The Messenger
College Hill Presbyterian Church
Progressive Theology, Traditional Worship, Inclusive Congregation (PCUSA)
Affiliated with More Light Presbyterians and the Covenant Network of Presbyterians
712 S. Columbia Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74104

Church Office Hours:
Mon - Th, 9 am - 3 pm
Closed on Fridays

Worship Schedule:
9:30 am - Church School - all ages
10:30 am - Fellowship
11:00 am - Worship in English
11:00 am - Worship in Spanish

Church Email:

Pastor Email:


Join us for coffee, juice, cookies and
conversation in Fellowship Hall before
Church School and Worship.
First snow of the season ~
November 12, 2018
Word From the Pastor
We have entered into the  Season of Advent , the four-Sunday period of time used to help us prepare (individually, as families, as a community of faith) to celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth on Christmas Day - and what that means in our lives.

As we journey through the darkest time of the year, we wait with active anticipation for the growing light that comes with that special day. We are indeed, in many respects, in a time between the ‘now’ and the ‘not yet.’ 

Instead of following the traditional weekly assigned lectionary Gospel Readings this season in order, the Worship & Music ministry team has decided to focus specifically on the  theme of ‘wilderness. ’ We will start, therefore, with the passages on John the Baptist. 

With the artistic vision of member  Cynthia Fox , and the particular help of  Gini Fox, and input from the worship team, the sanctuary will be decorated in a different fashion this year to emphasize this year’s theme. There will also be a work of art projected onto the wall to reflect upon during the service.

Let us journey through the wilderness together through the Season of Advent.

And as I do every year at this time, I encourage you to take the light of Christ that dwells among and within you and reflect that light upon others and your surroundings this season. In these changing and uncertain times, I pray for you, this congregation, our country, and the entire world that this will be a time of real and tangible hope, peace, joy, and love!   
Rev. Todd
If you have not already done so, please be sure to return your 2019 Pledge Card to the church office as soon as possible.
Welcome New Members

Hayley Normile
Ethan Voelkers
In Memoriam

Mary McAnally
January 21, 1939 ~ November 8, 2018
Something for the Spirit
Cosmic Thrum
by the Rev. Mary McAnally

Shared at her Memorial Service
on November 26, 2018

The Buddha teaches that all suffering comes from desire. To end suffering, we must end desire.

Stanley Kunitz, at age 85, said, "What makes the engine go? Desire. Desire. Desire."

We gather in many places, at many times, hurting and desiring, so many of us, so different, so much the same. We gather to sort meaning, each to each, one for all. But what I know I must say. Meaning comes from a searching and a being open to what's waking in us, what is possible for all. As we live among so many, we must learn new be-ings for the sake of all be-ing. We must sing new songs, for the cosmic chorus.

There are those who live within you and me, reaching and working and singing within each of us, and we sing together the sacred song in us all. That universal reach, that elemental healing throb, that cosmic thrum that beats and resounds deepmost in silence down each of us, also sounds and works among our different peoples.
Our differences become threats when they could be resources to grow by; our languages become alien noises when they could become bridges of sound; our breads and wines put us apart when they offer us communion at the common table of life.

In one must believe in one's self in order to have trust in another, one must get naked before what is, believing beauty is in us, or if not, is unnecessary for our be-ing.

Come sing with me the cosmic thrum of life, of work that is non-ending, eternal, for the justice that can alone bring peace.
Church Photos
Commitment Sunday, November 4
Soulful Singers during worship.
Trinna Burrows, Director
Confirmation Class graduates serving Communion for the first time - to their parents!
Sofia and Jesper Ohlson
Parker and Haley Brobston
Michelle Brobston, serving as Liturgist
Rev Freeman with Lori Decter Wright, just elected to the Tulsa City Council!!
College Hill Kids & Volunteers
Serve Up Cookies and Smiles at the
Day Center

Kado, Mario, Charlie, Anders, Luke, Nicholas (friends of the Olson’s), Clara, Evie, Kye May, Mike Evanson, Alicia Odum & Stefanie Olson had a fun time baking homemade chocolate chip cookies for the Day Center for the Homeless meal on November 24. 

The cookies were delicious and the guests at the Day Center gave the kids a round of applause for their gift.

