The Messenger
College Hill Presbyterian Church
Progressive Theology, Traditional Worship, Inclusive Congregation (PCUSA)
Affiliated with More Light Presbyterians and the Covenant Network of Presbyterians  
 2 0 1 7
712 S. Columbia Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74104

Church Office Hours:
Mon - Th, 9 am - 3 pm
Closed on Fridays

Worship Schedule:
9:30 am - Church School - all ages
10:30 am - Fellowship
11:00 am - Worship in English
11:00 am - Worship in Spanish

Church Email:

Pastor Email:


Join us for coffee, juice, cookies and
conversation in Fellowship Hall before
Church School and Worship.

Word From the Pastor

I hope this year’s theme for the season of Lent – A Time to Fill Your Cup, has been meaningful for you as you reflect upon your own journey of faith.

During this month we will celebrate Holy Week, beginning with Palm/Passion Sunday on April 9. Like last year, on Maundy Thursday we will share an Agape Meal & Communion in the Fellowship Hall at 6:00 pm.

An Agape Meal, or Love Feast, is an ancient Christian tradition of sharing a fellowship meal with the community of faith. It was often incorporated in a service of worship itself. The church will provide the simple meal that includes a variety of breads, cheeses, fruit, and nuts.

Our Good Friday service this year will be a combined service of 8 local Presbyterian churches, held at 7:00 pm at John Calvin Presbyterian Church (on 31st near Memorial). The service will include a large combined choir under the direction of Dr. Kim Childs.

And of course, join us in our Easter Celebration, on April 16. The very heart and core of the Easter message is about hope! 

The Easter promise of hope is this: the ways of God ultimately prevail over the attitudes, behaviors, and systems opposed to God’s ways.

Our world is indeed often filled with injustice, oppression, violence, cynicism, despair, emptiness, loneliness, suffering, sorrow and fear. Yet, the Sacred Presence of God (as revealed in and through the life and ministry of Jesus, and through the story of his death and resurrection) is always with us and within us – miraculously enabling us to initiate and participate in profound moments of love, charity, compassion, peace, joy, justice, dignity, and therefore hope. This is what marks us as ‘Easter people’ and as a ‘resurrection community.’

This particular understanding challenges and encourages us to ‘practice resurrection’ in the here and now.


Rev. Todd Freeman

Click here for Previous Sermons - including the Sermon Series on Mary, the Mother of Jesus, during the season of Advent.

LENT: A Time to Fill Your Cup
The church office will be closed Monday, April 17, in observance of Easter Sunday.
Easter Lily Orders Due April 9

If you are interested in buying an Easter Lily to help decorate the church during Easter (April 16), please click below to download the order form and return to the church office. Fo rms located are also available on the Narthex table.

Orders are due next Sunday, April 9. Your name and dedication will be listed in the Easter Sunday worship bulletin.
College Hill Photo Directory
Our new photo directories have arrived! Please pick up your copy in Fellowship Hall. 1 book per family, please.
Rev Freeman presents a Care Card on behalf of the congregation to Toby Jenkins, Executive Director of Oklahomans for Equality, after shots were fired at the Equality Center last month.
Muhammet Ali Sezer, Executive Director of the Raindrop Turkish House Tulsa and the Dialogue Institute of Tulsa, at a luncheon meeting hosted by College Hill on March 29. The guest speaker, the  Rev. Dirk Ficca (Presbyterian in the Presbytery of Chicago) spoke on " Antidote to Extremism."
Changing of the guard. Mike Evanson, College Hill's Church Treasurer for the past 25 years, shakes hands with Mike Patterson, our new Church Treasurer.
College Hill
Recycle and Donation Center

We have re-purposed the cabinets in the hallway outside of Fellowship Hall for use as a place to deposit recycling and donations.

Recycle bins will accommodate paper, cans, plastic bags, compact fluorescent lamps, batteries, and printer cartridges. 

