The Lily Pond
Spring 2019 Newsletter
We know that Spring has arrived not by the warmer temperatures, which remain rather chilly here in upstate New York, but by the return of the geese to the pond. Six little baby goslings appeared on the scene and their proud parents made a point to parade them all over the grounds of the sanctuary.
The geese aren't the only visitors to the pond -- we have a majestic blue heron who wades in, fishing for a bite to eat before spreading his enormous wings and floating off, presumably to other ponds.

The birds and peepers have taken up their spring songs, maintaining a cheerful concert from dawn to dusk. Our favorite chipmunk is back patrolling the stone wall and the beavers are gleefully destroying the property in their quest to construct the largest dam in the Western Hemisphere.
The gardens are now in full bloom - purple rhododendrons, pink azaleas, yellow daffodils, and purple irises. Check out some of our favorite blossoms in the photo gallery!
Return to Glory: The Lily Pond Welcomes Off-The-Track Thoroughbred Permanent Wave!
It was a lucky day indeed when former racehorse Permanent Wave arrived at the sanctuary on St. Patrick's Day. Waverly, as we affectionately call her, is a 10-year old Thoroughbred mare who won over $39,000 during her career. She raced the Northeast tracks from 2011-2012 with nine starts, placing first at Aqueduct in February 2012.
Born in Kentucky to a New York breeder, Permanent Wave is Thoroughbred royalty. Her sire is Awesome Again and her dam is India Halo from Argentina. She's even a descendant of the famous champion British race horse Nasrullah via her paternal line!

We first heard about Permanent Wave when we received a call from Susan Kayne, founder of Unbridled Thoroughbred Foundation. Susan was working with the
That's our girl Permanent Wave (#3) in the lead at New York's Aquaduct racetrack in April 2012!
Susan Kayne from Unbridled leads Waverly from the trailer to her new home in the barn at The Lily Pond.
Columbia-Greene SPCA and local sheriffs to re-home 15 Thoroughbreds who found themselves living in horrible conditions of neglect at a local farm that had 25 horses but only enough food for ten. After Permanent Wave was retired from racing, she was used as a broodmare, producing five foals in five years before landing at this farm that was not prepared to provide adequate food or care for the horses. We agreed to accept Permanent Wave and arrangements were made for Susan Kayne to transport her to The Lily Pond.

St. Patrick's Day arrived with snow showers in the morning, but that didn't stop a determined group of volunteers and supporters of both The Lily Pond Sanctuary and Unbridled Thoroughbred Foundation from coming together to welcome Permanent Wave to her new home. The trailer pulled in and we all gathered excitedly to catch a glimpse of this beautiful horse. She walked off the trailer looking thin and shaggy, filled with parasites and covered in mud and rain rot. Despite this, her quiet dignity and regal presence were visibly apparent.
Permanent Wave headed straight through the crowd to sanctuary founder Susan Bandy and made direct eye contact. Susan reached out and put a hand under Permanent Wave's chin and the two spent several moments in silent acknowledgement and connection. There was no doubt in anyone's mind, including Permanent Wave's, that she was finally home. A joyful new beginning for Permanent Wave and for us!
We nicknamed her Waverly set about introducing her to residents April and Sammir, who greeted her through the window of her stall. Sammir was immediately besotted with this paradigm of equine perfection. April was furious. Sammir and April have been a bonded pair for many years, and April was not about to put up with competition for the attentions of her beloved friend. It didn't help one bit that Waverly arrived in heat, so Sammir never really had a chance. Resistance was futile and the flirtation began in earnest. April gnashed her teeth, pinned her ears and shouted "Stay away from my man, you hasty-hooved hoyden! Your fast ways may have worked on the track, but not in my house!" April kicked the stall for good measure but Waverly hardly noticed, as she was too busy batting her eyelashes at the doomed Sammir.

Our first priority was to clean her up, get her weight up, and treat the rain rot all over her back. Waverly received a visit from the farrier and the vet to be vaccinated and have her teeth floated. We're happy to report that time has brought the three together as a herd. They share the same paddocks and Waverly gets very nervous if her two friends aren't within her sight. She is blossoming in so many ways here at her new home -- safe and loved!
Susan Bandy and Permanent Wave greeting each other for the first time.
The first meeting... April is initially skeptical.
The herd comes together. Waverly's looking gorgeous!
Waverly would love to have a sponsor to support her rehabilitation and transformation to the superstar she knows herself to be! Could you be her partner in success? Please consider befriending this lovely mare with a monthly sponsorship.

