The Messenger
College Hill Presbyterian Church
Progressive Theology, Traditional Worship, Inclusive Congregation (PCUSA)
Affiliated with More Light Presbyterians and the Covenant Network of Presbyterians
February 2020
712 S. Columbia Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74104

Church Office Hours:
Mon - Th, 9 am - 3 pm
Closed on Fridays

Worship Schedule:
9:30 am - Church School - all ages
10:30 am - Fellowship
11:00 am - Worship in English
11:00 am - Worship in Spanish

Church Email:

Pastor Email:


Join us for coffee, juice, cookies and
conversation in Fellowship Hall before
Church School and Worship.
Word From the Pastor
For years now,  church safety and security  has been an important issue, and one the Session has looked at in the past. The need for vigilance is only increasing. Therefore, as part of our efforts here at College Hill, there will be an  Intruder Alert Training presentation after worship on Sunday, February 2.  Officer Tim O’Keefe, a retired Tulsa Police Department officer who was assigned to this neighborhood for many years, will provide helpful and necessary instruction. The presentation should last about 30 minutes.

After needing to postpone our annual  Session Retreat  last month due to bad weather, it has been rescheduled for  Saturday, February 1  at Camp Loughridge. Please keep this important gathering, which will include the church leadership Council of Fellowship Congregational Church, in your prayers. The Session is excited about this coming year. Please see the list in this newsletter of the ministry team assignments and moderators for each team. 

I also want to mention the meaningful time we had at our  Annual Congregational Meeting & Potluck  on January 26. If you weren’t able to make it, please pick up a copy of the  2019 Annual Report . It’s filled with wonderful information concerning what our ministry teams, and us together as a community of faith, accomplished last year. We are indeed blessed with such active and dedicated volunteers.

Along those lines, as we’ve been talking lately about Jesus’ call to “Follow me”, I continue to encourage you to think about the things that you are most passionate about – the things that bring deep meaning to your life. Then,  find a ministry team opportunity here at College Hill where you can volunteer and share your passion, energy, gifts and talents.  We have been richly blessed as a loving, caring, compassionate congregation, and we need what you have to contribute!

Please note that the season of Lent with begin with an  Ash Wednesday Service of the Imposition of Ashes on February 26, at 6:00 pm.  There will not be a monastic soup supper this year.

Rev. Todd
Intruder Alert Safety
Training Session

Sunday, February 2
after worship

I n order to be responsive to ongoing issues involving church safety , we will host an Intruder Alert Training session, led by Officer Tim O’Keefe, a retired Tulsa Police Department officer who was assigned to this neighborhood for many years, The presentation should last about 30 minutes.

This presentation is part of a three step plan to insure the safety of all who use our building. The steps include:

  • Provide tools for individuals to respond to dangerous situations.
  • Form a team trained in church safety.
  • Design a church safety plan.
Incoming Class of Ruling Elders
Fred Schone, Susan West, (Rev. Todd Freeman), Alexia Medlock, Mark Thurston
Children of the Church
Annual Congregation Meeting & Potluck
January 26, 2020
Visit our Facebook page for
more photos!

  2 - Barbara Perry         
 5 - Molly Dickason
 5 - David Zerger
 6 - Alicia Odum
 7 - Ann Franklin          
8 - Joseph West           
11 - Jordan Burrows
11 - Jack Robertson
11 - Kevin McAnally
12 - Joy Kelly
12 - Barb Nole        
14 - Shelta Sneed
14 - MaryGrace Livingston-Gainey
18 - Barbara Bucchianeri
19 - Katie Fox
19 - Monica Rodriguez
20 - Lindsey Smith
20 - Phyllis Wimer
24 - Dylan Watts
25 - Michelle Collins
26 - Chris Allande
26 - Tandi McAnally
26 - Debbie Chase
28 - Pat Fox
29 - Claudia Brierre
Remember the 
Birthday Endowment Fund!
Saturday, February 1 - Annual Session Retreat
at Camp Loughridge. Like last year, we will have a combined leadership event with the Council of Fellowship Congregational Church (UCC), led by our own Glen Olson and P.J. Brobston. Please keep this very important event in your prayers.

