Grounded in love, UUCW is a joyful community

committed to spiritual growth, inclusion, and justice.

Website: | Email: 262-782-3535

Worship with us in person at 13001 W. North Ave., Brookfield, WI 53005

or online at

UU Church West E-News

This Sunday, April 21, 2024 - 10:00 AM CT

“Beauty’s Divine Breath”


Ministerial Candidate

Jill Braithwaite

Worship Leader: Deb Stevens

Human beings are seekers of beauty. With its ways of drawing us in and opening us up, beauty can be a powerful force for aligning our values and our lives. How can paying attention to beauty do this holy work?


Our theme for April is "The Gift of Interdependence." The UUCW Choir will be sharing beauty through song.

Learn more about Jill Braithwaite.



It's time to meet

the ministerial candidate!

There is a general opportunity after the service on April 21st during Coffee and Conversation, or you can select one of several opportunities to interact with the new candidate.

Different types of events are available - potluck, Zoom, open house, BYO lunch. Take one of these opportunities to spend time with our fabulous candidate!


Why did I receive

two mailings this week?

All members of UUCW will receive two mailings this week informing them of the two upcoming congregational meetings. Please read both mailings and attend both meetings.


April 28 at 11:45 am Congregational Meeting to Call the Minister

We understand from the UUA that ministerial candidates are influenced by participation from the congregation. Your vote matters!

June 2 at 11:30 am Annual Meeting

All official members are invited.


Rev Jullan will be away Friday, April 19 through Monday, April 29. As is usual during study leave time, she can be reached for urgent matters by text or email

The Board of Trustees Meeting

Thursday, April 25th at 7 pm

Room UL4 or on Zoom

Read the complete Board packet to see reports and discussion topics. All are welcome to attend.


The Solstice Singers is a small group that leads chanting and congregational singing at EarthSpirit services throughout the year. The next opportunity to join the Solstice Singers is here, helping to lead the music at the Beltane service on Sunday, May 5.

There are two Tuesday rehearsals at 6 pm on April 23 & 30 under the direction of Ruben Piirainen, Music Director. Music will be learned by rote, so non-music readers are welcome to participate. Please contact Ruben, if interested in participating.

Engaging in UUCW's Shared Ministry 

Potluck Dinner and Collective Visioning

Friday, May 3 - 5:30-8 pm


Come share a fun evening, beginning with the premiere of a light-hearted skit, written by Scott Kopischke, about UUCW's new mission statement. Then, after eating together, we'll share our collective visions for how our various teams can contribute to the realization of our mission.

If you're ready to participate in making stuff happen here, please come! RSVP to receive a full schedule for the evening. 


Love at the Center

Sat, May 11, 9:30-11:30 am


Dave Cicero, DLRE, and Rev. Julie will facilitate this final opportunity to learn about the historic changes coming up for a final vote at the UUA's General Assembly (GA) in June. The proposed changes restate our current Principles and Sources in a new way that highlights the values, inspiration, and commitments in Unitarian Universalism’s “living tradition.”

We're offering this workshop so that you can 'be in the know' before coming to UUCW's Annual Meeting on June 2, where we'll decide how to instruct our delegates to GA to vote. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. We'd appreciate your RSVP to help with planning. Questions? Contact Dave Cicero or Rev. Julie.


Memorial Service

Dennis Alan Briley

Saturday, May 11th at 2 pm

Dennis Briley passed away peacefully on March 28th. Dennis was a long-time and active UUCW member, acting as the Board of Trustees president and serving on other committees, including Earth Ministry and the Social Action Council. Memorials in Dennis’s name may be made to UUCW.

Greeters, ushers, and those who can bring "finger food" are needed.


Sound Technician/Sexton

UUCW is looking for another Sound Technician/Sexton to help fill in the schedule. This position works an average of four hours on Sundays and for special events. Training is provided.


If you or someone you know might be interested in running sound on Sundays, please see the job description for more information or contact Vicki Banville for questions.


Start your informed

and inspiring spiritual journey!

Join us for the next set

of Orientation sessions.

Newcomers and long-time visitors are invited to join Rev. Julie, Dave Cicero, and Membership team members for a

Two-part UU Orientation Class

Wednesdays, May 1 and 8

6:30 - 9 pm 

For more information, Larry Hawley Start your unique UU journey! 


Meet Our New Coffee Team!

Rita Piper and Sue Barbian

Rita Piper has been a UUCW member since 1987 serving coffee for many of those years. She organized the coffee process many years ago and is looking forward to the ease of Sign up Genius.  

Sue Barbian has been a member since 2014 and has been working behind the scenes for some time organizing and stocking all the coffee supplies.

Rita and Barb invite you to volunteer to help set up and serve coffee/juice on Sunday mornings. It’s easy and guidance is available! Sign up below.

Join the UUCW Welcome Team!

You can bring joy to folks just by making and serving coffee! COFFEE SIGN-UP

You can help make our church a welcoming place. GREETER SIGN-UP

Ushers are a core element of our in-person worship. USHER SIGN-UP

Greet and answer questions for our visitors. NEWCOMER TABLE SIGN-UP

If you or someone you know needs Pastoral Care, contact Rev. Julie or the Lay Pastoral Care Team.

Enter your Joy or Concern with the link below and choose whether you'd like them shared in the e-news or shared privately with Rev. Julie.



Earth Ministry has great plans to celebrate Earth Month. Earth Day is every day!

