The Lettered Olive: S.C. Sea Grant Consortium Education News
[ May 31, 2024]
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Summer is gently knocking on the door, ready to ramp up its full complement of longer days and hot, humid weather. Students swap heavy bookbags and blaring, early-morning alarms for summer camps, jobs, and other activities. Teachers substitute instruction periods for time with family and friends ... and maybe just a little rest. This month, we "shell-ebrate" the eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina), a reptile that also takes advantage of the summertime weather to forage, reproduce, and bask in the sun. This subspecies of box turtle ranges from southern Maine to Florida and westward through Texas, and in South Carolina, you'll commonly find them in forested or grassy areas or along marshes, swamps, and streams. Aptly named, the eastern box turtle is identified by its domed-shaped carapace (top part of the shell) marked with distinct yellow or orange patterns. Additionally, it has the ability to "box" itself up, using the hinged part of the front plastron (bottom part of the shell) to completely close-up when scared or threatened. An omnivore, eastern box turtles forage on a variety of insects, worms, and vegetation, and they reproduce in the spring and summer, laying clutches of up to eight eggs.
While the end of the school year is nearly here, don't retreat and box yourself off from these educational opportunities and resources from the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium and our partners ... they do have a "shellf" life.
Photo Credit: E.V. Bell
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NOAA Young Changemakers Fellowship
Deadline to Apply: June 10, 2024
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is pleased to announce the launch of the NOAA Young Changemakers Fellowship for the 2024 - 2025 school year.
This program is designed for current high school students who are passionate about the environment, climate, ocean, Great Lakes, and/or coasts. Program participants receive mentorship, skill-building opportunities, and financial resources to design and lead an action project in their own community. They also learn about and share their perspectives on NOAA priorities, helping to inform the decisions that NOAA leaders make. Full participation comes with an $800 stipend and paid travel to Washington, D.C. for a kick-off summit in July 2024.
More information about the program and the online application are available on the NOAA Young Changemakers Fellowship webpage. Applications are due June 10, 2024.
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Educator Professional Development | |
From Seeds to Shoreline Educator Trainings
July 9, 2024 (New Teachers)
July 16, 2024 (Veteran Teachers)
Deadline to Register: June 28, 2024
The From Seeds to Shoreline® (S2S) program wants you to join our team for the 2024 - 2025 school year! The S2S program, coordinated by the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium in partnership with S.C. Department of Natural Resources and Clemson University, is the only salt marsh restoration program in the state designed specifically for K - 12 students and teachers. By growing Spartina alterniflora, the dominant plant of southeastern salt marshes, throughout the school year and transplanting young seedlings to areas of the coastline, students not only learn about the importance of this critical ecosystem but they also serve as environmental stewards. Two training sessions will be offered:
July 9, 2024 (New Teacher Training): This one-day training will take place in Charleston, S.C. at the S.C. Department of Natural Resources and is a prerequisite for new teachers interested in participating in S2S for the upcoming school year. The training offers sessions on salt marsh ecology, restoration techniques, classroom applications, and more! There is no cost to attend, however, pre-registration will be required by June 28, 2024.
July 16, 2024 (Veteran Teacher Training): This one-day training will take place in Awendaw, S.C. at the Sewee Visitor and Environmental Education Center and is optional for those S2S teachers who have been with the program for at least one year. Join us for a fun-filled day of exploration and networking, new resources, giveaways, and much more! Pre-registration is required by June 28, 2024.
Please visit the S2S program website to get more information and send questions to Morgan Treon.
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Palmetto Environmental Education Certification
2024 - 2026 Cohort
Deadline to Apply: June 30, 2024
Join the growing network of South Carolina certified environmental educators! The Palmetto Environmental Education Certification (PEEC) program is the state's first and only environmental education certification for formal and nonformal educators. This two-year course employs a series of face-to-face workshops, online modules, and self-directed exploration opportunities to develop best practices for effective environmental education. PEEC is a flagship program of the Environmental Education Association of South Carolina and is co-coordinated with the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium.
The application includes an online form, personal statement, and one letter of recommendation. To access the application and for more information about the program, please visit the PEEC certification page. Deadline to apply is June 30, 2024 and selected applicants will be notified by July 31, 2024. Questions can be sent to the PEEC Program.
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Marine Debris: From Micro to Macro
Educator Workshop
July 23 - 25, 2024
Hobcaw Barony, Georgetown, S.C.
Deadline to Register: July 9, 2024
"Refuse, reduce, reuse, and recycle!" Join the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium as we host an educator workshop devoted to exploring marine debris, specifically plastics and microplastics. Through hands-on activities, field-based excursions, presentations, and group discussions, we'll explore topics such as the physical properties of plastics, the formation and impacts of microplastics, research on current and emerging issues, and stewardship opportunities. Participants will have the chance to assist in the creation of a brand-new marine debris education kit and curriculum that will be piloted during the 2024 - 2025 school year.
This two-night, three-day workshop is offered free-of-charge to any K - 12 formal and nonformal educator. Most meals and lodging will be provided and participants will be eligible for 15 renewal credits. Space is limited, so mark your calendars to join us for an engaging, educational, and empowering experience! Registration can be accessed on the S.C. Sea Grant Education webpage. Questions can be sent to E.V. Bell.
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All Booked Up Coastal Reading Club
Are you a formal, nonformal, or homeschool educator interested in discussing books focused on the environment? Join the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium’s All Booked Up (ABU) Coastal Reading Club!