Donation bins are also available for diapers and baby care products, dry goods and hygiene items, and school supplies.

2017 Birthday Endowment Fund
A meaningful way to celebrate your Birthday this year is to donate an amount equal to your new age to the Endowment Fund .

This donation is also a wonderful way to honor others such as children, grandchildren and friends and allows the church to have funds available for special projects.

Checks can be made payable to College Hill and marked "Birthday Fund" on the memo portion of the check, and placed in the basket on the Narthex information table.

Penny Fund Donations Welcome

Thank you for your donations to the Penny Fund! You are always welcome to donate your pennies (or any loose change), in the red container on the Narthex table. 

This money goes toward funding many College Hill needs and events we enjoy throughout the year!
Flower Chart

M embers are encouraged to  bring flowers to decorate the sanctuary for worship services.  Please sign up on the Flower Chart, which is posted on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. Your dedication will be announced in that Sunday's Worship Bulletin.

Flowers can be purchased from any store or bought from your own yard or garden.  Please bring them in two containers the morning of the service for which you have signed up.  

April Birthdays

   1 - Jerry Abercrombie
    3 - Will Nole
   7 - Lee Collins
   8 - Stefanie Olson
   8 - Cara Wood
  10 - Nancy Vanderburg   
  12 - Elizabeth Buchner
  12 - Jana Stagner
  14 - Carol Wimmmer
  16 - Gavin Buchner
  18 - Carolyn Brady
  19 - Pat Lucy
  20 - Nancy Gammie
  22 - Lilianna Coleman
  22 - Margaret Watson
   23 - MaryAnn Bumgarner
   25 - Elizabeth Brady
   25 - Doris Moser
   25 - Andrew Redding
   25 - Marianne Stambaugh
   28 - Terry Baxter
   29 - Aidan McCullough

Remember the 
Birthday Endowment Fund!

All Church Work Day

THIS Saturday, April 1

9:00 am - noon

The Building & Grounds Ministry Team is seeking volunteers to help clean, polish, & shine our church home. This will be a “Spring Cleaning”, both inside and out. It is always a fun time with a fun group.

We have had fewer volunteers the last couple of workdays, so we really need your help this time to keep our church home in the kind of condition that demonstrates our love and pride.

There will be tasks for all skill levels, so don’t be hesitant to come.  If you are going to do outside work, please bring work gloves and perhaps your favorite tools, otherwise supplies will be provided. A continental breakfast will be provided. 

Put this on your calendar, join the fun and help us shine for Easter! If you have questions, please (click name to) contact David Zerger. For outside (gardening) questions, (click name to) contact Gini Fox.

Baby Shower
in Fellowship Hall
this Sunday, April 2

S top by after worship to meet David & Crystal’s baby girl, Vivian, while enjoying cake and punch.

Gifts (Sz 6 -9 mo. socks, tops, pants, etc.)
would be appreciated, but are not expected.
  Maundy Thursday 
Thursday, April 13 at 6:00 pm

We will share an Agape Meal & Communion in the Fellowship Hall. An  Agape Meal, or  Love Feast, is an ancient Christian tradition of sharing a fellowship meal with the community of faith, that was often incorporated in a service of worship itself. A simple meal that includes a variety of breads, nuts, cheeses, and fruit, will be provided.

Good Friday
Friday, April 14 at 7:00 pm
The service will be held at  John Calvin Presbyterian (8181 E 31st St - near Memorial). Eight local Presbyterian churches will combine for a special service that will include a combined choir, directed by our own Dr. Kim Childs. Several scripture readings, walking through the biblical story, will be read, along with “reflections” by several biblical characters (Judas, Peter, Pilate, Barabbas, Simon of Cyrene, Mary mother of Jesus, Crucified Criminal, Mary Magdalene, Centurion. Please join us for this meaningful service of worship.

