Grounded in love, UUCW is a joyful community

committed to spiritual growth, inclusion, and justice.

Website: | Email: 262-782-3535

Worship with us in person at 13001 W. North Ave., Brookfield, WI 53005

or online at

UU Church West E-News

This Sunday, March 3, 2024 - 10:00 AM CT

“Why Change?”


Rev. Julie Stoneberg

It would sure be easier to just stay the same, and yet a constant ‘becoming’ seems to be inherent to the human condition. Our ability to transform provides meaning, direction, purpose, and resilience. So, who are you becoming?

Our theme for March is “The Gift of Transformation.” The UUCW Adult Choir will provide a metamorphic music experience.



In memorium

Shawn Michael Fanning

November 10, 1977 - February 24, 2024

Please join us as we honor the memory of Shawn, spouse of UUCW member Melissa Taylor.

A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, March 2 from 11:00 am to 3 pm, with the service beginning at 12 noon, at UUCW. In lieu of flowers, memorials to the family are appreciated. Donations can be made via Venmo to @Dawn-Baldwin-42, or Zelle at 219-616-5289. 


March is upon us and this year’s annual pledge drive “Mission: Possible!” As we face our new frontier of building and sustaining a fully inclusive and joyful spiritual community, we call on YOU, in love, joy, and generosity to make your pledge and help us go boldly forth where we have never gone before. 

Watch for your personalized Pledge Drive information arriving in your USPS mailbox soon!

Upcoming Pledge Drive

Financial Meetings

March 10th at UUCW at 11:30 am

March 17th at UUCW at 11:30 am

March 27th on Zoom at 7 pm

(link provided in future e-news)

Get ready...

Breaking Bread Dinners

and Sharing Stories

Over 60 people are signed up to gather with other members and friends to share a delicious meal, warm conversation and stories of how participation at UUCW has impacted our respective lives.

Based on the availability information provided in the signup, you will soon receive an email from your assigned host. Dinner location and what potluck dish to bring along with other details will be included.

Re-imagining UUCW's

Social Action Council (SAC): 

An invitation to join the conversation. 


The Social Action Council guides and empowers the varied work we do toward building a world of justice, inclusion, and love. 

After a pandemic hiatus, it's time to re-organize, and a team is forming to get things started. If you'd like to be a part of this, you're invited to come to a meeting on Tuesday, March 19 at 5pm. We'll make plans over a light meal. Please RSVP to Rev. Julie

Marjorie May recently shared her journey to create a place of love and acceptance in her "Letter to the Future."

"...Please join me in the first Rainbow Connection event on Friday, March 1st, and help me celebrate diversity and inclusion at UUCW!" 

If you missed Marjoie's letter that was shared at last week's service, CLICK HERE.

Would you like to write a letter to the future UUCW expressing what you see, what you dream, what you promise? Contact Rev. Julie to share your letter here, or during a Sunday service. 

Each year the Nominating Committee is tasked with creating a slate of member candidates for the Board of Trustees, the Endowment Committee, and the Nominating Committee. We ask all of you to strongly consider being a part of the leadership and governance of this community – a community that means so much to us all!  

On Sundays in March, the Nominating Committee will be in the community room with information about what serving on these committees entails and will answer any questions.


Are You Interested in Representing UUCW at Regional Assembly?

The MidAmerica Region UUA Regional Assembly 2024 is meeting in Madison on Friday, April 19 – Saturday, April 20. We are invited to send members for the entire conference or a short visit. You may attend online as an option. 

Are you interested? Contact Vicki Banville to sign up.


Each year the Endowment Fund Committee accepts grant proposals to fund projects that serve the Endowment Fund missionPrevious grants supported various projects relating to spirituality, safety, youth, the environment, church operating budget support, building enhancement, and social justice. 

Contact the Endowment Committee to learn how your funded project idea can help UUCW achieve its mission! Submit a project using the link below.

Request an Endowment Fund Grant. The submission deadline is March 1!


The Annual Trustee Awards go to three members who took action exhibiting excellence, initiative, and commitment or enhanced the community in a manner that had definable outcomes.

A Long-Term Service Award goes to one member whose long-term activities or commitments to multiple activities or projects over a significant time.

To nominate someone for these awards, please submit the name and up to 75 words describing what the member has done to merit the award. Submit nominations by March 15 to either Kathy White or Barb Holzhauer or via the church office. If you have questions, contact either Kathy or Barb.

Join the Welcome Team!

You can bring joy to folks just by making and serving coffee! COFFEE SIGN-UP

You can help make our church a welcoming place. GREETER SIGN-UP

Ushers are a core element of our in-person worship. USHER SIGN-UP

Greet and answer questions for our visitors. NEWCOMER TABLE SIGN-UP

If you or someone you know needs Pastoral Care, contact Rev. Julie or the Lay Pastoral Care Team.

Enter your Joy or Concern with the link below and choose whether you'd like them shared in the e-news or shared privately with Rev. Julie.



