The Lion's Pause


Rector's Ramblings

St. Mark’s is seeking a few more Eucharistic Ministers/Readers.  These people read the lessons and prayers of the people, and serve the chalice at our services. It is required that Eucharistic Ministers be confirmed or received by a bishop of the Episcopal Church.  Training is provided.  

Derek Gordon has been serving as a Eucharistic Minister for a couple of years now, and shared the following regarding his experience: 

Eucharistic Ministry has been a very rewarding experience for me on both a personal and spiritual level.  Public speaking has been a regular part of my life due to various leadership roles.  However, it is not something that comes naturally to me and I need to do it often to stay sharp.  From a spiritual standpoint, I have enjoyed being more intimately involved in the service.  It is something I have missed since my time as an acolyte when I was a teenager.  Getting familiar with the readings earlier in the week often gives me greater appreciation for Fr. RJ's sermons and keeps me more engaged with the service.  The time commitment is also very manageable.  Aside from preparing for the readings there is very little extra time required outside of service hours every few weeks.  I would encourage anyone looking to be more engaged in our services to consider giving Eucharistic Ministry a chance.

If you are interested in this ministry, please contact Fr. RJ. 


Sunday, May 26:

8 and 10 a.m.



Live Stream

Monday, May 27:

Memorial Day, Office Closed

Tuesday, May 28:

Lunch Bunch, Table Six, 1 p.m.

Wednesday, May 29:

Evening Prayer, Zoom

Bulletin Zoom

Yoga with Beth 6:30 p.m.

View the St. Mark's calendar HERE.

June 9th at 9 a.m. join ECW for a meeting in the Library.


10:00 am service to be held in the Betty Fortney Sanctuary in the Woods

Calling on volunteers to bring your favorite strawberry dish to the picnic on June 9 to kick off the first outdoor service to be held in the Betty Fortney Sanctuary in the Woods.

Strawberry shortcake - Chocolate covered strawberries - Strawberry salads - Strawberry jello - what is your favorite strawberry recipe?  Please sign up in the Narthex!

A Garden

A garden is a lovely place

With trees and plants abloom;

Where lilies grow and roses twine

To waft their sweet perfume.

A garden is a happy place

Where little children play;

Where songbirds sing their hearts out

In joyous roundelay.

A garden is a restful place

Where one may go in peach;

And in the quiet solitude,

Find hope and faith increased.

A garden is a chapel 

With its gates swung open wide

In kindly invitation

To worship there inside.

Oh, God is in a garden

More than any place I know,

To bless the heart and soul of those

Who, seeking Him, will go.

                 Helen M. Ledbetter

Potluck and Music at St. Mark’s - June 8  

Please join us for “Potluck and a Program” in St. Mark's undercroft Saturday, June 8th at 6 pm. "Songbird Sings the Seasons" is the musical program, with guest soprano Jean Burnquist and Bob Morrison at the piano. This musical event is sponsored by Akron Friends of Music, but is open to the public.

Chef Carol is preparing chicken salad croissants, pasta salad, and cream puffs. Guests are asked to bring appetizers or veggie (for 6-8 people) and to please coordinate with Carol Popovich ( by RSVPing before June 4. A sign up sheet will be in the Narthex for St. Mark’s folks attending and bringing a food dish. 


Mark your calendars now for Morning Prayer services to be held in the Betty Fortney Sanctuary in the Woods!  Three services have been planned, with food and fellowship following!  

June 9 - Morning Prayer followed by cookout and Strawberry Social

July 14 - “Sermon on the Mount” followed by our traditional picnic/cookout

August 18 - Intergenerational Service and Blessing of the Backpacks

Yoga with Beth

Tuesdays in June 2024 

  • Join us for any, or all of the four sessions on Tuesdays in June: June 4, 11, 18, 25 

  • 7:00 -8:15 PM in the undercroft

  • Cost is $10 per session, or $35 if paying at once for all 4 weeks ● Cash, check, VenMo or PayPal 

  • Doors open at 6:40 to allow time for paperwork and settling into a meditative mind. 

  • Bring your own mat. Yoga blocks and strap are helpful but not necessary. 

Space is limited:

Text 330-705-4359 or email to reserve your spot!

The Diocese has continued to offer easy online giving. To use this, please select "St. Mark's Canton" from the dropdown, and choose either a one-time or recurring gift. We thank you for your continued support.
Designate a Gift to St. Mark's

Newsletter Additions

If you are adding something to the Lion's Pause, please submit it here by the Monday prior to Friday publication.

May Birthdays

2 Benjamin Clark

9 Chris Arnold Arnold

10 Dave Kiesling Jan Hudson

12 Jane King

15 Derek Gordon

19 Connor Pelger

24 Justin Crowl 

*Please note: Your birthday/anniversary will only show up if you've completed your profile on Instant Church Directory.

Need to log in? Go here.

Bob's Music Notes

Fontainebleau means "Fountain of beautiful water," named for a freshwater spring in the forest in this area about 35 miles SE of Paris, and in the elegant palace - the summer home of French monarchs - a wing was set aside after WWI for a school of arts peopled with notable names for the faculty. Marcel Dupre signified an organist-composer whose works I had studied at Peabody in Baltimore. 