3 - Isabelle Thomason
 6 - Peter Campbell
 9 - Sue Haskins
 9 - Emily Oldham      
10 - Ryan Hovenga
13 - Jana Rhoads                        
15 - Megan Buchner
15 - Marci Platt             
15 - Alice Stanford
15 - Caroline Johnson
17 - Kado Bissell
18 - Ronda Robertson
19 - Tally Ferguson
20 - Roberta Smith
24 - Wyneth Roulet         
25 - JoAnn Smith         
28 - Charles Stanford
29 - Kathy Evanson
30 - Lisa Hays
Remember the 
Birthday Endowment Fund!
Poinsettia Orders

If you are interested in buying a poinsettia to help decorate the church during Advent and Epiphany, please complete an order form, ( click link below to download the form), or you may pick one up from the Narthex information table.

Donors’ names and the names of ones being honored are listed in the bulletin for the Christmas Eve service of worship.

Order forms are due Thursday, December 20th and should be turned in to the church office. If you have any questions, please (click name to) contact Carolyn Brady.
Alternative Christmas Gifts

Stop by to see our Outreach & Mission Ministry team at the Fair Trade table in  Fellowship Hall before and after worship, any Sunday during Advent (December 2-23) to contribute (any amount you choose) on behalf of your friend or family member to one (or more) of four worthy causes: Night Light Tulsa, Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma Backpack Program, Marion Medical Mission, and Solar Under the Sun. For each donation, you can select a decorative card to send to your friend or family member.
Monday, December 24
6:30 pm
Service of Worship

There will be a traditional Candlelight Service of Lessons & Carols , with the Chancel Choir .

Cash donations collected during our Christmas Eve Offering , will go directly to Emergency Infant Services (EIS) to help support various programs and client needs.

Adult Church School Class

Sunday mornings, 9:30 am

Rev. Freeman is presenting photographic tours of his recent trips. He has already shared his adventures at Ghost Ranch and Christ in the Desert Monastery, both in New Mexico, and his time in Istanbul, Turkey with the TMM-sponsored trip.

Upcoming Classes:

For the first few week in December Rev. Freeman will continue the journey through Israel/Jerusalem and Palestine/The West Bank

Aliye Shimi , Executive Director of Tulsa Metropolitan Ministry (TMM), our tour leader, will attend classes when available, as will others from our Interfaith trip.
5th Sunday
Special Offering
December 30

We will collect cash donations for
Emergency Infant Services. (EIS)
Giving Thanks

College Hill was pleased to donate 6 Thanksgiving food baskets to Kendall Whittier Elementary students and their families!
A Family of
Secret Santas

College Hill members have adopted a family of eight, ages 3-33, for the Day Center for the Homeless project, Secret Santa.

The recipients now live at the Center’s Hudson Villa housing, where they will receive their gifts from nine generous members of our congregation.

 Thank You!
Your generosity is truly changing lives!
Luncheon Club
Thursday, December 20
at noon

Members of the Kendall-Whittier Tiger Choir will be our special guests for December’s Luncheon Club gathering in Fellowship Hall.

The students will join us for lunch before performing, so if you were with us last December, you’ll know that the kids have excellent appetites ! So that we’ll have plenty of food to share, please bring a double recipe of your favorite dish (or two dishes ) to go with our main courses of ham and fried chicken.

Luncheon Club typically meets the 3rd Thursday of the month at either a nearby restaurant, or in Fellowship Hall. Please (click name to) contact Gretchen Hannefield or Gay Miller for more information.

All are welcome!

Dr. Kim J. Childs, Director of Music
Mike Gibson, Organist

Sunday Morning Music Offerings
Featuring the Chancel Choir
with Mike Gibson, Organist

DECEMBER 2   ~ Advent
Choral Anthem      
Advent Carol
John Horman

DECEMBER 9      
John Owen Edwars, Magera Shaw, harp

Choral Anthem     
And Our God Will Dance
Mark Hayes
BELLissimo Handbells    
Let All Mortal Flesh
arr. Margaret R. Tucker (Introit)
Advent Meditation
Dan R. Edwards

Choral Anthem      
Light the Advent Candle
Ruth Elaine Schram

DECEMBER 24   ~ Christmas Eve
Choral Anthems      
A Christmas Carol
Charles Ives

A Carol in Winter
Mark Hayes
John Ness Beck

DECEMBER 30    Guest Artist         TBA


The Chancel Choir of College Hill Presbyterian Church rehearses Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m . in the second story choral room (next to the church office) for singing, fellowship and fun! If you would like to sing with the Chancel Choir, we are welcoming new members . Please contact the Director of Music.