Sunday, Feb. 9 - Book Club

Thursday, Feb. 20 - Luncheon Club at noon

Tuesday, Feb. 25 - Evening Book Study Group

Wednesday, Feb. 26 - Ash Wednesday Service
The 2020 Personnel Ministry Team consists of Jim Brady, Charlotte Burton, Kathy Evanson, Marilyn Hill, Fred Schone and
Rev. Todd Freeman (ex officio)
Cathy Robertson

October 22, 1933 - December 29, 2019

Married to Jack Robertson at College Hill in 1952.
Son, David, and two of his siblings (of 7 children) were ordained as ruling elders here at the church.

The Robertsons were occasional visitors to Bethany Presbyterian Church in Dallas, when the Rev Todd Freeman was pastor there.
Doris Moser

Memorial Service:
Saturday, February 1, 2020 at 2pm

Southminster Presbyterian Church
3500 S Peoria Ave.

Doris Moser is well known to the long-term members of College Hill. Her husband, Bob, was the pastor here from 1959-1982.

The service will be led by the
Rev. Gordon Edwards.

Please keep the family in your prayers.
Ash Wednesday Service

Wednesday, February 26 at 6:00 pm

Come prepare your heart, mind and spirit for Lent! Please plan to attend our Ash Wednesday service of the Imposition of Ashes

There will be NO soup supper this year prior to the worship service.
Our kids had a very busy December. They performed in church – singing “I Spy With My Little Eye” written by Trina Burrows . We also made birdseed Christmas ornaments for the congregation.

Church School
o   Preschool – Miss Nancy is teaching “Stories of Jesus”
o   Elementary – Working on a special project
o   Youth – Relevant discussions

·        Kids Connection
o   Making Valentines cards to give out after church
o   March 23rd – Mardi Gras party and parade

One of our well used rocking chairs has given up the ghost. Please let us know if you have a sturdy rocker to donate. The nursery staff and the babies will appreciate it.

If you are interested in participating in the lives of the children of our church – please join us for a planning meeting after church. Lunch will be provided.

If you would like more information, or have questions, please (click name to) contact our Christian Education Ministry Team Moderator, Susan West .
New Member
Betsy Guyer
Spend a few moments with Betsy, and you’ll come away refreshed. She describes herself as an “incredibly positive” person who loves nothing more than meeting and getting to know people. You’ll sense this right away. And if you settle in for a longer conversation (and ask her some questions), you’re in for a few surprises.
For instance, Betsy is an Ironman. Think about the last time you drove to Eureka Springs. Then imagine covering that 140 +mile distance by swimming, biking and running—non-stop. Betsy went the grueling distance in 2018. Although temporarily (and reluctantly) side-lined from racing, she joyously anticipates this coming May 31: the date of Tulsa’s first Ironman competition.
Betsy and her husband, Shayne, have 5 children, ages 20-26. With a laugh, Betsy says, “I have very little memory of the ‘90’s. I call it my ‘lost decade’”. Twin boys came first, followed by two girls and another boy. The twins, Sam and Nathan, now live and work in Lincoln, Nebraska. Blythe lives in Tulsa, Charlotte’s at OSU, and Max is currently at home. Each of the kids are unique, but all like to laugh at movies like Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Pink Panther, and The Private Eyes. Christmas can be a little chaotic with all the people and dogs!
Caring Presbyterian congregations in Iowa (Iowa City, Davenport), and Lincoln nurtured Betsy’s faith and saw her through the challenges of raising closely spaced kids. “Each church offered exactly what I needed at the time, socially and spiritually.” Volunteering in the children’s ministry (First Pres, Davenport) led to employment as an Interim until a new Pastor of Education could be hired. “That experience helped when we moved to Lincoln.” Betsy became a member and employee as Director of Children and Family Ministries at Westminster Pres, a position she happily held for 10 years.
Shayne job transfer brought the family to Tulsa area almost 5 years ago. Settling in, situating the kids, and finding a job occupied much of Betsy’s time. She’s now put in two years as an Agency Specialist at United Way, helping to evaluate applications from non-profits seeking money to function. “I love my work, because I’m always meeting new people, doing some public speaking, and learning about the needs in Tulsa, which are tremendous.” 
Betsy visited several churches in Tulsa before deciding to become a part of our congregation. “I’ve found a great fit, both in terms of progressive theology, and in College Hill’s dedication to inclusivity, which is personally very important to me. I look forward being part of a community that exhibits so much hope.” We are glad to have you, Betsy—and we welcome your contributions!
Betsy with her Dad
New Member
Mike Gibson
What You (maybe) Don’t Know
About Mike Gibson

We all know Mike’s ability to musically shape our worship each week. In just one service, we’re likely to hear a contemplative prelude, a triumphant hymn of proclamation, a soothing offertory and a jazzy, joyous postlude. But there’s more to know about our organist extraordinaire, who recently became a member of College Hill. A lot more.

