The Messenger
Progressive Theology, Traditional Worship, Inclusive Congregation (PCUSA)
Affiliated with More Light Presbyterians and the Covenant Network of Presbyterians
August 2024
712 S. Columbia Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74104

Church Office Hours:
Mon - Th, 9 am - 3 pm
Closed on Fridays

Rev. Freeman works
from home on Mondays.

Worship Schedule:
11:00 am Sundays
Services are also live streamed and can be viewed on our YouTube Channel.

Church Email:

Pastor Email:


YouTube Channel:
Click the name to view the linked document.
We will be returning to the Sanctuary for worship this Sunday, August 4
Word from the Pastor
As it was last year, Summer Worship in the Fellowship Hall has been a special and enjoyable opportunity.

We will return to the Sanctuary for worship on the first Sunday of August, the 4th. The Sunday after that will mark the return of the Chancel Choir from their summer break.

A special thanks to Dr. Kim Childs, our Director of Music Ministry, for lining up such wonderful soloists and instrumentalists during this summer! It's always a pleasure and a treat to hear Mike Gibson play the piano!

August will see more transitions as summer comes to a close and children and youth return to school, and folks back to church after restful vacations and breaks.

On the issue of spiritual growth, In his book, Reformed Spirituality, Dr. Howard Rice (a former seminary professor of mine) defined spirituality as: the process of intentional cultivation of a sense of God’s presence.
Let us remember that a healthy journey of faith involves a balance of inward reflection and outward engagement. And as Celtic spirituality teaches, there is a very short distance between the material and the spiritual, thus allowing us to recognize a Sacred Presence in and through all things.

Save the Dater reminder: Harold E. Hill Lecture Series will be held on Saturday, September 21, 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. Brian Kaylor, co-author of Baptizing America: How Mainline Protestants Helped Build Christian Nationalism will speak on the very important topic of Facing Christian Nationalism.

Blessings, Rev. Todd 
Save the Date

Saturday, September 21, 7:00 pm at the church


Brian Kaylor
Co-author of Baptizing America: How Mainline Protestants Helped Build Christian Nationalism
Our Book Study Group, which you are invited to join, will read and discuss Brian Kaylor's book on Thursday, August 29 (first half) at 6:30 pm at Sue Haskins' home. And the second half on Friday, September 20, the day before the Lecture Series. Call Sue for more information.
First time as acolytes! Willamina Gravely and Chloe Gammie. Thanks for Gini Fox for her years of leading and encouraging our acolytes!
A wide-angle shot of the Adult Church School class.

CE Work Day

A heartfelt Thank YOU goes out to all the wonderful folks who helped with the CE Work Day. The third floor was filled with lots of old and broken items that are no longer useful. And lots of things that are useful but need to be organized. By Fall the third floor needs to be ready for KIDS! 
There was nearly an entire junk hauling truck filled before noon! Beverly sorted, organized and hung up all the costumes. Crystal (with daughter, Vivian) and Anita went through the treasure trove of craft supplies. Todd, Betsy, Marianne, Mike, Crystal’s son, Matthew and Sue helped haul things down the elevator and out to the curb. Mark helped fix things like lightbulbs and other non-working items. Gini helped us understand how things had been used in the past and decide if they would be of future use. 

There is still work to be done, but the goal of having a welcoming space for our 3rd-6th graders now is in sight-thanks to the engaged congregation members who used their time and talents to make such a big difference!

If you would like to help with this endeavor, please (click name to) contact Betsy Guyer, our new Director of Children and Family Ministry.
It’s Back to School time! Kids all across our area will be returning to school in August. 

CE is looking for a few tall friends (adults) to volunteer to help out with Worship Connection about 1 Sunday each month. It’s easy and it’s fun! Simple to use curriculum is provided as well as any materials needed.

There are two age groups that need extra tall friends: K-2nd grade, and 3rd-6th grade. There are always 2 tall friends with each group. Give it a try, you’ll be surprised how much YOU learn! Please contact Betsy if you are interested.

Please note that there will be no

More details coming soon for our upcoming
Rally Day September 8, and Family Pool Party being held at the Gammie's after worship!

Calling All
College Hill Youth
(6th-12th grade)

Oklahoma Youth Connect
Day of Service
Saturday, September 28 in OKC

Join Presbyterian youth from around Oklahoma for a day of service, fellowship and games. Transportation will be arranged for interested youth to travel to OKC for the day, from approximately 8am-5pm, including travel time.