Meet Our New Food Pantry Coordinator Kathy Randall

UUCW Supports the

The Pewaukee Food Pantry for March and April

The pantry serves around 200 families a month, and in today’s economic environment, the number of families and senior citizens needing assistance is growing.


T-Shirts, Sweatshirts,

Turtlenecks, and Tank Tops, Oh My!

Bring your gently used shirts that you no longer wear to Earth Ministry’s next Donation Rotation on March 10th.

Before the service, bring your items to the Community Room. After service, search for treasures. Everything is free and you don’t need to bring an item to take one. Leftover shirts will be donated to Our Space which accepts clothing for its low-income members.  

Contact Pat Ginter with questions.


Guest House

Our next meal at the Guest House will be Saturday, March 16. Please help us provide and serve a meal for the residents of this program. We need main dishes, side dishes, desserts and drinks as well as servers. Please see the link below to find out how you can help and sign up.  

Please reach out to Eileen Gleeson if you have any questions.


March Split the Plate

Supports Courage MKE

In 2019 Courage MKE opened Wisconsin’s first licensed group home for displaced LGBTQ+ youth on Milwaukee’s southside.

Their staff and volunteers are committed to creating an environment in which each resident understands they are a part of the much larger Courage MKE Family. 


SOPHIA's Religious Leader's Caucus invites you to a 3-part series on Seeing Political Issues Clearly. For many voters, the terms and labels used in political ads, conversations, and debates can be confusing.

These thoughtful discussions on issues that have become politicized and not well understood are designed to help you make educated choices.

The last remaining Wednesday is March 6 from 12 -1 pm via Zoom



Topics in Liberal Christian Thought

Thursday, March 21

10:30 am at UUCW

We’ve been hearing more about Christian Nationalism lately, but what exactly is it and is it really such a big deal? It can be strongly argued that Christian Nationalism is not Christian (though it claims to be) and it is even Un-American (though it claims to be). Join us to find out more about the history, sociology, and theology of this movement.


Make Your Own

Non-Toxic Cleaning Products Class

Monday, March 4th from 6-8 pm

Led by Julie Toman

Many household cleaning products are expensive and some can be harmful to our health and the environment. Member Julie Toman will guide you in making two household cleaners to take home. Recipes range from all-purpose cleaners to sanitizing sprays to dish soap. You will also receive samples for other safe and effective cleaning products. Class fee is $15.


Folk Dance Group Starts March 15th

Come and join us for an evening of folk dancing and community! Our monthly events welcome adults and children over 10 years old (accompanied by an adult) to experience the dances and music from countries across the globe.

On March 15th at 7 pm, we will mainly do walking dances. Please wear comfortable shoes and casual attire and bring a refillable water bottle. If you have any questions, contact Hank Kulesza


"Lunch with Rev. Julie"

Friday, March 1 at 12 noon

Enjoy lunch and a time of open conversation with Rev. Julie and anyone else who shows up. Come prepared to participate…to both listen and share your thoughts about worship or anything about UU Church West that concerns or delights you.

There is no need to RSVP. Bring your lunch and favorite beverage. Contact Rev. Julie if you have questions.

 Twisted Stitchers

March 2nd at 1 pm!

Twisted Stitchers is the perfect group for anyone interested in hand-carried arts and crafts. Bring your knitting, crocheting, embroidery, rug making, or any other project that requires a chair, table, good light, and friendly company. If you need help learning how to knit, we're happy to assist.

The Twisted Stitchers meet on the first and third Saturday of each month. For more info, contact Carol Trinastic.

Article II: Love at the Center

March 13 - April 13.

Single-session online workshops exploring the proposed changes to Article II of the UUA Bylaws. If approved at General Assembly in June, these will replace the “7 Principles” with a covenant of Values and commitments.

Sponsored by the Church of the Larger Fellowship and suitable for ages 14 and up. Registration now open.


The Breakfast Group will meet on Tuesday, March 12th at 8 am at Panera Bread, 2095 N Calhoun Rd., Brookfield (second Tuesday of the month). The group also meets online on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 8 am. For more information, contact Jerry Kashmerick.

CommUUnity Connections provides a helping hand to support members of the church community in times of need.

Julie Toman is ready to assist you in March.


Beyond UU Church West

Click below for community events and resources from outside our church that align with our UU values and may be of interest to members and friends.



Lee Humpfner (R) shows new member Steven Whitson one of the duties of a Sunday usher. New ushers like Steven receive strong support from their experienced team members. Please consider being an usher this Sunday and we'll assign a mentor to guide you. USHER SIGN-UP

Next Sunday, March 10, 2024 - 10:00 AM CT

“What Would Ted Lasso Do?”

Rev. Julie Stoneberg

Transformational leadership comes in many shapes and sizes, and maybe can’t even be defined. Except when it happens, things shift. Everybody’s altered. How could each of us be the transformational leaders that our world needs? (And don’t worry. If Ted Lasso isn’t your thing, this service will still speak to you!)

Our theme for March is “The Gift of Transformation.” Our Music Director Ruben Piirainen and guest, Julie Thompson will perform beautiful music for today’s service. 

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