I am on a learning curve about making videos. Hope you enjoy the latest. P.S. I have no control over whatever video follows mine on YouTube - so please do not assume I have recommended it. (Something else I am learning about.) For now I suggest, just close the YouTube page when you are done the video.

The registration for the Women's Cottage Art Retreats is now open. The retreats happen the last week of May 2020, so this might seem like an early announcement. However, one of the 2 weekends is already full and I didn't want you to miss the opportunity. Here is the link for all the information:


In other news - Curry's at the south London location has finally got a truck load of paint in! They say that back orders are now ready plus any new requests should come in regularly.

For those of you who enjoy my writing, I include the following. For those of you who don't enjoy my writing, I suggest you stop reading now. :)

Life Is Good

Louise Armstrong said it well, "I see skies of blue, and clouds of white, the bright blessed day, the dark sacred night. And I think to myself..."

Life is good.

Everything in its season. There have been seasons for tears - too many. That's life too. I have so much yet to learn. I am learning to forgive myself for what the younger me did not understand. I am awakening to the fullness of whatever life is sending today. And reminding myself...

Life is good.

There is a calm now. A stillness like sitting beside a mountain lake. A gentle happiness like a soft breeze. A smile tugging at the corner of my mouth for no particular reason. I am profoundly grateful for now. It is a season to be glad and...

Life is good.

Watching it all work together. Not because of who I am, but rather in spite of myself, God relentlessly nudging me onto pathways of hope. Colours touch my soul and reverberate inside me. Music woos and seduces my sorrows away. Nature astonishes me with its grand diversity. I dance and my brush dances with me. And I think to myself...

What a wonderful world.

Happy Painting!

Cheryl O