Sponsors can visit the sanctuary on Sponsor Sundays to spend time in beautiful surroundings with their four-legged friends. Your support is greatly appreciated!
In Celebration of the Earth
The Lily Pond hosted our second annual Earth Day Celebration on May 4th, 2019. Many thanks to all who came out to welcome Spring, meet the animals, and enjoy a vegetarian farm-to-table dinner and music in the lovely natural setting of the sanctuary!
A group of conscious souls gathered in the afternoon for an interactive, nature-based program of blessings for the planet and all sentient beings. We collaborated in the creation of a 4-foot flower mandala, with the intention of putting the energy of harmony and cooperation into the land. Participants gathered handfuls of pink, magenta, coral and peach flower petals, placing them into a circle of eucalyptus leaves. Wild blueberries and corn were added as a gift for the birds and raccoons. Crystals were then placed within the petals to radiate the beautiful energy. The mandala came together to stunning effect, with the eucalyptus leaves shimmering in the breeze. We observed two hawks that had begun circling above the mandala. The natural world was taking notice.
Our small gathering offered light, love, and blessings for the land, waters, plants, animals, and people to the accompaniment of program co-host Lorna McMurray's inspirational songs. We visualized the land being filled with light, producing healthy crops to feed the planet via sustainable, eco- friendly methods. We asked that comfort and protection be sent to species within the animal kingdom experiencing difficulty, such as the elephants and rhinos hunted for their ivory; the wild mustangs being rounded up and forced off their land in the American West; the bees, who are struggling to cope with chemical-filled air; and for relief of suffering for all animals trapped in factory farms and research laboratories. We focused our intention for peace among nations and that our leaders be given the wisdom and courage to make choices for the highest good of all. We created a Bouquet of Rememberance to honor our ancestors and departed loved ones. And finally, each participant was given the opportunity to ask the group's support in envisioning success regarding any challenges they are facing, goals they are seeking to accomplish, or projects they wish to complete. We came together to bless and be blessed in the knowledge that the accomplishment of global change begins locally with each individual in connection to the whole.
The process of collaborative creation. Photographs kindly donated by Stephanie Stanton.
At 5:00pm, we were joined by a larger crowd who came to meet the animals and enjoy cocktails, dinner and live jazz music by the pond. Founder Susan Bandy led a tour of the sanctuary, introducing our 30 dogs, cats, and horses. Guests viewed the new parrot aviary and had a chance to talk with Barn Manager Denise Elmendorf and Caretaker Brenda Izzo. The Lily Pond works with local rescues and veterinarians to provide a home for those animals considered least adoptable. This means we often welcome animals who are older in age, have special needs, or require hospice care. Each one is special and has a story!
Hudson Theetge greets Waverly and talks with caretaker Brenda Izzo
Guests view the new parrot aviary as we prepare to take in macaws
Aliza Theetge reaches out to say hello to Dolly, Jeb, Brodie, and Tig.
Following the tour, the Berkshire Jazz Underground Trio struck up a tune and everyone enjoyed a vegetarian local farm-to-table dinner catered by the talented Lori Stern, who features fresh edible flowers in her cooking combined with beautiful presentation. The feast included garbanzo fritters with kumquat chutney, purple cabbage risotto, roasted sweet potatoes and squash with dandelion chimi-churri, honey roasted beets with goat cheese, cauliflower "meatballs", chicory greens with pickled apples, and stuffed flowered focaccia. Of course, Lori's famous pressed flower shortbread cookies and savory biscuits were in plentiful supply, accompanied by a stunning pressed flower tiered cake made with raspberry rose jam. It was as delicious as it looked!
We concluded the evening by floating wish lanterns on the pond at sunset. The lights flickered magically across the waters of the pond. Guests left with a complimentary jar of fresh honey made and generously donated by Ollie Westfall of OMI Apiary.

We are so grateful for the opportunity to share our work at the sanctuary with our guests and to spend a day in gratitude surrounded by the beauty of the natural world. As that wise bard William Shakespeare once wrote: "One touch of nature makes the whole world kin."
Vegetarian farm-to-table dinner sourced locally from the Hudson Valley and prepared by the amazing Lori Stern. Photographs kindly donated by Stephanie Stanton.

