The Messenger
Progressive Theology, Traditional Worship, Inclusive Congregation (PCUSA)
Affiliated with More Light Presbyterians and the Covenant Network of Presbyterians
January 2023

712 S. Columbia
Tulsa, OK 74104

Church Office Hours:
Mon - Th, 9 am-3 pm
Closed on Fridays

Rev. Freeman is often working
from home on Mondays.

Worship Schedule:
11:00 am Sundays
Services are also live streamed.

Church Email:

Pastor Email:


YouTube Channel:
Word From the Pastor
Happy New Year! 
I want to start by mentioning that I and so many others found our Christmas Eve service particularly meaningful. Part of that good feeling came because it was the first time in three years that it was held in our sanctuary! 

We know the pandemic isn’t over (let alone an upswing in cases of the flu), but things are starting to feel more stable than they have over the past three years. One of the best things about this is our increasing ability to simply share good fellowship with one another again. Person-to-person connection is always the best way to build relationships.

Even though no one knows what this new year will bring, we will continue to "be" the church – even as we explore and adapt to new ways, in these new times, to do just that.

Please keep all those in need (within and outside our community of faith) in your prayers. I ask for special prayers for the Session of the church. Our Annual Session Retreat is on January 14. It will include a special workshop led by the Rev. Ann LaMar on non-violent communication (something she has taught women at the county jail for many years). We will have an Ordination & Installation Service on Sunday, January 22.

It is because of our consistently strong leadership, and gracious volunteers, that we have been able to maintain as well or better than any congregation I know during these changing times.

Remember God's continuing promise of new beginnings! This is a good opportunity to decide what to take with you (us) into this new year - that which is life-giving - and what to leave behind. So again, Happy New Year, and hope-filled new beginnings to you, and to us as a community of faith!

Blessings, Rev. Todd 

p.s. Our Annual Congregational Meeting (reviewing the 2022 Annual Report and voting on the Pastor’s Terms of Call) will be on Sunday, January 22. (Our church bylaws require the meeting to be held on or before the 4th Sunday in January.) We will gather in the Fellowship Hall. There will not be a Potluck Luncheon this year.
Christmas Eve 2022

Our theme throughout Advent and Christmas was
"From Generation to Generation".
No better way to express that than with the 4 generations of the Coleman/Driskoll families!

The impromptu Puppet Christmas Pageant with the Children of the Church was a big hit!

Dr. Kim J. Childs, Director of Music
Mike Gibson, Organist

The Chancel Choir of College Hill Presbyterian Church rehearses Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the second story choral room (next to the church office) for singing, fellowship and fun!

BELLissimo Handbell Ensemble of College Hill Presbyterian Church rehearses Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in Fellowship Hall (1st floor).

If you would like to sing with the Chancel Choir, or are interested in joining our Handbell Choir, (permanent member or substitute),
we are welcoming new members!
Please (click name to) contact our
Director of Music, Kim Childs.

Sunday Morning Music Offerings:
January 2023

Lisa Wagner, oboe

JAN 15 ~ Great Is God's Love - Mary McDonald

JAN 22 ~ They Shall Soar Like Eagles - Laura Manzo

JAN 29 ~ The Gift To Be Simple - Dale Wood
Birthday Endowment Fund

A meaningful way to celebrate your Birthday for this new year, is to donate an amount equal to your new age to the Endowment Fund.

This donation is also a wonderful way to honor others such as children, grandchildren and friends and allows the church to have funds available for special projects.

Checks can be made payable to College Hill and marked "Birthday Fund" on the memo portion of the check.
1 - Paulino Allande  
 4 - Megan Featherston
 6 - Damion Williams
 7 - Louis Coleman  
 8 - Julia Allande
 9 - Theo Wright
11 - Camellia McKenzie
13 - Terry Gamel
14 - Jennifer Campbell
15 - Parker Brobston       
19 - Fritha Watts Ohlson
20 - Jeff Dickason
20 - Kathy Brandon
21 - Chris Newsome
22 - Jan Swafford
22 - Kendyl Bostic
25 - Ethan Buchner
25 - Libby Wright
25 - Ethan Voelkers
27 - Tanya Patterson
30 - Dena Schone
31 - Nancy Foote
 Remember the 
Sunday, January 22
after worship
Newly Elected Ruling Elders! 

Class of 2025:
Tally Ferguson
Gini Fox
John Gammie
Jan Swafford

Ordination & Installation Service
Sunday, January 22
Tuesday, January 24 at 6:30 pm
– The Logic of Human Destiny
by Robert Wright 

The group will meet at the home of Sue Haskins to discuss Chapters 1-5.
Please contact Sue (918-557-0497) for questions, or if you are interested in joining this fun group!
Celtic Spirituality Revisited!
February 4

The Celtic Circle is now in its 11th year! Through those years, we have explored many aspects of Celtic and other indigenous spiritual beliefs and practices. We have learned how to incorporate them into our daily practices. 

We will gather at College Hill the morning of the 4th, to re-explore and add to what we have learned. 

This gathering is for everyone who is interested in Celtic spirituality, whether you are a “charter member” of the group or just curious about the subject.

Please contact Mark Miller for more information about this and other activities of the Celtic Circle.
Celtic Circle
Midwinter Gathering
at the home of Mark & Gay Miller
Day Center Meal
January 28

Homemade cookies are needed for our Day Center for the Homeless dinner on the 28th.

Please text Caroline Johnson at
918-629-2882 if you can help out. Thank you!
One of the meaningful elements of our ministry that has been missing for so long is the causal gathering around a cup of coffee, etc, in the Fellowship Hall before the service of worship.

We are looking for volunteer(s) to help setup and prepare the coffee each Sunday morning before gathering around 10:30 am. There are many options to help make this happen, depending on the availability of one or several volunteers taking turns.

If interested, please contact/text Emily Oldham at 918-237-9592. Thank You!
Equal Exchange
Coffee, Tea and Chocolate Sales
Along with other reunion activities, the Outreach & Mission Ministry team has reopened our Equal Exchange store, (on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, in Fellowship Hall), offering products such as coffee, tea, chocolate bars, chips and cocoa. These products are not only delicious, they also make great gifts. But most importantly, they provide a double impact on communities!
Flower Chart
Sign Up

If you would like to bring flowers to decorate the sanctuary for an upcoming worship service, please sign up on the Flower Chart on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall.

There are many open dates available for the new year. Your dedication will also be announced in the worship bulletin.

Flowers can be purchased from any store or brought from home. Please bring them in two containers the morning of the service for which you have signed up.
1st Sunday Food Collection
for Kendall Whittier
Emergency Food Pantry
Sunday, February 5

Our First Sunday Food Collection for the Kendall Whittier Food Pantry is in need of breakfast cereal (Cheerios, Corn Flakes, or other less sweet cereals) and 1-2 lb. bags of rice

Cash donations are also accepted and appreciated!
Mission Statement
~ Build an inclusive community of faith
~ Receive and openly share the love of God
~ Reach out with a compassionate voice for
peace and justice