BELLissimo Handbell Ensemble of College Hill Presbyterian Church rehearses Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. in the second story choral room. If you are interested in playing in this fun ensemble (permanent member or substitute), please contact Director of Music for more information.

Please (click name) to contact our
Director of Music, 

Not to be confused with the College Hill Book Club, we have another small group called the Book Study Group

We select one or two books a year to read and discuss in depth over several monthly Tuesday evening sessions (typically on the fourth Tuesday).

This Fall they have been reading “ The Evangelicals by Frances Fitzgerald . Contact Sue Haskins , John Gammie, or Gary Watts if you are interested in joining us.
Sunday, December 9
after Worship

The Snow Child
by Eowyn Ivey
As we head into the holiday season and colder weather, reading The Snow Child , the debut novel by native Alaskan Eowyn Ivey published several years ago, seems to be fitting. Borrowing from Alan Cheuse's words in his NPR review of The Snow Child , a story set in the 1920s about a childless homesteading couple, "Ivey's delightful invention hovers somewhere between myth and naturalism - and the effect this creates is mesmerizing." Speaking to this particular time of year, he goes on to call the novel "a fantastic story - with tinges of sadness and a mysterious onward-pulsing life force" that "may be best for this, or any, season."

The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey is available at book stores, your local library, and other book sources.  Book Club will meet for lunch and discussion at  Panera Bread  (1624 E. 15th St.,
just west of Utica on the south side of 15th St.) immediately following worship service. (12:15pm)

Book Club is not meeting in November, to give readers a chance to finish this more lengthy book, so pick up a copy now, to join in on December's meeting!

Please ( click name to) contact Fritha Ohlson if you are interested in more information about this fun group.
College Hill
Kid Connection

Thanks to our Christian Education Ministry team, and many other behind-the-scenes volunteers, the church's youth program is stronger than ever! Kid Connection offers the children many opportunities to express themselves and help others through music, arts & crafts, service projects, and much more.

Please click below to view the November-December Event Schedule and ( click name to) contact Christian Education Ministry Team Moderator Stefanie Olson, for more information.

Make a lifelong impact on a child
who struggles with reading.

Reading Partners provides one-on-one reading instruction to elementary school students reading below grade level to help them succeed
in school and in life.
·     Give as little as one hour a week. Flexible weekday volunteer times are available Monday through Thursday between 8am and 3pm.
·     Follow a highly effective, structured,
and easy-to-use curriculum.
·     No formal teaching experience is required.

With school now back in session - this is a perfect time to sign up to volunteer!
For more information or to sign up:
or click here to email, or call
College Hill
Recycle and Donation Center
The cabinets in the hallway outside of Fellowship Hall have been repurposed for use as a place to deposit recycling and donations.

Recycle bins will accommodate paper, cans, plastic bags, compact fluorescent lamps, batteries, and printer cartridges. 

Donation bins are also available for diapers and baby care products, dry goods and hygiene items, and school supplies.
Penny Fund Donations Welcome

Thank you for your donations to the Penny Fund! You are always welcome to donate your pennies (or any loose change ), in the red container on the Narthex table.  

This money goes toward funding many College Hill needs and events we enjoy throughout the year!
1st Sunday Offering
KWI Emergency Food Pantry
Sunday, December 2

Our First Sunday food collection will go to the Kendall Whittier, Inc . Emergency Food Pantry.

We will again be collecting canned vegetables and canned fruit, as well as other non-perishable food items.

Cash donations are also always
welcome and much-appreciated!
Flower Chart
If you would like to  bring flowers  to decorate the sanctuary for an upcoming worship service, please  sign up on the Flower Chart on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. Your dedication will also be announced in the worship bulletin.  
Flowers can be purchased from any store or brought from home. Please bring them in two containers the morning of the service for which you have signed up.
201 9
Birthday Endowment Fund
A meaningful way to celebrate your Birthday this year is to donate an amount equal to your new age to the Endowment Fund .

This donation is also a wonderful way to honor others such as children, grandchildren and friends and allows the church  to have funds available for special projects.

Checks can be made payable to College Hill and marked "Birthday Fund" on the memo portion of the check.
College Hill Mission Statement
~ Build an inclusive community of faith
~ Receive and openly share the love of God
~ Reach out with a compassionate voice for peace and justice
College Hill Presbyterian Church | 712 S. Columbia Ave., Tulsa, OK 74104

Rev. Todd Freeman, Pastor