Grounded in love, UUCW is a joyful community

committed to spiritual growth, inclusion, and justice.

Website: | Email: 262-782-3535

Worship with us in person at 13001 W. North Ave., Brookfield, WI 53005

or online at

UU Church West E-News

This Sunday, March 31, 2024 - 10:00 AM CT

The Exuberance of Ephemerals

Spring Break Schedule: Our Nursery will be open; A special Group RE is planned but there is no YRUU.

Rev. Julie Stoneberg

On this Easter Sunday, let’s celebrate where new life arises, within and without. Re-births and transformations may seem surprising and unplanned, and yet something prepared the way. For an explosion of spring flowers to happen, a network of mutuality and interdependence has to be in place. What’s our place in all of that?

Our theme for March is “The Gift of Transformation.” The Kaleidoscope Worship Band will offer uplifting music to bring joy and spiritual connection.



Voting to Call a new Minister – Your Role!

We each have a role in offering a call to a new minister. Our Minister Search Team has been working very hard behind the scenes and has developed a short list of candidates, one of whom will be extended an offer at the end of March – very soon after this is published.

Learn more about how you play a role in the important process of Candidating Week, held from April 21-28.


The Board of Trustees Meeting

will be held

Tonight, March 28th at 7 pm.

Read the complete Board packet to see monthly reports and discussion topics.


or online - Zoom Link:

 Everyone is welcome to attend.


Shared Ministry Meeting Recap

After a very tasty and generous potluck meal, twenty UUCWers gathered in a circle this past Sunday, Sunday, to bring their heads and hearts together.

They had come at the invitation of the Transition Team for the last community conversation of the interim ministry. They had come to talk about future possibilities for shared ministry. 


UU Church West's

Mission: Possible Pledge Drive 2024

The Stewardship team is delighted to announce Sharon and Carl Munson as the lucky winners of a delicious homemade pie!

During last week's service, the names of Sharon and Carl were drawn at random from those who had recently sent in their pledges.

To celebrate their timeliness, a scrumptious pie in the flavor of their choice will be baked for them by the Stewardship Team.

Get your pledge in now and

YOU, too, could win a pie!

Other recipients will be chosen on Sundays, April 7th and 14th during our worship service. Send in your pledge to ensure you are included in one of these drawings.


or email your pledge to Vicki Banville or return the paper form you received via USPS to the church office.

Spring Elections – April 2 

Two important statewide constitutional amendments will be on your ballot for this April's election. They were passed by the Republican majority in the Legislature over the last several years to be put before voters for approval or rejection. Click below for more about these two amendments.

Vote your values! UUCW folks are encouraged to talk to others about who they’re voting for and why. Karen Zimmerman (Wauwatosa) and Amy Zimmerman (Brookfield) are willing to share their thoughts with you.


Are You Interested in Attending the Regional Assembly?

The MidAmerica Region UUA Regional Assembly 2024 is meeting in Madison (That's practically in our backyard!) on Friday, April 19 – Saturday, April 20. It's a multi-day conference centered on connecting individuals, congregations, and regions.

We encourage members to attend the entire conference, a day trip, or online. Are you interested? The deadline to register is April 12th.


Nominating Update!

Do you have a desire to play a role in the collaborative guidance of this Church? Seek to better understand and contribute to the maintenance and future growth of our congregation? The opportunity to work side by side with other church members and our new Minister to help UUCW charter through the next 3 years on the Board is available. Please visit the Committee table after service in the Community Room to discuss this opportunity more! Thank you to all the Members who have stepped up to be Committee candidates for openings on Endowment, Nominating and the Board for our Spring election so far. 

Pruning Day at UUCW

Saturday, April 6th is Pruning Day at UUCW. Volunteers are invited to bring loppers, pruning shears, hedge trimmers, pole saws, etc. and join us from 9-noon to prune plantings around our campus.

All members, young and old, are invited to assist. Please rsvp to Jim Maletta or Almuth Soffee if you can assist.  

It's the last week to nominate someone special for an award!

The Annual Trustee Awards go to members who took action exhibiting excellence and commitment or enhanced the community in a manner that had definable outcomes.

A Long-Term Service Award goes to one member whose commitments went to multiple activities or projects over a significant amount of time.