Easter Sunday
Sunday, April 16 at 11:00 am
Saturday, April 1 - All Church Work Day 9:00 am - noon

Thursday, April 13 - Maundy Thursday Service at 6:00 pm

Friday, April 14 - Good Friday Combined Service at John Calvin - 7:00 pm

Sunday, April 16 - Easter Sunday

Thursday, April 20  -  Luncheon Club at noon

Friday, April 21 - Game Night at 6:00 pm

Thursday, April 27 - Openarms Youth Project Meal
Special 1st Sunday Offering
April 2

Outreach & Mission ministry team has designated April's 1st  Sunday Offering to support our adopted 3rd grade classrooms at Kendall-Whittier Elementary.

They are in need of the following items:

  • small rolls of Scotch tape
  • black Sharpies
  • paper plates and forks.

Cash donations are also welcome and appreciated!
Palm Sunday Potluck
Sunday, April 9

Fellowship is hosting a
Potluck Luncheon in Fellowship Hall after worship.

Please bring a dish to share with your church family.
One Great Hour of Sharing
Sunday, April 9

Your gift to OGHS changes people's lives! Please give generously and remember to make your check out to College Hill with the notation that it is for OGHS, or click here to donate directly through their website.

The PC(USA) offering is divided three ways: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP), and Self-Development of People (SDP). College Hill keeps 25% for our ministry efforts.
Proctors Needed for State Testing!

College Hill is helping to provide classroom proctors for state testing days at Kendall-Whittier Elementary, focusing on our adopted 3rd grade classrooms.

3rd grade classes will be testing the week of April 3 - April 7, with small group testing the following week, April 10 - April 14.

If you can help, please (click name to) contact Dewey Echols or Gay Miller as soon as possible, or click on the link below sign up directly online.

Sign up deadline is this Friday, 3/31.
Luncheon Club
Thursday, April 20 at Noon

Luncheon Club meets the third Thursday of each month in Fellowship Hall. 

Our guest speaker will be Shiela Haynes, Board President of Domestic Violence Intervention Services.

Please bring a donation for the DVIS Wish List: hand soap, toothbrushes, razors, tissues, or shaving cream.

Plan to join us for wonderful food, fellowship and fun! Please contact Gretchen Hannefield or Gay Miller if you are interested in more information, or have a presentation or program idea you would like to share.

Game Night
Friday, April 21
6:00 pm in Fellowship Hall

Your taxes will be done and Easter will have come & gone, so come relax and play games with us! 

Plan to join us for Game Night in Fellowship Hall! If you like playing cards, dominoes or board games, then plan to join us for a fun night of fellowship! 

Please bring a snack to share, so we can munch while we play. If you require childcare or would like more information about the event, please contact Marilyn Hill or the church office. We'll have lots of games, but if you have a favorite game, feel free to bring it!

We look forward to seeing you there!

April 2 Out of the Deep (from the John Rutter Requiem) – featuring Diane Bucchianeri, cellist and Mike Gibson, organist with the Chancel Choir.

Palm Sunday, April 9 Draw Nigh to Jerusalem by David H. Williams – featuring the Chancel Choir with organist Mike Gibson.

Easter Sunday, April 16 – Rejoice! The Lord has Risen by Douglas E. Wagner – featuring Ian Betty, trumpet from the University of Tulsa with the Chancel Choir and organist Mike Gibson. BELLissimo Handbell Ensemble will play Aria by Michael Hellman.

April 23This Joyful Eastertide by William H. Harris – featuring the Chancel Choir and organist Mike Gibson.

April 30Draw Us in the Spirit’s Tether by Harold W. Friedell – featuring the Chancel Choir and organist Mike Gibson.


John Calvin Presbyterian Church will host a combined Good Friday service at 7 p.m. This service will include several local Presbyterian congregations and choirs. College Hill Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir will join other Presbyterian choirs for this important service, and will sing Craig Courtney’s Ah, Holy Jesus and John Ness Beck’s I Need Thee Ev’ry Hour.   



