Grounded in love, UUCW is a joyful community

committed to spiritual growth, inclusion, and justice.

Website: | Email: 262-782-3535

Worship with us in person at 13001 W. North Ave., Brookfield, WI 53005

or online at

UU Church West E-News

This Sunday, May 19, 2024 - 10:00 AM CT

"Transitions Across the Lifespan"


Dave Cicero, Director of Lifespan Education, and Stephen Frey

“Coming of Age” is a rite of passage traditionally marking the transition from childhood to adolescence. This year, UUCW’s “Jr. High” Religious Ed. students help us all join the trend of celebrating those among us experiencing life transitions at various ages. Children will be dedicated. HS Seniors will "bridge". New adult Members will be welcomed.

And a multi-generational representation of the congregation will weave together their dreams for its collective future.

Our theme for May is “The Gift of Pluralism.” Ruben Piirainen will provide beautiful music.


Thanks to the generosity of former and current members of UUCW we are fortunate to have an Endowment Fund to help our congregation to grow in perpetuity and support the financial stability of the church. Earnings from this fund have supplied a safety cushion for emergency or recurring expenses, provided enrichment opportunities that might not otherwise be available, and helped promote the eight UU principles in both the Church community and the greater community. 

Let's take the time to recognize and thank those who gave to the fund from 2011 to May 2024.  Thank you!


The UUA's Congregational Life staff is sponsoring empowering conversations for congregational leaders.

Congregations often find themselves grappling with complex and sensitive issues. Whether navigating Article II or addressing difficult scenarios within your congregation, having the right tools is essential. Are you striving to foster open dialogue within your congregation? Are you seeking support from fellow leaders? These Zoom discussions offer a space to share experiences and gain valuable support.

Two dates are offered: May 20 at 6:30 pm CT or June 3 at 8:30 pm CT.


The Board of Trustees Meeting

Thursday, May 23rd at 7 pm

Room UL4 or on Zoom

Attention Members: The Annual Meeting is on June 2 at 11:30 am 

Our Sunday service and the Annual Meeting will be on our website's Livestream Page.

The page will be updated at 11:20 am with the new meeting link. This means if you are watching the service online, you will need to "refresh" your screen after this time to watch the meeting.

Supervision for children under 12 will be provided during the meeting. Contact Dave Cicero to RSVP.


Soul Lunch:

Nourishment for the Grieving 

Saturday, June 1

11:30 am - 1:30 pm 

If you are grieving a loss and would be comforted by spending time with others on a similar journey, the Lay Pastoral Care Team invites you to join them for lunch. 

There'll be an opportunity to share (optional) through a simple ritual. Together, we can help each other through. Lunch will be provided. 


Upcoming Nursery & RE schedule

Childcare and Religious Education classes during Sunday morning service for the next few weeks:

May 19: Multi-gen worship (incl. YRUU; no RE; Nursery “tbd”)

May 26:  Nursery closed; no RE (“Exploration Table” open; no YRUU)

June 2: RE classes and Nursery; YRUU will offer their car wash

Mark your calendars

for June 2nd!

The YRUU youth group’s car wash fundraiser is scheduled for Sunday,

June 2, weather permitting.

Bring your car to the west parking lot before service and the YRUUs will give your vehicle an environmentally friendly hand wash and dry while you enjoy UUCW’s wonderful Sunday service AND the Annual Meeting.

You choose the donation amount. For more information, contact Amy White.

New Affinity Group at UUCW!

Join the "Ouutsiders," a vibrant affinity group for enthusiasts of all skill levels. 

Whether you're into walking, biking, paddling, or bird watching, there's something for everyone. With 20+ members and growing, the Ouutsiders is a great way to connect with nature and fellow outdoor enthusiasts.


All members are encouraged to share or host events, creating a dynamic and interactive community. Contact Lisa Larson to be added to the communications list.

Join the UUCW Welcome Team!

You can bring joy to folks just by making and serving coffee! COFFEE SIGN-UP

You can help make our church a welcoming place. GREETER SIGN-UP

Ushers are a core element of our in-person worship. USHER SIGN-UP

Greet and answer questions for our visitors. NEWCOMER TABLE SIGN-UP

If you or someone you know needs Pastoral Care, contact Rev. Julie or the Lay Pastoral Care Team.

Enter your Joy or Concern with the link below and choose whether you'd like them shared in the e-news or shared privately with Rev. Julie.



Our Split the Plate Partner

for May is STRYV365


Many children in under-resourced neighborhoods experience traumas such as violence, bullying, financial family worries, or drug-related issues. This is where STRYV365 comes in.  


Our next turn to provide a meal

at the Guest House will be Saturday, May 18th.

Please help us provide food to the residents of this program. As usual, we need main dishes, side dishes, drinks, and desserts as well as some helpers to serve the meal. See our sign-up for more information.

Contact Eileen Gleeson if you have any questions. Thanks so much for your generosity,


For May and June, the selected food pantry will be Friends with Food.

Located in Waukesha, Friends with Food was organized to respond to a community need for food and supplies and to enrich people's lives through friendship and nourishment.



Twisted Stitchers

Saturday, May 18th at 1 pm

You are all invited to join us at Twisted Stitches this Saturday at 1 pm at church to work on crafts (knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, painting, anything) and enjoy a lively and fun conversation. Just come to enjoy the conversation!

We look forward to seeing you there!

The Twisted Stitchers meet on the first and third Saturday of each month. For more info, contact Carol Trinastic.

The Meditation Group moves outdoors in good weather.

The Meditation group gathers every Wednesday at 10 am at UUCW or a garden in Wauwatosa, depending on the weather. Each session includes a 45-minute silent meditation, with flexibility in duration for personal comfort.

Ideal for both beginners and seasoned practitioners, the group invites new members to explore meditation practices. Interested individuals should contact Terese Dineen to participate in an upcoming session.

“Making Magic”

UUCW Summer Camp ’24

August 5-9, 8 am-3 pm

New theme; same dates/times & goals – Community, Fun & Growth! Children aged 6-13 (entering Gr.1-8 in the fall) are encouraged to be part of this joyful day camp experience. Campers will bond with peers and learn to transform their worlds into ones in which they can live the shared UU values of fairness, connection, generosity, and love.


The UU Circle at Harwood Place

May 23 at 10:30 am

Orchard Room (near dining rm) 

8220 Harwood Ave, Wauwatosa

You are invited to join fellow UUs at their monthly gathering for worship, community, and discussion at Harwood Place Retirement Community.

Our theme for this gathering is "The Gift of PluralismPlease RSVP to Nancy Spancy.


The Lay Pastoral Care Team provides a ministry of hope and caring to members going through challenging times.

Rev. Julie can make a match with a team member who will be your listener while you share your story with them.


Beyond UU Church West

Click below for community events and resources from outside our church that align with our UU values and may be of interest to members and friends.



UUCW's "moveable feast" concluded its year-long series of dinners, designed to foster connections within the community. From October to April, members hosted and attended dinners in a rotating fashion, allowing attendees to enjoy delicious meals and engaging conversations. Watch for the return of the dinners this fall.

Next Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 10:00 AM CT

"After E Pluribus...Comes What?"

The Rev. Julie Stoneberg

Is diversity the opposite of unity? Is difference anathema to peace? When we open ourselves to more perspectives and cultures, what do we get? Sometimes we avoid difference because it is uncomfortable or because we fear it leads to conflict. So, let's look at the true gifts of pluralism. 

Our theme for May is "The Gift of Pluralism." Our music will be performed by Jenny Horvath, Guest Accompanist.

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