To nominate someone for these awards, please submit the name and up to 75 words describing what the member has done to merit the award. Nominations are due by April 1 to either Kathy White or Barb Holzhauer.

Start your informed

and inspiring spiritual journey!

Join us for the next set

of Orientation sessions.

Newcomers and long-time visitors are invited to join Rev. Julie, Dave Cicero, and Membership team members for a

Two-part UU Orientation Class

Wednesdays, May 1 and 8

6:30 - 9 pm 

For more information, Larry Hawley Start your unique UU journey! 


Join the UUCW Welcome Team!

You can bring joy to folks just by making and serving coffee! COFFEE SIGN-UP

You can help make our church a welcoming place. GREETER SIGN-UP

Ushers are a core element of our in-person worship. USHER SIGN-UP

Greet and answer questions for our visitors. NEWCOMER TABLE SIGN-UP

If you or someone you know needs Pastoral Care, contact Rev. Julie or the Lay Pastoral Care Team.

Enter your Joy or Concern with the link below and choose whether you'd like them shared in the e-news or shared privately with Rev. Julie.



Garden and Garage Donation Rotation

Come to Earth Ministry’s Donation Rotation on Sunday, April 7th. Browse the gathered items for/from the Garden and Garage!

Before the service, bring your gardening implements, tools, outdoor sporting equipment, and pet supplies to the Community Room. After service, browse and find treasures. Everything is free and you don’t need to bring an item to take one.

If you have any questions, please contact Pat Ginter.

Milwaukee Riverkeeper Clean-Up

Saturday, April 20th

9 am-noon

Meeting Location: 51st and W Parkway

Let's clean up Lincoln Creek! Volunteers will meet at the corner of N 51st and W Parkway. Parking is available along W Parkway Dr.

Milwaukee Riverkeeper will provide bags, gloves, supplies and FREE t-shirts, and YOU provide the hands and energy to pick up trash. Grab a garbage bag, and let's clean up!


Make Chocolates for Mother's Day

Hands-on Class - May 8, 6-8 pm

Join us for a chocolate-making class on Wednesday, May 8th. Make chocolates for your mom or other nurturing person -- or bring your mom and create chocolate memories together.

Julie Toman will guide you in making peanut butter cups as well as how you can help save the world with the chocolate you choose.


Voice Your Concerns About Impediments to Incarcerated Communications with Families

Our Quaker Neighbors are asking us to join them in expressing concerns about the limits communication technology is placing on incarcerated persons and their families and other loved ones. Charges to send letters and messages creates a financial burden on those who can least afford it.



Lunch with Rev. Julie

Friday, April 5 at 12 noon

Enjoy lunch and a time of open conversation with Rev. Julie and anyone else who shows up. Come prepared to participate…to both listen and share your thoughts about worship or anything about UU Church West that concerns or delights you.

There is no need to RSVP. Bring your lunch and favorite beverage. Contact Rev. Julie if you have questions.

 Twisted Stitchers

April 6th at 1 pm!

Twisted Stitchers is the perfect group for anyone interested in hand-carried arts and crafts. Bring your knitting, crocheting, embroidery, rug making, or any other project that requires a chair, table, good light, and friendly company. If you need help learning how to knit, we're happy to assist.

The Twisted Stitchers meet on the first and third Saturday of each month in UL3. For more info, contact Carol Trinastic.

The Lay Pastoral Care Team provides a ministry of hope and caring to members going through challenging times.

Rev. Julie can make a match with a team member who will be your listener while you share your story with them.


Beyond UU Church West

Click below for community events and resources from outside our church that align with our UU values and may be of interest to members and friends.



Bravo! Last Sunday, the UUCW Adult Choir performed "Sun and Moon," an evocative choral work that speaks to the universal human experience of love in the face of adversity. Click on the image to play the recorded performance.

Next Sunday, April 7, 2024 - 10:00 AM CT

Whose Are We?

Rev. Julie Stoneberg

Do you believe (in the language of Thich Nhat Hanh) that we "InterBe" with all that is? Let's explore how a deep sense of belonging...that is, knowing whose we are...can enhance and enrich the lived experience of interdependence. 

Our theme for April is "The Gift of Interdependence"

The UUCW Choir will perform beautiful music. 

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