Youth from several Presbyterian churches will work together on a service project at Urban Mission in OKC. This will be followed by a meal together and some “youth group games” to get to know other Presbyterian youth in the area at First Presbyterian OKC. Please contact our Director of Children and Family Ministry, Betsy Guyer, for more info and/or to sign up.
Celtic Circle
Lughnasa Gathering at the Millers
July 30
Led by Mark Miller
Have you seen me?
Do you know where to find me?
Top: nursery on 2nd floor (Jan Williamson artist)
Middle: at top of stairs on 2nd floor, outside nursery (Susan West artist)
Bottom: historical display in our Church Library, 2nd floor (set up by Jim Brown)
1 - Esteban Valencia 
 1 - Laura Stanford
 1 - Lucus Medlock
 2 - Pat Valencia        
 2 - Elizabeth West
 2 - Ann LaMar
 3 - Beverly Clark    
 6 - Meagen Burrows
 6 - Cooper Thomason
 7 - Patrick Fox
 8 - Michelle Brobston
 9 - Rachel Fuller
10 - Kristy Wyatt
13 - Katy Walker
14 - Jim Brady
15 - Judith Nole
16 - Tim Gillean
16 - Cathy Elliott
20 - Kari White
23 - Adrienne Coleman
23 - Lori Clark
24 - Haley Brobston
25 - Susan West
25 - Kathy Davis
26 - Mark Bergner
26 - Dana Livingston
26 - June McRae
27 - Betty Coleman
27 - Keaton Lockhart
30 - Bruce Ketcham, Jr.
30 - Julie Buckley
30 - Allen White
    Remember the 
Birthday Endowment Fund!
Martha Brown's
90th Birthday Celebration
Sunday, August 11

Join us in Fellowship Hall after worship for cake and lemonade to celebrate Martha Brown on her 90th Birthday! A card will be available beforehand for everyone to sign.
Gretchen Hannefield recently visited with Martha over lunch and learned a great deal about Martha's full, amazing life,
and then shared this article:

"Forty-seven years ago College Hill gained a new member by transfer from Springfield, IL. She’s the woman with the warm smile and sparkly blue eyes who is in Adult Church School and church almost every Sunday. Or you may know her as the Fair Trade coffee and chocolate lady as she assists in selling these products to our members. If you don’t know her name, it’s Martha Brown and she just turned 90 years young this summer"....
To read Martha's entire story
Click the button below
Luncheon Club
Thursday, August 15 at 11:30 am
in Fellowship Hall

It was decided that we would continue to meet the third Thursday of every month starting at 11:30 am.

This month, we will have a Potluck lunch and welcome our guest speaker Gary Watts will entertain the group with his story 'Finding the Rio Grande'.

We will continue to have a monthly sign-up sheet (located on the kitchen door) so we know how many will be attending to help proportion food.

Several people have volunteered to unofficially keep the group organized and everyone pitched in to help clean up after lunch, that was very appreciated. Each month we will try to set up some form of program, speaker, or we will have individuals “tell their story”-so let us know if you are interested in sharing!

If anyone in the congregation would like to attend, but needs assistance with transportation, if this is something you could help with, please (click name to) contact Bryan or Clay Finckward.
1st Sunday Food Collection
Kendall Whittier, Inc.
Emergency Food Pantry

Sunday, August 4

Our First Sunday Food Collection for the Kendall Whittier Food Pantry is in need of breakfast cereal (Cheerios, Corn Flakes, or other less sweet cereals) and 1-2 lb. bags of rice.
Canned fruit and boxed cereal are immediate needs for the Food Pantry, so feel free to bring donations to the church at any time, and we will distribute.

Cash donations are also
accepted and appreciated!
Afghan Tutors: 

The Momand family needs a tutor for an 8 year old girl (3rd grade) on Thursdays from 3:30-4:30 p.m. beginning in September. 
Please contact Adrienne Driscoll at

The Sakhizada family needs tutors for 2 year old girl and 4 year old boy Sundays 3:00-4:30 pm and Thursdays, 1:00-2:00 pm.  If you are interested, please contact Debbie Chase
Afghan Bread Sales
Outreach Opportunity 
Over the past year, one of the Afghan wives has made bread that the Team is selling in Fellowship Hall the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. The flat bread is $5 and the Bolani (vegetable stuffed Afghan flat bread) is $7. 100% of the sales proceeds have gone back to the family, which helps supplement the household income for this family with six children.
We need a volunteer to help with this outreach, by sharing the responsibility of picking up the bread and bringing it to the church. Jennifer Campbell can continue picking up most of the time, but would like a back-up person when she is out of town.

