April 2024

Our Mission: Supporting lifelong faith formation in the home and congregation

A Message from Our President, Diane McGeoch


I am an avid cross-country skier. Sadly, my skiing season this year didn’t happen due to tendinitis in my foot which had surgery in 2022. And we had a low snow year, so there wasn’t a lot of natural snow even in the mountain areas a few hours drive away. One year I was cross-country skiing in very icy conditions. I went forward on.

Being stuck in the middle of a hill is no fun. the trail, only to slip backwards a few times. Then forward again, then backwards great Do I try to keep going uphill? Or should I turn around and go back down, in some. Sometimes on the hilly trails I stride up the hill, then slide back a bit if the conditions aren’t cases, sliding down if I can’t maintain my snowplow? Every time I’ve been in this situation I’ve had to make a difficult choice, depending on the terrain, the conditions, how tired I am, how confident I feel and other factors. Once my brother, who is an expert skier, called out “Come on you can make it,” and I got to the top of a large hill with his encouragement.

Our ministries as faith formation leaders benefit from continual encouragement, someone cheering us on when we are stuck in difficult places. We need to identify the steps and strategies that move us forward, while also recognizing that there are times we may be going backwards. We need to plan, but we need to look back and reflect on how we got to a specific time and place in our ministries and programs.

The Christian Education Network has been able to live out its mission because of a lot of support and encouragement. As we continue our transition into new ways of being, we benefit from planning ahead but also looking back on all that we’ve accomplished. Our Board made the decision to explore a merger/partnership with the Association of Partners in Christian Education last October. Since that decision, a Covenant Task Force has been at work, and members will vote on this in the coming weeks.

Experiencing the ups and downs and in between gives us perspective and wisdom. We learn new things about our gifts and living out our call to build faith in all its forms. We as a Network are learning new things as we receive encouragement, affirmation, and support from our friends at APCE. Our history is being honored and received while we create something new together. We may slip backwards as we are going forwards, but we are moving together in faith.

Moving forward through Easter and beyond with you as we journey in faith,

Deacon Diane McGeoch cenpresident@faithfulteaching.org

Christian Education Network of the ELCA


April 2024 Resources!

  • The Faithful Innovation Leader Companion Workbook invites a leader into a process of innovation that includes: Listen, Reconnect, Define, Reframe, Cultivate, and Next Steps. The first three chapters can be downloaded for free. The workbook introduces new ways of being the church based on the belief that adaptive challenges require new behaviors.


  • “Good Courage Farm-Thinning Apples” by Jon Anderson explores John 15: 1-5 and the practice of pruning as an act of looking into the future with hope. What is an area of your life that comes to mind when you think of places where you need to do some thinning so that your fruitfulness might grow? The article includes three evaluation questions for liturgies and events. There is also a video from the apple orchard that can be a reflection tool for trying old and new things in different ways.


  • “Storytelling with Shapes” from Illustrated Ministry has resources for the Easter season in several different formats – puzzles, flannelgraphs, take home packets, and even shapes for sugar cookies. Several areas of ministry are included: children, youth, and intergenerational. The bright colors and tactile experiences suggested can be adapted for a variety of teaching tools.


Visit Our Website for More Resources


Will you pray & discern with us?

A Prayer For Guidance

God, we pray that You give us the power to rejoice in the midst of our problems and trials. We pray that You will remind us of Your promise to be with us through all of life's ups and downs, and that we can be strengthened to endure all of life's hardships and continue walking with You through any amount of suffering. Amen. So be it.

After several months of prayer, discussion and discernment, the members of the Christian Education Network will soon be voting to merge with APCE (Association of Partners in Christian Education). Please continue to keep us in prayer as we carefully and prayerfully walk through this process. It has not been an easy decision, nor one that we take lightly, but we feel that exciting days are ahead for both the Christian Education Network and for APCE.If you need to renew your CEN Membership, please do so now, so that you can be part of making this decision. Your renewed membership will also carry over into a membership with APCE until your renewal date next year.

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Vision Statement

Building a community which equips, encourages and empowers those engaged in lifelong faith formation in a changing world, the CENetwork will:

  • Identify and evaluate resources and educational opportunities
  • Facilitate communication and conversations
  • Offer guidance, networking and mutual support
  • Nurture spiritual growth online and face-to-face

How You Can Support the Christian Education Network

You can become a member or make a one-time donation via PayPal on our website; or, you can designate The Christian Education Network as your charity through your Thrivent Choice Dollars.

Contact Us

CENetwork of the ELCA

PO Box 250009

Holly Hill, FL 32125
