The Messenger
College Hill Presbyterian Church
Progressive Theology, Traditional Worship, Inclusive Congregation (PCUSA)
Affiliated with More Light Presbyterians and the Covenant Network of Presbyterians
              January 2017
712 S. Columbia Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74104

Church Office Hours:
Mon - Th, 9 am - 3 pm
Closed on Fridays

Worship Schedule:
9:30 am - Church School - all ages
10:30 am - Fellowship
11:00 am - Worship in English
11:00 am - Worship in Spanish

Church Email:

Pastor Email:


Join us for coffee, juice, cookies and
conversation in Fellowship Hall before
Church School and Worship.

Word From the Pastor

There is always something significant in the turning of the calendar to a new year, even though it’s just another day, chronologically. Symbolically, however, it can help us reflect and meditate upon new beginnings.

At our rare New Year’s Day service of worship (in the Fellowship Hall, starting with brunch), I used the metaphor of how each one of us carries around a backpack filled with all the events, thoughts and feelings of the past year. For those who were unable to attend, I want to share the questions that folks pondered and then discussed around their tables.
  • What would you like to take out of your backpack and leave behind as you journey into this new year? (What do you hope to let go of?)
  • What would you like to continue to carry with you in your backpack as you journey into this new year? (What qualities, people, and things do you want around you?)
  • What would you like to add to your backpack as you journey into this new year? What are your hopes for this year? What ‘new beginnings’ do you seek? Is there a mantra that would help guide you?
As I shared with the larger-than-expected group of folks who gathered on January 1 (67 folks), the answers to these questions are not meant to be seen as New Year’s Resolutions. For instance, there may be things you and I would like to leave behind, but in reality are simply part of who we are. We can ‘work’ on those things, but sometimes learning to live life fully in our own skin is the most helpful way to journey forward, knowing God is always  with  us and  for  us on our journey.
As a community of faith, 2016 was actually a wonderful year here at College Hill. I know we can’t say that about many of the events within our country and around the world. But I choose to carry around the mantra, “Be hopeful” as I journey through 2017. As followers of Jesus, are we not called to be a hopeful people?
I am especially hopeful for you, as well as the life and ministry of College Hill as we journey together as a compassionate community of faith into and throughout this year ahead.
Rev. Todd

Click here for Previous Sermons - including the Sermon Series on Mary, the Mother of Jesus, during the season of Advent.

Sunday, Jan. 8  -  Baptism of the Lord Sunday with Communion (First Sunday after Epiphany)

Saturday, Jan. 14  -   Annual Session Retreat

Sunday, Jan. 15  -   Ordination & Installation of the new class of Ruling Elders

Monday, Jan. 16  -   MLK Day, church office closed

Thursday, Jan. 19  -   Luncheon Club at noon

Monday, Jan. 23 - Game Night at 6:00 pm
Sunday, Jan. 24
Annual Congregational Meeting 
& Potluck Luncheon
  • Please plan to attend the Annual Congregational Meeting and Potluck Luncheon immediately following worship. The Ministry Teams will present their Annual Reports at this time. The congregation will vote on the Pastor's Terms of Call.
  • Bring a covered dish to share and join us for this very important meeting of the congregation. 

Saturday, Jan. 28  -  Meal for the Day Center for the Homeless
The Celtic Circle
Tuesday, January 31 at 6:30 pm

The  Celtic Circle  meets quarterly to discuss Celtic spirituality and customs and how they continue to have meaning in today's world.  

The next gathering will be held at the home of  Mark and  Gay Miller

At that time will be celebrating the feast day of Imbolc, also known as Saint Brigid's day. This is the time when we look forward to the coming of Spring and new life. The discussion topic for the evening will be "The Celtic Year and the Blessing of Spring."

Contact  Mark if you have any questions concerning this celebration. 

Advent & Christmas Eve
New Year's Day
Visit our Facebook page for
more photos!
January Birthdays

   1 - Paulino Allande
    4 - Megan Featherston
   6 - Damion Williams
   7 - Louis Coleman
   8 - Julia Allande
   9 - Theo Wright
  11 - Camellia McKenzie
  13 - Terry Gamel
  14 - Jennifer Campbell
  15 - Parker Brobston
  19 - Fritha Watts Ohlson
  20 - Jeff Dickason
  21 -  Chris Newsome
  25 - Ethan Buchner
  25 - Libby Wright
  27 - David Moser
  27 - Tanya Patterson
  30 - Dena Schone
  31 - Nancy Foote

Remember the 
Birthday Endowment Fund!

Transitions in 2016

New Members
  Nataya & Steven Bostic
MaryAnn Bumgarner
Michael Butler
Lori Decter Wright
Becky Doyle
Lauren Harper
Chris Newsome & Lindsey Smith
Luke Oldham
Joshua Miller-Shawnee
Marianne & David Stambaugh

 Steven Bostic
Miles McAnally
Lillian Newsome
Ruby Oldham
Lupe Tovar

In Memoriam
 Betty Howard

Something for
the Spirit

Original Blessing
by Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM
Daily Meditation blog
January 4, 2017
Why did Jesus come? 
Jesus did not come to change the mind of God about humanity. It didn’t need changing. God has organically, inherently loved what God created from the moment God created it. Jesus came to change the mind of humanity about God.

