CRC Volunteer Update

Dear CRC Volunteer,

This past month has been filled with fun volunteer events and opportunities at CRC!

On May 3rd, CRC treated its many amazing volunteers to an Appreciation Event at Union CoWork – complete with live music, fun games, tacos and a donut wall! Thank you to those who were able to attend.  A special thank you to the Appreciation Event Team who helped make it a fun and memorable evening: Lynn Adams, Warren North, Jen Haber, Karin Kloehn, and Chris Meyer
Volunteer Appreciation Video

Check out the video , made by CRC Volunteer Chris Meyer to show at the event. It highlights some of the great programs that CRC runs, as well as the impact of our volunteers.  
Stamp Out Hunger A Huge Success!
Nearly 50 volunteers came out on Saturday afternoon to help sort food bags collected by the Postal Workers at the Encinitas and the Solana Beach Post Offices! We had families, businesses and individuals all join to help with the over 17,000 pounds of food collected. All food goes to help support families and individuals struggling with food insecurity in our community. 

THANK YOU to all who donated food and who came out to sort – You are making a difference.  
Spotlight on: VITA Volunteers
Thank you to those who gave weeks of their time to the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program. Doing a tax return once is a chore for many of us….so doing dozens of them for others is an incredible gift.  THANK YOU!
Current & Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
Domestic Violence Advocate Training
CRC is offering our 40-hour Domestic Violence Advocate Training during Fridays in June. To find out more, contact Jani Sepanik at or visit our website.
CRC Ambassador Training
Our next CRC Ambassador Training is scheduled for Wednesday, July 11, 10 am-11:30 am. Come find out how you can represent us in the community!
"Summer Subs" for the Food & Nutrition Center
Sign up to be on-call or sub in for regular Food Center volunteers who will be travelling or taking time off for the summer. The Food Center runs solely on volunteers to unload our truck deliveries, sort and stock the shelves as well as help the participants shop for food. Shifts are M-F, 9:30 am - 2:30 pm.  
Help at our Resale Stores!
The Encinitas Resale store has a current need for volunteers Th/Fr/Sat/Sun between the hours of 10 and 6 (2-3 hour shifts). Please contact the volunteer services assistant at if you are interested in taking a shift.
Host a Food Drive
Although the Postal Food Drive was a success, there was much less food collected this year than is needed to run our Food and Nutrition Center. If you are interested in hosting a food drive for the CRC, please contact Sara Rosenbaum at or the Food and Nutrition manager at .
Exercise & Promote CRC Resale Stores
If you like taking walks, we've got the perfect volunteer opportunity for you! We have 2,000 doorhangers that promote shopping and donating at CRC's three resale stores ... and now we need some help getting them placed on doorknobs in Encinitas! We'll work with you to select a specific residential neighborhood, give you the doorhangers and then you can place them on doors as you get some healthy exercise. To learn more, please contact Lauren Blackwell at .
Volunteer of the Month!
This month’s volunteer of the month is ROBIN SALES, a longtime resale store volunteer and supporter of CRC. Robin was nominated by Robert Pontier, manager of the Encinitas Resale Store:

“Robin is that volunteer that I can call at short notice when we need some extra help in the store. She is the only volunteer we have that is vetted to use the cash register, and she will take over so that staff can take breaks. She is an incredible help to our store.” 

Thank you Robin for all that you do to help CRC provide programs to help the hurting! You make a difference!  
Stories of volunteering? Send them our way!

We would love to share encouragement to the CRC volunteer team via this newsletter about ways we are ALL making a difference. 
Please e-mail stories to Sara at  
Thank you for your ongoing support!
Community Resource Center | (760) 230-6501|   |