Egg Hunt
Please bring friends, relatives and friend’s relatives to worship on Easter morning. Children will be invited to join in the traditional Easter Egg Hunt during Worship Connection. We will have special eggs available for children with food sensitivities! All God’s children are welcome!
Children’s Easter Library Books
College Hill has a wonderful library of children’s books upstairs. Some seasonal favorites are on display near the West door of the narthex. Please browse, read, check out, take home and enjoy!!
Tuesday, March 28 at 6:30 pm
– The Logic of Human Destiny
by Robert Wright
The group will meet at the home of Sue Haskins. Please contact Sue (918-557-0497) for questions, or if you are interested in joining this fun group!
Dinners With Eight Update
Your dinner group assignments and instructions can be found in the Fellowship Hall. Copies of the group assignments and instructions will be emailed to you as well if you provided email information at sign-up.
If you have any questions please ask Emily Oldham or contact her via phone or text at 918-237-9592.
Dr. Kim J. Childs, Director of Music
Mike Gibson, Organist
The Chancel Choir of College Hill Presbyterian Church rehearses Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
in the second story choral room.
(next to the church office)
BELLissimo Handbell Ensemble of College Hill Presbyterian Church rehearses Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in Fellowship Hall (1st floor).
If you would like to sing with the Chancel Choir, or are interested in joining our Handbell Choir, (permanent member or substitute),
we are welcoming new members!
Please (click name to) contact our
Sunday Morning Music Offerings:
March 2023
MARCH 5~God So Loved the World- Craig Courtney
MARCH 12 ~ Sing to the Lord - David Ashley White
MARCH 19 ~ Psalm 23 - Claude J. Bass
MARCH 26 ~ Out of the Depths - Richard Frost
Lisa Wagner, Guest Oboeist
Hurrah, Green Team!
The Green Team invites you to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea in Fellowship Hall using a CERAMIC MUG!
Simply put your used mug or cup in the dishwasher in the kitchen and we will wash them.
Although this project got off to a slow start in February, nevertheless we kept 30 styrofoam cups out of the landfill!
Mark Miller is happy to answer your questions concerning this project.
One of the meaningful elements of our ministry that has been missing for so long is the causal gathering around a cup of coffee, etc, in the Fellowship Hall before the service of worship.
We are looking for volunteer(s) to help setup and prepare the coffee each Sunday morning before gathering around 10:30 am. There are many options to help make this happen, depending on the availability of one or several volunteers taking turns.
If interested, please contact/text Emily Oldham at 918-237-9592. Thank You!
Equal Exchange
Coffee, Tea and Chocolate Sales
Along with other reunion activities, the Outreach & Mission Ministry team has reopened our Equal Exchange store, (on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, in Fellowship Hall), offering products such as coffee, tea, chocolate bars, chips and cocoa. These products are not only delicious, they also make great gifts. But most importantly, they provide a double impact on communities!
Birthday Endowment Fund
A meaningful way to celebrate your Birthday for this new year, is to donate an amount equal to your new age to the Endowment Fund.
This donation is also a wonderful way to honor others such as children, grandchildren and friends and allows the church to have funds available for special projects.
Checks can be made payable to College Hill and marked "Birthday Fund" on the memo portion of the check.
Flower Chart
Sign Up
If you would like to bring flowers to decorate the sanctuary for an upcoming worship service, please sign up on the Flower Chart on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall.
There are many open dates available for the new year. Your dedication will also be announced in the worship bulletin.
Flowers can be purchased from any store or brought from home. Please bring them (one arrangement is fine) the morning of the service for which you have signed up.