Please contact Jennifer at 918-277-9956 or email her at if you can help. 
Help for
Humans and Pets

Tulsa Day Center soon will include a 600-square foot, climate-controlled space to house pets for clients who may otherwise have not sought services. Opening date is fall of 2024. 

You can support this new addition by donating dog food, treats, leashes or collars.

Items most needed for the humans this summer include tennis shoes, underwear, shorts, umbrellas, cooling towels and sunscreen.

Simply place your donations in (or near) the
Just Do It Box in the Narthex and they will be delivered to the Day Center. Thank you!

Also a special thanks to our faithful
Cookie Bakers for July's Day Center Meal:
Gay, Jennifer, Val, Anita, Martha & Brad! 
College Hill Presbyterian Church
Department of Music

Dr. Kim J. Childs, Director of Music
Mike Gibson, Organist
August 2024
The Chancel Choir of College Hill Presbyterian Church rehearses Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the second story choral room (next to the church office) for singing, fellowship and fun!
BELLissimo Handbell Ensemble of College Hill Presbyterian Church rehearses Wednesdays at 6:00 pm on the third floor. (Sunflower Room)
If you would like to sing with the Chancel Choir, or are interested in joining our Handbell Choir, (permanent member or substitute), we always welcome new members!

Chancel Choir and BELLissimo Handbell rehearsals will resume Wednesday, August 7
Please (click name to) contact our
Director of Music, Kim Childs,
or call him at 918-230-2770
August 4 ~ Stephen Law, clarinet
Guest Soloist

August 11 ~ All Things Bright and Beautiful John Rutter

August 18 ~ Open My Eyes K. Lee Scott

AUGUST 25 ~ O Taste and See Ralph Vaughan Williams
Synod Youth Workshop

As in every year, College Hill serves as a type of home-base for the Synod Youth Workshop (SYW) leadership team and service project supplies. This year they painted Betsy Guyer's new office in the Worship Connection area on the 2nd floor, and cleared the brush away from the air conditioner units on the east side of the building.
College Hill's
Blessing Box

You have seen the beautiful Blessing Box in the west garden between the sanctuary and parking lot. 

This is beautiful in two ways: the construction and design, but also the blessing it gives those in need who pass by the church. With the box, they can slate their hunger, quench their thirst, wash, combat headaches.

You have been generous supplying that box, but we are down to two weeks of supply. If you are able, we could use individual packets of non-perishable food, small drink containers, hygiene products like soap, sanitizer, women's products. Bring this to the Blessing Box closet in Fellowship Hall. 
Flower Chart
Sign Up

If you would like to bring flowers to decorate the sanctuary for an upcoming worship service, please sign up on the Flower Chart on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall.

There are many open dates available for the new year. Your dedication will also be announced in the worship bulletin.

Flowers can be purchased from any store or brought from home. Please bring them in two containers the morning of the service for which you have signed up.
Birthday Endowment Fund

A meaningful way to celebrate this year's Birthday, is to donate an amount equal to your age to the Endowment Fund.

This donation is also a wonderful way to honor others such as children, grandchildren and friends and allows the church to have funds available for special projects.

Checks can be made payable to College Hill and marked "Birthday Fund" on the memo portion of the check.
Joy/Concern Prayer Requests

Please submit your requests for prayers of joy or concern in the bowl in the Narthex.  

Prayer requests are shared during our live streamed worship service on Sundays, but muted during this time.

Also, please reach out to Jan Swafford, Congregational Care Ministry Team Moderator, any team member, or Rev. Todd with needs and concerns.
We have added to our weekly bulletins
and newsletters a new
QR Code
that will take people to the Donation page of our church website. Studies show how important this method of donating has become, especially for younger generations.

The code can be used for "Pledges or General Donations" to our operating budget, or for "Special Donations" which can be designated to occasional special collections taken throughout the year.

Mission Statement
~ Build an inclusive community of faith
~ Receive and openly share the love of God
~ Reach out with a compassionate voice for
peace and justice