Happy New Year! We hope you are ready to dive right into 2016 - we certainly are!
You may have noticed... we are making some BIG changes to this monthly newsletter. Our goal is for this to be one of the most important resources in your leadership tool bag.
New Focused Format
First, you'll notice each month we will be focusing on one of the core competencies in our
MSBCOACH Leadership Maturity Model. That core competency and its related characteristics will be explored in depth by the highlighted Whitepapers, Blogs, and Webinar, giving you a well rounded look at an important leadership concept each month.
New Self-Coaching Program
We are also now offering you a way take your leadership development to the next level with our new program:
The Leadership Climb: A Self Coaching Journey to Leadership Maturity. This
FREE self-coaching program will dive even deeper into that core competency theme and guide you each week to assess, plan, practice and reflect on your own leadership maturity in that area.
Each Sunday evening, we'll be sending you an email as part of this new program. We hope you will take the opportunity to invest time once a week to read, reflect and journal about your leadership journey as we guide you with this engaging, thought provoking, resource filled self-coaching program. However, we understand that you may not be ready for that level of engagement at this time, so can always opt out at the bottom of the email - but still keep receiving our newsletters.
Keep in mind, you can sign up again any time, and we encourage you to invite your friends and colleagues too. We'll also make the previous months available on our website to make it easy for anyone to go back and explore a competency we've already touched on.
We are truly excited for the changes ahead in 2016 and we look forward to partnering with you in your own leadership journey!