Please visit the ABU webpage to join our listserv and learn about benefits of becoming a member. Our next book will be Beaver Girl by local author Cassie Premo Steele. Questions can be sent to E.V. Bell.
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Environmental Education Association of South Carolina Annual Conference
June 20 - 22, 2024
University of South Carolina - Upstate
Registration is now open for the Environmental Education Association of South Carolina (EEASC) 2024 conference that will be held June 20 - 22 at the University of South Carolina (USC)-Upstate in Spartanburg, S.C. This conference is an opportunity for environmental educators and science communicators to learn about climate education, participate in hands-on professional development events, and network with like-minded professionals from across the state. EEASC is currently accepting proposals and strongly encourage those that address the following topics: climate education, resilience, content knowledge, pedagogy, curriculum resources, and education. To learn more about the 2024 conference and to register, please visit the conference webpage.
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National Marine Educators Association Conference
"Wicked Good Marine Education"
July 28 - August 1, 2024
Boston, MA
Massachusetts Marine Educators (MME) is excited to host the National Marine Educators Association (NMEA) 2024 annual conference—a special event that brings together hundreds of professional educators dedicated to teaching about our marine, coastal, and aquatic environments.
NMEA members are a group of inspired, passionate people who promote the conservation, enjoyment, and wise use of our aquatic resources by teaching others. We look forward to showcasing our beautiful region through inspirational speakers, field adventures and excursions, engaging presentations, institutional collaborations, and community partnerships.
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South Carolina Marine Educators Association
The South Carolina Marine Educators Association (SCMEA) offers several grants that support professional development, membership, and educational projects:
Renkas Marine Education Grants
This grant provides funding assistance to individuals implementing educational projects or programs. Each year SCMEA awards up to three $200 grants. Deadline to apply for this grant cycle is June 1, 2024, and more information can be found on the SCMEA Grants and Awards webpage.
Osprey Professional Development Award
The Osprey Award provides funding to SCMEA members to pursue continuing education through workshops, retreats, and conferences. Each year, SCMEA awards up to two $150 grants to assist with professional growth. Deadline to apply for this grant cycle is June 30, 2024, and more information can be accessed on the SCMEA Grants and Awards webpage.
Membership Awards for Students and Business Professionals
This award supports emerging professionals in the fields of marine and aquatic education by awarding membership to qualifying students and business professionals. Each year, up to five students and two business professionals will be awarded a one-year SCMEA membership. The deadline for this grant cycle is July 31, 2024, and more information on how to apply can be accessed on the SCMEA Grants and Awards webpage.
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Additional Opportunities and Resources | |
Ocean Odyssey Coastliner Program
Are you a coastal, formal educator who is interested in engaging your students in learning about ocean-related careers? Join our Ocean Odyssey Coastliner Program (OOCP)! The OOCP, funded by a grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Exploration and the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, provides educators with direct access to career-related outreach events and resources related to the marine industry. While the program is open to any coastal middle and high school educator, the program aims to reach Title 1 status schools and those communities that are historically marginalized. Becoming a "Coastliner" through the OOCP is free-of-charge and provides you with the following:
1) Access to free Coastliner Toolkits that are STEM (science-technology-engineering-math)-based, ocean-related, career-focused, and incorporate NOAA resources. Topics include: building a working weather buoy or ROV (remotely operated vehicle), designing a product that aligns with the ocean industry, or exploring the engineering mechanics of pulleys.
2) First-hand knowledge of career-related opportunities, outreach events, and resources.
Please visit the OOCP webpage for more information and to sign-up to receive notifications about kits, outreach events, and more! Questions can be sent to E.V. Bell
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The Watershed Game Loaner Kit Program
The Watershed Game, developed by Minnesota Sea Grant, is a hands-on simulation that helps groups learn how land use impacts water quality and a community’s resilience to flooding. While making land management decisions, players learn about practices, plans, and policies that can improve and protect water quality and increase resilience to flooding. In the game, teams of players use limited financial resources to manage a representative watershed in a fun and low-stress environment. Watershed Game play illustrates that cooperation is an essential part of managing land use, improving water quality, and building resilience.
Two versions of this kit are available for free checkout from the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium (Consortium): The coastal classroom model and the coastal local leader model. Please visit the Consortium's education page to learn more about the versions available and to access the request form.
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S.C. Sea Grant Consortium Speaker Request Form
Do you have a science night or career day coming up in the future? Would you like a speaker for your students or organization? The S.C. Sea Grant Consortium (Consortium) has plenty to share regarding marine science careers, current research projects, and engaging coastal science activities for all ages! Be sure to check out our career page to learn more about the Consortium, and if you are interested in booking the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium for an upcoming career day or science night, please fill out this request form.
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Enviroscape Loaner Program
The S.C. Sea Grant Consortium offers use of the Wetlands Enviroscape Model free-of-charge to any S.C. K-12 formal, nonformal, and homeschool educator. The model provides a hands-on demonstration about how watersheds can be affected by development, pollution, and other human-made and natural impacts. Included as part of the demonstration are ways in which potential pollution impacts can be mitigated (e.g., riparian buffers and salt marshes). To find out more information on requesting to borrow the Enviroscape, please visit the Enviroscape Loaner Program webpage to fill out the request form. Questions can be sent to Morgan Treon.
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Have Something to Include? | Have an opportunity or resource that you would like to add to the next S.C. Sea Grant Consortium Education email update? | |
Join hundreds of South Carolina educators like you! The S.C. Sea Grant Consortium sends out marine science and coastal education updates every month with opportunities and resources. |
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