The Chancel Choir of College Hill Presbyterian Church rehearses Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the second story choral room (next to the church office) for singing, fellowship and fun! Rehearsals have begun – and we invite YOU to be a part! If you are a singer and would like to sing with the Chancel Choir, we are welcoming new members. Please contact the Director of Music using the link provided below.


BELLissimo Handbell Ensemble of College Hill Presbyterian Church has bell-ringing rehearsals Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m.  If you are interested in playing in this fun ensemble (permanent member or substitute), please contact Director of Music for more information. Rehearsals have begun – please email Director of Music, or call him at 918-230-2770.

(Click name) to contact our Director of Music,  

Dr. Kim J. Childs, Director of Music
Mike Gibson, Organist
Kendall-Whittier Elementary Teacher Appreciation Week!

College Hill will be providing snacks and goodies for the teachers at Kendall-Whittier Elementary on May 3rd.

We will be collecting treats throughout the month of April.

Please bring non-perishable items (nuts, snack crackers, dried fruit snacks, packaged cookies, etc.) any Sunday during April.

Perishable items should be brought to the church office on the morning of May 3rd. Outreach & Mission team will deliver to Kendall-Whittier with a big “thank you” to the faculty and staff!!
Signs for Sale

These yard signs are available for $15 (to pay for cost) and come with sturdy aluminum stakes. Each sign is made of sturdy press board to withstand the rain.

If you are interested in purchasing, please (click name to) contact Marilyn Hill.
Youth Project Meal
Thursday, April 27

Outreach & Mission Ministry Team will be serving the meal at Openarms Youth Project.

Please (click name to) contact Jeff Ream or
Tim Smith-Ream for more information.
5th Sunday Offering
April 30

The College Hill Fifth Sunday Offering will benefit JustHope. JustHope partners with communities in Nicaragua to combat extreme poverty and support sustainable projects.

Suggested donation items:

~    Children’s shoes (lightly used are fine)
~    Zippers of all shapes and sizes   (especially strong, long ones!) for Stitching Hope, the women’s sewing coop.
~    Baseball equipment and soccer balls for the Cultural Center
~   Spanish/English dictionaries (paperback) for schools

If you prefer to make a monetary donation, mark it for JustHope, and members of the Outreach
& Mission ministry team will use your donation to purchase items from the suggested list.

Thank you for your support!! 

The Celtic Circle Gathering

Tuesday, May 2 at 6:30 pm

We will be celebrating the Festival of Beltaine and meet at the home of Mark and Gay Miller.  The discussion topic will be "Pilgrimage and the search for the Divine".

(Click name to) contact Mark if you have any questions about this gathering or about the Celtic Circle.

Something for  the Spirit

                                     What Love Looks Like
by James MacDonald

Stefanie Olson shared this as an Opening Devotional at our February session meeting.

What does real love look like? The Apostle Paul tells us . . .
“Love is patient.” It waits for people to change. It’s long-tempered. It accepts people as they are, not as we want them to be.

Love is “kind.” This doesn’t mean passive endurance but active goodwill. Not just passively accepting people but actively accepting people…

“Love does not envy or boast.” Love is not jealous. Even when those around us seem to prosper and succeed more than we do, love isn’t jealous…

Love “endures all things.” Endure is actually a military term for driving a stake into the ground. Love does that. Love won’t retreat or back away. Love will be there for the other person and will stand its ground…

“Love never ends.” Love will never fail to accomplish God’s highest and best purposes…

To read the entire blog, CLICK HERE

Visit our Facebook page for
more photos!
College Hill Mission Statement
~ Build an inclusive community of faith
~ Receive and openly share the love of God
~ Reach out with a compassionate voice for peace and justice
College Hill Presbyterian Church | 712 S. Columbia Ave., Tulsa, OK 74104

Rev. Todd Freeman, Pastor