His first love is family. Mike grew up a farm boy in Drumright, and remains very close with his 91-year-old mother and older brother and sister. He is super proud of his grown sons, Clayton and Alex. They hang out often at Mike’s house, and share his passion for attending TU football and basketball games. In addition to an undergraduate degree from TU, Mike obtained his law degree at OU.  

He values his friends. Mike maintains ties with high school and college buddies, but he’s just as intent on getting to know new people he meets at College Hill and around Tulsa. He loves to bring a rowdy crowd together at his home, especially around a pot of spicy jambalaya.

He currently practices law in Sapulpa. For the last forty years he has also served as municipal judge of the City of Bristow. He also serves as municipal judge in Drumright and Depew. In the past he’s been an assistant district attorney, attorney for the City of Sapulpa, bank president and CEO, as well as being a lawyer in private practice.

He has been active through the years in community matters, serving as president of the Sapulpa Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club, Creek County Bar Association, CREOKs Mental Health Association and Youth Services of Creek County.  He was a founding member of the Sapulpa Education Foundation and has served on the boards of Sapulpa Campfire, Tulsa Salvation Army and several other entities.

He is a man of discipline. Mike practices the organ at College Hill from 2-5 nights a week (starting at 10:30 pm) depending on the season. He works out with weights at the gym in two-hour sessions, 6 days a week. 

He is a happy man. “The air passing through the pipes of the organ is the breath of God, and I have the privilege of being close to it for hours each week! What could be better?”

Mike was organist at Bristow Presbyterian Church for 34 years, before taking on the role here 6 years ago. He served as an elder in the Bristow Church and he comes to us as a transfer member. “I cherish the loving and open spirit of the people of College Hill. It’s time to make my presence here official!” Welcome, Mike! And may you rock our rafters for many years to come. 
Luncheon Club
Thursday, February 20
at Noon in Fellowship Hall

Luncheon Club typically meets the third Thursday of the month (except in July) at the church in Fellowship Hall, or a nearby restaurant.

This month, Charles Stanford, aka “Safari Charlie”, will share photos and stories from his recent adventures in Africa.

Bring a dish to share and join us for fun, food, and fellowship! Everyone is welcome!

(Click names to) contact Gretchen Hannefield or Gay Miller for more information.


Dr. Kim J. Childs, Director of Music
Mike Gibson, Organist

February 2020
Sunday Morning Music Offerings
Featuring the Chancel Choir
with Mike Gibson, organist

Feb. 2 ~ Lord, Make Me Thine Instrument David York
Feb. 9 ~ We Are Walking In the Light
Arr. Hal Hopson
Feb. 16 ~ If Ye Love Me
Thomas Tallis
Feb 23 ~ Be Thou My Vision
Alice Parker


The Chancel Choir of College Hill Presbyterian Church  rehearses  Wednesdays  at  6:45 p.m . in the second story choral room (next to the church office) for singing, fellowship and fun! If you would like to sing with the Chancel Choir,  we are welcoming new members . Please contact the Director of Music.


BELLissimo Handbell Ensemble of College Hill Presbyterian Church rehearses Wednesdays  at  5:45 p.m.  in the second story choral room. If you are interested in playing in this fun ensemble (permanent member or substitute), please contact Director of Music for more information.

Please (click name) to contact our
Director of Music, 

Evening Book Study Group

Tuesday, February 25
6:30 pm

The College Hill monthly evening Book Study group has chosen Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World for this spring. Written by award-winning historian Tom Holland , this book explores the impact Christianity has had on the mindset of Western Civilization. 

We are a lively group that enjoys in-depth discussions amid laughter, snacks, and wine. 
Sue Haskins’ home (2623 E. 14th St.)
Reading to discuss: Chapters 1-4
February 2019
Book Club

Sunday, February 9th
after worship

Lovely War
by Julie Berry

Book Club will meet for lunch and discussion on Sunday, February 9 th , at Panera Bread (1624 E. 15th St.) immediately following worship service (about 12:15pm).