Come visit their table in the community room on Sunday, April 21st. They will have information about pollinators and other earth-friendly ideas! 

Milwaukee Riverkeeper Clean-Up

Saturday, April 20, 9 am-noon

Meeting Location: 51st and W Parkway

Let's clean up Lincoln Creek! Volunteers will meet at the corner of North 51st and W Parkway. Parking is available along W Parkway Dr.

Milwaukee Riverkeeper will provide bags, gloves, supplies and FREE t-shirts, and YOU provide the hands and energy to pick up trash. Grab a garbage bag, and let's clean up!


Earth Ministry's

Movie and Potluck Night

April 26 - 6 pm

Common Ground unveils a dark web of money, power, and politics behind our broken food system. The film reveals how unjust practices forged our current farm system in which farmers of all colors are literally dying to feed us. The film profiles farmers who are using alternative “regenerative” models of agriculture that could balance the climate, save our health, and stabilize America’s economy – before it’s too late.

 Our Split the Plate Partner

for April is Plastic Free MKE


One of the many programs of Riverkeeper is Plastic Free MKE, whose mission is to reduce the harm that plastics have on environmental health, public health, and social justice.


Transparent - Transgender Topics Panel

Saturday, April 27 at 6 pm 

UUCW's Rainbow Connection is hosting a panel discussion with trans kids, parents, and allies to promote understanding and awareness.

Do you have questions about transgender topics, but have been too embarrassed, or afraid of offending someone, to ask? This is your chance to ask. No question is off limits as long as it is asked respectfully, with the intent to accept and understand.

This will be a judgment-free zone! The UU sanctuary is a SAFE space for all.

RSVP is requested but are not required.

Make Chocolates for Mother's Day

Hands-on Class - May 8, 6-8 pm


Join us for a chocolate-making class on Wednesday, May 8th. Make chocolates for your mom or other nurturing person -- or bring your mom and create chocolate memories together.

Julie Toman will guide you in making peanut butter cups as well as how you can help save the world with the chocolate you choose.


The Annual Spring Campus Clean-up

Saturday, May 4th

from 9 am until noon

All ages are welcome to join the Campus Team in cleaning up the exterior grounds in preparation for the warm weather.

We have 17 cubic yards of mulch to apply, weeding to do, branches and litter to pick up and many other tasks to complete to get our grounds in shape. Please let Tom Kruse or Almuth Soffee know if you are able to be of assistance. Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide!

We filled the donation box at the front of the church in March, providing much-needed assistance to the Pewaukee Food Pantry.

Thank you all for your generosity and let’s help them even more by filling the box again during April!



Watch MICAH Interview on

CNN Anderson Cooper Show

Last week star CNN Reporter Donie O'Sullivan had a two-hour conversation with MICAH Reverands Richard Shaw, Joseph Jackson Jr., and Dennis Jacobsen. Part of that conversation as included in a CNN story on White Christian Nationalism. Check it out!



Promote Animal Welfare 

Sunday, April 21 after service

UUCW’s Hogwarts UU RE class is accepting monetary and in-kind donations to support the Wisconsin Humane Society.

The most needed items are:

Soft dog treats

Peanut butter

Canned food

Dog and cat toys


The UU Circle at Harwood Place

April 25 at 10:30 am

Orchard Room (near dining rm) 

8220 Harwood Ave, Wauwatosa

You are invited to join fellow UUs at their monthly gathering for worship, community, and discussion at Harwood Place Retirement Community.

Our theme for this gathering is "The Gift of InterdependencePlease RSVP to Nancy Spancy.


Folk Dance Group

Rescheduled Date is

May 2nd at 7 pm

Come and join us for an evening of folk dancing and community! Our monthly events welcome adults and children over 10 years old (accompanied by an adult) to experience the dances and music from various countries across the globe. On May 2nd at 7 pm, we will mainly do walking dances. Remember to wear comfortable shoes and casual attire to ensure you can move freely. If you have any questions, contact Hank Kulesza

Peer Caregivers mutually share with the gift of heart, meeting next on April 23rd, 1 to 2 pm in UL5. Meetings are regularly scheduled on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. 

Contact Mary Ross or Sue Swearingen for more information. 

The Lay Pastoral Care Team provides a ministry of hope and caring to members going through challenging times.

Rev. Julie can make a match with a team member who will be your listener while you share your story with them.


Beyond UU Church West

Click below for community events and resources from outside our church that align with our UU values and may be of interest to members and friends.



Congratulations to our pie winners selected from submitted pledges throughout the past month. Winners chose their favorite pie flavor and members of the Stewardship Team did the baking. Sharon (pictured) and Carl Munson selected an Apple Streusel while Greg and Terri Kohnert shared a Blueberry pie with their grandchildren. Thank you to all those who submitted their pledges promptly. While the pledge drive is officially complete, your support for UU Church West will always be accepted HERE.

Next Sunday, April 28, 2024 - 10:00 AM CT

“A Sturdy Kind of Love”

Ministerial Candidate

Jill Braithwaite

Worship Leader: Eileen Gleenson

Unitarian Universalism calls us to side with love, to embody love in our lives and communities. What kind of love are we talking about, and how does that matter for our future?


Our theme for April is “The Gift of Interdependence.” The Kaleidoscope Worship Band will perform lovely and inspiring music.  

Learn more about Jill Braithwaite.

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UUCW announcements?

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