In Loving Memory
It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of two of our beloved cats, Tristan and Lou. Tristan was one of the first cats to arrive at the cat house in November 2016. Lou was only with us for a short two months. Both were special cats with special needs. We like to think that their spirits are together now, dancing across the stars.
LOU arrived at the sanctuary in February. He was a stray rescued by a kind soul who knew this senior fellow wouldn't survive the cold winter temperatures. Lou was taken to the talented team at Earth Angels Veterinary Hospital in Wappingers Falls, where he was treated for frostbite, toxoplasmosis, and parasites. He was also diagnosed with liver disease. Lou rallied under their care, but they knew his health was fragile and contacted the sanctuary to ask if we would consider accepting him as a hospice case. We agreed and welcomed him withe the expectation of having a lot more time with him than we did. He was a very sweet, talkative cat who loved affection. When his health took a turn for the worse in March, we rushed him to our veterinarian at Sheep Meadow Animal Hospital. The prognosis wasn't good. He was on medication and fluids, but the liver disease was quickly progressing. Within the week, he was ready to make his transition. He passed away peacefully in his bed the afternoon of March 29th.

Moments after Lou took his last breath, our Siamese cat Katarina came over and gently laid across Lou's body and began purring as she supported him through his transition. Katarina has always cared for our ill kitties. She used to cuddle our cat Halo during her battle with kidney disease. Now she was cuddling and purring over Lou. Her kindness was truly touching and a great comfort to us... and surely to Lou as well.

Rest in peace sweet Lou. Even though you were only here a few short weeks, you brought so much joy. We are grateful for the opportunity to know and love you.
TRISTAN was a gorgeous, fluffy, senior cat who arrived at the sanctuary in 2016 very frightened and unsure of himself. His deafness made him shy and skittish - he hid in the cat tower for the first 3 months. Slowly he began to relax and interact with caregivers and the other cats. His tuxedo coloring was perfectly appropriate for the gentleman that he was. Always kind, he befriended several of the other shy cats and we watched him grow more confident and affectionate over time.

Only a few days following Lou's passing, Tristan showed signs of being unwell. A visit to the vet confirmed our worst fears: acute kidney failure. We started him on medication and daily fluids, but the advanced stage of his disease claimed him with shocking speed.

Tristan, we love you and thank you for the gift of your time with us. May your beautiful soul dance among the stars. ❤️🌈💫
Veterinarians On Speed-Dial
We were still reeling from the shock of losing Lou and Tristan within such a short time, when we found ourselves back in the veterinarian's office.... not just once, but every week. First it was Hubble, our senior flame-point Siamese, who lost his appetite and was diagnosed with pancreatitis. After several rounds of medication, we're happy to report that the Mayor of the Cat House has bounced back and is doing well. Our Treeing Walker Coonhound Dolly, developed a bad rash, which turned out to just be bug bites that cleared up on their own -- thank goodness. Then it was Katarina, our seal-point Siamese, who began throwing up and feeling nauseous. Happily, a course of antibiotics had an immediate effect and she was also back to her normal self within a few days.

However, this was not the end of our frantic calls and mad dashes to the vet's office. Following is an update on several members of our four-legged family that we wanted to share with you. For all the joy our animals bring, one of the most difficult aspects of animal care is dealing with the reality of the inevitable transition when they cross the rainbow bridge. We are committed to providing quality medical care and all the love and support we can give for our beloved friends. We choose to focus on the blessing of their time with us. As always, your kind thoughts are much appreciated!
We have some sad news to share: Marta has been given only a short time to live due to heart/liver failure. Several of us had noticed that she seemed a little off, but not enough to register alarm. And then her belly began to look bloated, so we headed straight to the Sheep Meadow Animal Hospital. Dr. Patterson advised us that this was probably serious. The test results showed no sign of cancer or infection. We are so sad to report that the fluid retention is the result of Marta's heart or liver beginning to fail. Marta is on medication to help manage the fluid retention and we are all showering her with love and affection. Marta is still eating and drinking - directly from the tap, of course! She soaks up all the pets and cuddles with lots of purring. We want her to feel as comfortable as possible and to know that she's loved and supported as she approaches her transition.
Jeb is our 15-year old foster. He has the wonderful personality of a lab, always jovial and up for a game of fetch in the yard. A few weeks ago, he stopped eating, so we rushed him to Sheep Meadow Animal Hospital, where blood tests revealed a high white blood cell count and elevated liver enzymes. Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses were negative. Jeb was proscribed two antibiotics and showed marked improvement within days, back to eating and drinking and chasing the ball.

