Each year, during the last week of December, we have watched in a amazement as God has moved to take care of this ministry's financial needs!
Traditionally, as we've used this time to pray, plan, and prepare concerning the future of Take A Stand! Ministries, this is also when the Lord has spoken to the hearts of our friends and partners concerning year-end giving. We are trusting Him to speak to hearts again in the next few days. Perhaps He's already been speaking to yours? Please read on.
As we begin our 34th year of full-time ministry we'll continue to engage in all of the previous areas of ministry. Writing, researching, video production, radio, and of course the Take A Stand! Seminar series in conferences and local churches will by God's grace all continue. And now we've also added
Take A Stand! TV as a key and important focus.
What am I praying for this year?
50 additional monthly donors (if that's you, please see the link below)
- A newer vehicle to replace the 2005 Chrysler van that was a total loss when I was rear-ended while sitting at a red light last April. (The insurance wasn't much and praise God I wasn't seriously hurt. The 1998 vehicle I am currently driving has seen me through however, it may not see much more action without considerable repairs.)
- The expansion of the ministry, especially with our studio and video equipment, means a considerable learning curve and will require me to be stationary a bit more. I have great qualified help with my video director, Dariel, and our computer tech, Steve, but all of that means that we are going to need more income. Thankfully, the one I am accountable to owns the cattle on a thousand hills! (Psalm 50:10)
With over a year of frugal planning, building, and equipment acquisition, our studio facility is 95% complete and as some of your know, we are reaching out online with biblically-based content, current event updates,
teaching, and interviews. And, we'll be adding more outlets making video segments instantly accessible worldwide
on tablets, phones, and computers!
The investments of time, effort, and money that we have made are reaching all generations and directly relate to our mission statement: "to see the lost saved and the Church changed!" Since the very beginning, our goal has been to make the most of every opportunity to touch and save as many as possible. Making every day count for the Lord Jesus has become my heart's cry and I hope it has become yours as well.
There are untold individuals, couples, and families throughout our world who need God's saving and delivering hand to touch their broken lives and homes. That was me in 1981, broken and hopeless before I came to Christ.
But we cannot reach them today without your help.
Your gifts, both now and each month, also enable us to be a voice beckoning the drifting Church to come back to the Bible and join with the end-times Remnant who are standing
for the Cross of Christ
regardless the cost
We are indebted and grateful for your support and partnership as together we stand watching for the return of our "Blessed Hope," Jesus. (Titus 2:13)
May God abundantly bless you and yours in the coming year. And may 2017 be a year of great harvest for the Kingdom of God.
Thanks so much for your support and partnership as we continue in our 34th year of Apologetics and Discernment Ministry!