So, in 1953, I was able to attend this elegant venue and sit at the feet of maestro Dupre. At my first lesson, I was greeted warmly by Dupre - and here I might mention an observation concerning teachers. My best and most helpful mentors were the best in their field (think Virgil Fox), but I had several from whom I learned little. One summer I studied with a Belgian gentleman who remarked, hearing me practice, "Are you trying to find all the wrong notes?" Not so Dupre. He listened patiently as I played a portion of Bach's Toccata, Adagio, and Fugue in C Major - a work that was fresh in my fingers, but, alas! The first pedal note "C" under my feet was "D." The French pedalboard was flat and straight, not like the AGO standard of concave and radiating!

In spite of my pedal troubles, I finished playing and Dupre said, "Very nice, Monsieur - but legato - not good," whereupon I was assigned a Bach fugue in B minor, the subject of which was a scale passage, perfect for determining a smooth passage from one note to another.

And so my days were spent working on that fugue and watching my legato. The curriculum called for three sessions with Dupre alternating with three by Rolande Falcinelli, one of Dupre's star pupils. This elegant lady was organist at Sacre Coeur who eventually was a professor at the Paris Conservatory and the teacher of Daniel Roth, and who memorized the complete works of Dupre! A favorite pupil of his indeed.

There were six of us studying organ and one of them for her audition made the mistake of placing a Widor-Schweitzer Bach edition on the music rack, whereupon Dupre said, "Ah, Mademoiselle - you must go the library and use my edition to correct the mistakes." The Dupre edition was fingered and edited, the Widor-Schweitzer was neatly printed with extensive performance notes by Charles Widor and Albert Schweitzer (the famous physician/musician). But if you studied with Dupre, it had to be Dupre's edition - and while there I purchased all nine volumes of this edition with its fingering designed to facilitate the legato so beloved of this composer.

There was a community dining room for all the students and one of the girls studying flute was at my table, a flutist. She was not a happy camper. She complained about the food. She complained about the tuition costs. But I was enjoying this heady atmosphere and looking forward to my second lesson with Dupre.

Prayer Concerns

Have compassion on:  Ten Gall, Vonda Temelkoff, Henry Aegerter, Jim Weaver, Jane Schutrum, Ron Brooks, and all those who suffer from any grief or trouble.

For those who have died:  

Family & Friends:  Kathy Kennedy (former St. Mark’s parishioner) + Sandy & Lauren Stuckey (wife and daughter of Dick Stuckey, former St. Mark’s parishioners)  +  John Fortney (brother of Cindy Brown)  +  Bletzacker/Stutz families (death of Beth’s brother, Jeff)  +  Joel Harris (friend of Derek & Emily Gordon)   +   Doug (friend of Marcia Tirpak)  +  Joanne C. (Florida friend of the Kieslings)  +  Tom (brother-in-law of AnJane McConville)  +  Jody Shumway (Co-worker friend of the Rand’s daughter)  +  Dr. Mallamaci (acquaintance of Bobbi Zollinger)  +  Jolonda Mull, Kirk Schuring, Pam Lagodich, & Bill Allen (sister-in-law & friends of the Mulls)  +  Earl Hoot (father of Joe Hoot)  +  Ashley Stockman (friend of Katie & Ryan Kuceyeski)  +  Scott Jones & Tim Swihart (cousin & friend of the Gordons)  +  Larry Aclaska & Judy Heisser-Turner (acquaintance & sister of Bert Heisser)  +  Lee, Theresa, and Chuck Boone (friends & cousin of the Hixons)  +   Johnny Willoughby (grandson of the Willoughbys)  + Mark Osterhage (friend of the Watters)   -   Elaine Campbell (friend of the Turners)  +  Sammy Coates (friend of Leslie Redmon)  +  Melanie & Trish (friends of Paulette Frech)  +  Pat Walter & family (friend of Barb Whitehouse)  +  Alycia Geis (Karen Violand’s friend’s daughter)  +  Don & Janet Sheatzley-Morgan (husband & sister of Barb Siegfried)  +  DaNay Jackson (friend of Ron Brookes)  +  Allison Cornell-Hood & Anne Higgins (daughter & friend of Diane Cornell)  +  Finnigan Savage (friend of Pam McCarthy)  +  Jimmy Little (son of Sue Little)   +   Yanette Pysher (Vonda Temelkoff’s cousin)   +   Tony Donahue (friend of the Boyds)  +  Marc Hostetler (brother of Susan Hostetler)  +   David (acquaintance of the Nadels)  +  Those in the Armed Forces.


St. Mark's has a group of prayer warriors who pray for the specific needs of those on the prayer chain. If you would like to place yourself or a loved one on the prayer chain, please contact Bobbi Gordon at

Prayer requests may be placed on the private Prayer Chain or on the Prayer Concerns list appearing in The Lion's Pause and Sunday bulletin or in both places. Please let Bobbi know your preference. Unless otherwise instructed, names will be listed as we receive them. Please update Bobbi or Katie on the status of your friends or family members as to when they may be removed from the prayer lists.

Contact Us:

Fr. RJ



Ministry Leaders

Vestry Liaison Chart

515 48TH ST. NW CANTON, OH 44709



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The Diocese of Ohio

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