Hello Oak Ridges Neighbours,

Spring has sprung! A huge thank you to the Oak Ridges Lions Club and everyone who helped give Oak Ridges a Spring cleaning over the past few weeks.

Neighbours, we have to do better. The amount of garbage was terrible. My family alone picked up so much dog poop, much of it in wetland areas. Local waterways provide our drinking water. We must do better! Please CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR PET.

You are invited to join the expanded Oak Ridges Neighbourhood Watch program. Neighbourhood Watch is a program to help neighbours watch out for neighbours. It aims to get citizens involved in discouraging and preventing crime at the local level.

The ultimate success of Neighbourhood Watch depends largely on a commitment to cooperation between area residents and the police - and more importantly, between residents themselves. Sign Up here to learn more about the program and how you can help prevent crime in your neighbourhood.

See you around the neighbourhood!


Air Management Facility Update

The construction of a new air management facility that will rid us of the horrible sewage stink in Yonge St. and King Rd. area that is coming from the York Durham Sewage System (YDSS).

Follow Project Updates Here

Have you joined the

Oak Ridges Neighbourhood Watch?

Sign Up at the link below to learn more about the program. We'll be in touch to tell you all about it.

Sign Up Here

Bell Fibe Grass Restorations

As you know Bell installed Fibe in Ward 1 last Summer and Fall leaving behind areas with grass torn up and replaced by dirt.

According to City Staff Bell and their contractor RB Somerville have recently begun spring restorations as the weather has become more favorable for this work. Should be all done by the end of May.


Take a look at the Upcoming Richmond Hill Council Meeting page. Here you will find summaries and recaps of all of the council meetings this term.

Know what decisions Council members are making on your behalf!

Visit Meeting Page
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