As our image of God changes, our image of God’s creation, including ourselves, changes as well. Jesus shows us what it looks like for God to be incarnate in humanity. Jesus holds together the human and the divine so that we might follow him and do the same.

To read the entire blog,  CLICK HERE
Alternative Christmas Results 

College Hill members found the perfect gift for their friends and family who had everything.  

Lots of folks in the congregation made a contribution to one of four local, national or global causes by purchasing Alternative Christmas cards.  

In this way, we raised nearly $830  for the following four causes:  

Kids Against Hunger   -  $136

JustHope   -  $169.50

Total:  $830

(Click to)  check out the listed websites for more information about these causes, which College Hill members selected in October's Mission Fair.

                 CHANCEL CHOIR

The Chancel Choir of College Hill Presbyterian Church will begin spring rehearsals Wednesday, January 11 at 6:45 p.m. We gather in the second floor choral room (next to the church office) for singing, fellowship and fun!

If you are a singer and would like to sing with the Chancel Choir, we are welcoming new members for the upcoming season. 



BELLissimo Handbell Ensemble of College Hill Presbyterian Church will begin spring rehearsals Wednesday, January 11 at 5:30 p.m.  If you are interested in playing in this fun ensemble (permanent member or substitute), please contact Director of Music for more information.

(Click name) to contact our Director of Music,  

Dr. Kim J. Childs, Director of Music
Mike Gibson, Organist
Game Night
Monday, January 23
6:00 pm in Fellowship Hall

Please bring snacks to share. If you received any new games for Christmas, feel free to bring them! Childcare is available. (Click name to) contact Marilyn Hill for more information.
Book Club
Sunday, January 15

Annie’s Ghosts: A Journey into a Family Secret 
by Steve Luxenberg

Book Club will meet for lunch and discussion at Panera Bread (1624 E. 15th St., just west of Utica on the south side of 15th St.) immediately following worship service (about 12:15pm). They will discuss their latest read, Annie’s Ghosts: A Journey into a Family Secret by Steve Luxenberg. Please contact Fritha Ohlson if you are interested in more information about this group.

Please (click name to) contact Fritha Ohlson if you are interested in more information about Book Club.
Luncheon Club
Friday, January 19 at Noon

Be sure to join us for Luncheon Club in Fellowship Hall the third Thursday of the month for delicious food, fun and fellowship!

Please (click name to) contact Gretchen Hannefield or Gay Miller to learn more about this group, or if you are interested in being a guest speaker.

       1st Sunday Food Collection - KWI
February 5

Our First Sunday food collection will go to the
Kendall-Whittier, Inc.
Emergency Food Pantry.

Current needs include canned vegetables and canned fruit, as well as other non-perishable food items.

Cash donations are also welcome!
Day Center for the Homeless Meal
Saturday, January 28

Our Hispanic Fellowship here at College Hill is responsible for preparing a dinner meal at Tulsa's Day Center for the Homeless. 

Sign up on Caroline's Clipboard before or after worship to contribute food or funds.

We welcome anyone who would like to join us at the Center to help serve the meal!
2017 Birthday Endowment Fund
A meaningful way to celebrate your Birthday this year is to donate an amount equal to your new age to the Endowment Fund .

If you have forgotten throughout the year - it's not too late to contribute!

This donation is also a wonderful way to honor others such as children, grandchildren and friends and allows the church to have funds available for special projects.

Checks can be made payable to College Hill and marked "Birthday Fund" on the memo portion of the check.

Penny Fund Donations Welcome

Thank you for your donations to the Penny Fund! You are always welcome to donate your pennies (or any loose change), in the red container on the Narthex table. 

This money goes toward funding many College Hill needs and events we enjoy throughout the year!
College Hill
Recycle and Donation Center

We have re-purposed the cabinets in the hallway outside of Fellowship Hall for use as a place to deposit recycling and donations.

Recycle bins will accommodate paper, cans, plastic bags, compact fluorescent lamps, batteries, and printer cartridges. 

Donation bins are also available for diapers and baby care products, dry goods and hygiene items, and school supplies.

Flower Chart
If you would like to  bring flowers to decorate the sanctuary for an upcoming worship service, please  sign upon the Flower Chart on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. There are many open dates available. Your dedication will also be announced in the worship bulletin.  
Flowers can be purchased from any store or brought from home. Please bring them in two containers the morning of the service for which you have signed up.
College Hill Mission Statement
~ Build an inclusive community of faith
~ Receive and openly share the love of God
~ Reach out with a compassionate voice for peace and justice
College Hill Presbyterian Church | 712 S. Columbia Ave., Tulsa, OK 74104

Rev. Todd Freeman, Pastor