A few weeks later, he developed a slight limp in his front left leg, which got worse over time instead of better. We were back at the vet for his follow up and to investigate the limp... and received the shocking news that our sweet Jeb has bone cancer. He has developed a tumor in his left shoulder, which is causing the limp. There are not many options for treating bone cancer and at his advanced age, we do not want to put him through a leg amputation. Jeb is on daily medication to mange the pain and he maintains a truly impressive attitude. Despite eating and drinking well and receiving a regular supply of treats, Jeb is no longer able to maintain a healthy weight. It has been heartbreaking to see him grow thinner and thinner. However, nothing will ever diminish his joy in playing fetch, so now we throw the ball just a few feet away so that he can revel in the fun of his favorite pastime without having to run far. We count ourselves lucky to have this time with our sweet boy as he nears his transition.
Barn Manager Denise Elmendorf had noticed that April was not shedding out normally when the season changed to warmer temperatures. April has also been experiencing a lot of itchiness. The Equine Clinic at Oakencroft ruled out lice or mites, but the allergy tests revealed a lot of elements to which April is sensitive, including wheat and oats. Further tests also confirmed that April has Cushings Disease, a disorder of the pituitary gland that is common in senior horses. We are working to modify her diet to low-starch and eliminate any allergens. We've started her on Prascend and Chasteberry, which helps support her system. While we are sad about the diagnosis, we're pleased to share that April is doing well, happily grazing with her herd and enjoying back rubs from friends.
Theo is our senior kitty and reigning champion of #tongueouttuesday on Instagram. Sweet, goofy, and cuddly, Theo wins the hearts of all who meet him. Theo always follows founder Susan Bandy around while she's completing morning chores, so we knew something was amiss the day he did not get up from his bed to greet Susan or help her with chores. We were at the vet's office that afternoon, where Theo was treated with antibiotics. The blood test revealed a thyroid issue, which is why he had been feeling so lethargic. He's is now on a daily thyroid medication and we will continue to monitor his health closely. We're happy to report that Theo is back in good form, purring and drooling while he makes sure Susan does a good job cleaning those litter boxes and topping off the food bowls!
A Home For Mister Ed
It was a special day in May for a chestnut quarter horse named Mister Ed! He was the beloved horse of a local family who could no longer afford to keep him or address his health issues with heaves, a respiratory condition similar to asthma that makes it difficult to breathe. The family had reached out to many local sanctuaries in the hope of securing him a good home, only to find that they were already full. The Lily Pond received a call, but we had the issue of not enough space currently available in our barn. We have four stalls, but the last stall is unfinished and used for storage. We discussed the possibility of accepting Mister Ed once we hired contractors to build out the fourth stall.

In the meantime, a potential adopter who was looking for an additional horse for their riding program went out to meet Mister Ed. They were shocked to see white foam coming out of both of his nostrils, and reported to the family that the horse was too sick to be ridden and therefore not a candidate for their program. When this news reached sanctuary caregiver Brenda Izzo, she decided that immediate action was needed and agreed to foster Mister Ed at her home while we completed the renovation of the barn stall at The Lily Pond.

Brenda constructed an additional paddock in her yard and put out a call to action in the local community. Lynn Cross donated the use of her truck and trailer and Theresa Wasula agreed to drive it. Tracy Rostron and Morgan Izzo showed up to assist the transport and Susan Bandy made herself useful by bringing the adoption agreement for signature. It was a cold, rainy day when the team arrived to pick up Mister Ed. He must have sensed that good things were happening because he literally trotted over to the trailer and hopped in!
Peeking through the slats of the trailer
The dream team who came together to help a horse in need: Morgan Izzo, Theresa Wasula, Brenda Izzo, and Tracy Rostron
Mister Ed stepping off the trailer into his new life

We arrived safely at Ed's new foster home and once again, this good-natured horse hopped off the trailer and strolled into his paddock without any issue. Brenda's horses Pretty Girl and Silver were standing by to greet the new arrival. Pretty Girl extended a cordial welcome, but
Silver regarded this intrusion on his territory with distain and much protest. Mister Ed didn't seem to mind Silver's antics, as he was simply overjoyed to be back in the company of a herd. At his previous home, there had been two dogs that were his companions. After their passing, Mister Ed was terribly lonely standing in a paddock all by himself day after day. Ed helped himself to his hay and pranced around his new paddock, seeming very pleased.

Our first priority was to have this senior fellow vetted and to get him on a high-quality diet. We soak his hay to reduce the dust and he is currently on Prednisone to help his breathing. After consultation with our veterinarian, we started acupuncture treatments and decided to purchase a run-in shed rather than renovating the stall in the barn. Even a clean barn has a certain amount of dust and Mister Ed needs access to fresh air at all times.

