Get to Know ...
SUFU Member, Eric McVay !

I’ve been working here at SUFU for a while now and it’s full of some pretty incredible members! One of the most politically aware members that we have is Eric McVay from the Bangor Chapter. If there’s a bill or a law being talked about in Maine or in Washington that affects people with disabilities, Eric knows about it. In fact, if you have any questions about a bill or a law that affects people with disabilities, Eric is a great person to ask because he usually knows the answer.

Eric has been an extremely active member of his Chapter and the SUFU Board for several years now. This year, he became the treasurer of the SUFU Board. ERIC loves being able to make a difference in the lives of Maine people with disabilities!

Eric also loves being able to make a difference to people with disabilities all over the United States! When you get to know Eric, one thing you will learn pretty quickly is that he is extremely proud of being a Board member of Self Advocates Becoming Empowered (SABE). SABE is a national self-advocacy organization, which means it involves the entire United States.

Eric talked about how he got involved in SABE and what SABE does…

“In 2012, I went to my first SABE Conference, in Minneapolis. I got to present a workshop, which was great.I had so much fun that when I had the chance to join the SABE Board at the Conference, I did! At first, I was an Alternate which means that I was on the Board and could give my opinion on things, but I couldn’t vote. In 2016, I became a voting member. We work on projects that can help self-advocates all over the country. For example, we have a voting project…

The voting project makes sure that people with disabilities who want to vote in the United States are able to not only get into places to vote and fill out ballots, but also to understand the issues being voted on.

Through SABE, I’ve also become a reviewer for “Self-Advocacy Online.” I make sure that information on the website is correct.

SABE is a website for self-advocates, where you can find a group in your state, learn about lots of cool self-advocacy subjects like Supported Decision Making, hear stories from self-advocates, and more. Check it out at

Eric is dedicated to making the lives of people with disabilities better and I’m grateful for all the work that he does.