In the Washington Post book review by Karen MacPherson, children’s and teen services coordinator for the Takoma Park, Md., library, wrote the following of the novel “Lovely War” by Julie Berry:

Pick an adjective — sweeping, sprawling, epic, Olympian — and yet none quite conveys the emotional width and depth of Julie Berry’s brilliant new novel, “Lovely War.” A heady mix of mythology, historical fiction and romance, Berry’s meticulously researched book spans two wars and two worlds. A significant part of the action revolves around four young people finding love and experiencing loss in World War I, but the overarching story actually is set during World War II and features a romantic triangle starring three Greek Gods: Aphrodite, the goddess of love; her husband, Hephaestus, the god of fire and forges; and Ares, the god of war and her paramour.

If this all sounds like a bit of an audacious mishmash, fear not. Berry — whose previous books include “The Passion of Dolssa” and “The Scandalous Sisterhood of Prickwillow Place” — is a master at weaving disparate elements to craft a truly original story populated with characters who will take up permanent residence in readers’ hearts and minds. Berry also doesn’t neglect the need for some levity… Though “Lovely War” is being marketed to teens, adults looking for a memorable, well-told tale should not be shy about delving in, too.
CHPC Alternative Christmas Market is making a difference!

During Advent, the Alternative Christmas Market raised $652 for local, national and international agencies!

Kids Against Hunger is a state program in which Tulsa Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma is a participant. The program contributes 100,000 meals each year in order to provide food to the hungry all year long. $135 was raised and sent to this organization.

Catholic Charities provides many programs in Oklahoma, and Tulsa. One of which is essential services to immigrants and newcomers to this country. The US Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Settlement selected Catholic Charities as the one Oklahoma agency to help them with refugee resettlement in Oklahoma. $125 went to Catholic Charities.

College Hill has worked many times with/for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance . They manage a number of specialized volunteer teams to work nationally and internationally providing consultation, program design and training. Recent projects include Boston Marathon tragedy, Response to school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, Northwest wildfires, flooding in South Carolina, and the shooting at the Umpqua Community College campus, and Hurricane Sandy. The Alternative Market sent $242 to this great organization.

Solar Under the Sun , our International choice or agencies, coordinates volunteer efforts and combines renewable energy technology to bring energy and self-sufficiency to nations around the world from Haiti to the Ukraine to Kenya. Technologies range from solar power to water well drilling. Contributions give families electricity to light up their homes so that students can study. Contributions give energy to communities to move toward self-sufficiency and dignity. With our help, they will receive $150 from our giving.

Thank you to all who
supported these organizations!
Something for the Spirit
Living with Dementia: Monthly Art Experience
Second Tuesday of each month, 10-11:30 am

Individuals with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers engage the mind and imagination through hands-on art activities and looking at art .

RSVP required - Evan Johnson , Education Coordinator, 918-748-5325, or register online at  
 1st Sunday Offering
KWI Food Pantry
February 2

Our First Sunday food collection will go to the Kendall Whittier, Inc . Emergency Food Pantry . We will again be collecting canned vegetables and canned fruit, which are especially needed, as well as other food items.

Cash donations are also always welcome and appreciated .
Penny Fund Donations Welcome

Thank you for your donations to the Penny Fund! You are always welcome to donate your pennies (or any loose change ), in the red container on the Narthex table.  

This money goes toward funding many College Hill needs and events we enjoy throughout the year!
Flower Chart
If you would like to  bring flowers to decorate the sanctuary for an upcoming worship service, please  sign up on the Flower Chart on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. There are many open dates available for the new year. Your dedication will also be announced in the worship bulletin.  
Flowers can be purchased from any store or brought from home. Please bring them in two containers the morning of the service for which you have signed up.
Birthday Endowment Fund
A meaningful way to celebrate your Birthday this year is to donate an amount equal to your new age to the Endowment Fund.

This donation is also a wonderful way to honor others such as children, grandchildren and friends and allows the church to have funds available for special projects.

Checks can be made payable to College Hill and marked "Birthday Fund" on the memo portion of the check.
College Hill
Recycle and Donation Center
We have re-purposed the cabinets in the hallway outside of Fellowship Hall for use as a place to deposit recycling and donations.

Recycle bins will accommodate paper, cans, plastic bags, compact fluorescent lamps, batteries, and printer cartridges. 

Donation bins are also available for diapers and baby care products, dry goods and hygiene items, and school supplies.
College Hill Mission Statement
~ Build an inclusive community of faith
~ Receive and openly share the love of God
~ Reach out with a compassionate voice for peace and justice
College Hill Presbyterian Church | 712 S. Columbia Ave., Tulsa, OK 74104

Rev. Todd Freeman, Pastor