Mister Ed is looking and feeling so much better under the loving care provided by his foster family. We are excited to welcome him home to The Lily Pond once the run-in shed is ready and would be so grateful for your support!
A Run-In Shed for Mister Ed!

The Lily Pond is seeking to raise $5,000 for the purchase
of a run-in shed to shelter Mister Ed.

Will you help us provide a home for this rescued senior quarter horse?

Photo Gallery: Blossoms in Spring
"Earth Laughs In Flowers" -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
2019 Winner's Circle
A heartfelt THANK YOU to our generous donors, sponsors, and volunteers!
Lorie King Trotter, Lorna McMurray, and Gretchen Behr-Svendson enjoying cocktails and appetizers at the Earth Day Celebration. Photo kindly donated by Stephanie Stanton.
We are so grateful to the members of our 2019 Winner's Circle who have helped provide a forever home and quality care to animals in need.

The Lily Pond Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Our EIN Number is 37-1932175. All donations are tax deductible.

Your support makes a BIG difference and is greatly appreciated!!
  • Anonymous (2)
  • Anonymous - in Loving Memory of Lupe
  • Brenda & Mark Bachand - in Loving Memory of Benjamin Moore
  • Susan Bandy
  • Gretchen Behr-Svendson
  • Jessica Bernstein - in Loving Memory of Milo
  • Diane Brackett - in Loving Memory of Kidi
  • Vinn Campese - in Loving Memory of Anna Castelluccio
  • Frank Castelluccio - in Loving Memory of Anna Castelluccio
  • Alexandra Cayot - in Loving Memory of Melody
  • Deirdre Clarke & Christa Rivelli - in Loving Memory of Paris
  • Barbara Clough
  • Faith Connolly
  • Catherine Davis - in Loving Memory of Anna Castelluccio
  • Leslie Dornfeld - in Loving Memory of Chumley, beloved pet of the Cochrane-Schwartz Family
  • Earth Angels Veterinary Hospital - in Loving Memory of Lou
  • Denise & Cody Elmendorf - in Loving Memory of Ali
  • James Favicchio & Jessica Bidwell - in Loving Memory of Deuce
  • Gabrielle & Pippin - in Loving Memory of Blondie, Runty, and Tiny
  • Jason Garvey, Jhori, & Heather - in Loving Memory of Kreios
  • Jessica Handschuh - in Loving Memory of Peekachu
  • Michelle Harrington - in Loving Memory of Oliver
  • Douglas Hartman - in Loving Memory of Anna Castelluccio
  • Kelly Hartman - in Loving Memory of Anna Castelluccio
  • Amy & Matt Hausmann - in Loving Memory of Moose
  • Michael & LuAnn Hill - in Loving Memory of Fortunate
  • James & Blanca Hipple - in Loving Memory of Nero
  • The Hosier Family - in Loving Memory of Ginger
  • Brenda Izzo
  • Joseph Izzo
  • Morgan Izzo
  • Peter Kirker - in Loving Memory of Kitty
  • Judy Krumpus
  • Glenn Lindsay & Alexis - in Loving Memory of Boogie
  • Jenny & Billy Lysen - in Loving Memory of Bugga
  • Fran Martino - in Loving Memory of Loki
  • Lorna McMurray
  • Dr. Steve Naile, DVM
  • Dr. Carrie A. O'Hare - in Loving Memory of Kitten & Pudge
  • Amanda Reed - in Loving Memory of Mojo
  • Patricia Roberto
  • Peter Roberts - in Loving Memory of Whisky
  • Tracy Rostron
  • Amy Seeburger & Misha Korablin - in Loving Memory of Nora
  • Sienna Sky LLC
  • Dan Sparks
  • Madaline Sparks & Wayne Greene
  • Stephanie Stanton
  • Mina Stella - in Loving Memory of Anna Castelluccio
  • Jacob Stine & Heather McGrath - in Loving Memory of Mya
  • Patnalin Sun - in Loving Memory of Anna Castelluccio
  • Richard Tracy & Kathleen Eldridge
  • The Uhnak Family - in Loving Memory of Kali
  • Nancy Van Deren
  • Marlene Vidibor
  • Theresa Wasula
  • Ollie Westfall
Mission Statement:
The Lily Pond is a 501(c)(3) animal sanctuary that brings people, animals, and nature together in healing partnership. The sanctuary provides a lifetime home and quality care to cats, dogs, horses, and parrots in need.
The Lily Pond Sanctuary, Inc. | (518) 392-3030 |